# Automatic Spotify scrape Looks for your local music files on Spotify and helps you create a playlist. This is useful for migrating your local music to Spotify. **Your tracks need to have valid metadata (artist and title is the minimum)!**. Feel free to use `https://lunasqu.ee/callback` as a callback url. It just prints query parameters to html. even if i wanted to i couldn't steal your code as i do not know your client secret. 1. create Spotify app: https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard/login 2. `npm i` 3. put your Spotify credentials in `credentials.json` following the example. 4. `node metasearcher.js /path/to/music/directory` scan the directory for music files and create a `spotify.json` file from matches. 5. `node resultvisualizer.js` create a html table from the `spotify.json` file.