Make canvas2svg work with jsdom

This commit is contained in:
Conrad Irwin 2015-09-05 15:49:02 -07:00
parent d3b5e999c8
commit 39e081b711

View File

@ -72,29 +72,6 @@
return mapping[textBaseline] || mapping.alphabetic;
* Creates the specified svg element
* @private
function createElement(elementName, properties, resetFill) {
if (typeof properties === "undefined") {
properties = {};
var element = document.createElementNS("", elementName),
keys = Object.keys(properties), i, key;
if(resetFill) {
//if fill or stroke is not specified, the svg element should not display. By default SVG's fill is black.
element.setAttribute("fill", "none");
element.setAttribute("stroke", "none");
for(i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
key = keys[i];
element.setAttribute(key, properties[key]);
return element;
// Unpack entities lookup where the numbers are in radix 32 to reduce the size
// entity mapping courtesy of tinymce
namedEntities = createNamedToNumberedLookup(
@ -198,15 +175,16 @@
* @param gradientNode - reference to the gradient
* @constructor
CanvasGradient = function(gradientNode) {
CanvasGradient = function(gradientNode, ctx) {
this.__root = gradientNode;
this.__ctx = ctx;
* Adds a color stop to the gradient root
CanvasGradient.prototype.addColorStop = function(offset, color) {
var stop = createElement("stop"), regex, matches;
var stop = this.__ctx.__createElement("stop"), regex, matches;
stop.setAttribute("offset", offset);
if(color.indexOf("rgba") !== -1) {
//separate alpha value, since webkit can't handle it
@ -231,10 +209,11 @@
* width - width of your canvas (defaults to 500)
* height - height of your canvas (defaults to 500)
* enableMirroring - enables canvas mirroring (get image data) (defaults to false)
* document - the document object (defaults to the current document)
ctx = function(o) {
var defaultOptions = { width:500, height:500, enableMirroring : false }, options;
var defaultOptions = { width:500, height:500, enableMirroring : false}, options;
//keep support for this way of calling C2S: new C2S(width,height)
if(arguments.length > 1) {
@ -258,7 +237,8 @@
this.enableMirroring = options.enableMirroring !== undefined ? options.enableMirroring : defaultOptions.enableMirroring;
this.canvas = this; ///point back to this instance!
this.__canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
this.__document = options.document || document;
this.__canvas = this.__document.createElement("canvas");
this.__ctx = this.__canvas.getContext("2d");
@ -266,7 +246,7 @@
this.__groupStack = [];
//the root svg element
this.__root = document.createElementNS("", "svg");
this.__root = this.__document.createElementNS("", "svg");
this.__root.setAttribute("version", 1.1);
this.__root.setAttribute("xmlns", "");
this.__root.setAttributeNS("", "xmlns:xlink", "");
@ -277,14 +257,38 @@
this.__ids = {};
//defs tag
this.__defs = document.createElementNS("", "defs");
this.__defs = this.__document.createElementNS("", "defs");
//also add a group child. the svg element can't use the transform attribute
this.__currentElement = document.createElementNS("", "g");
this.__currentElement = this.__document.createElementNS("", "g");
* Creates the specified svg element
* @private
ctx.prototype.__createElement = function (elementName, properties, resetFill) {
if (typeof properties === "undefined") {
properties = {};
var element = this.__document.createElementNS("", elementName),
keys = Object.keys(properties), i, key;
if(resetFill) {
//if fill or stroke is not specified, the svg element should not display. By default SVG's fill is black.
element.setAttribute("fill", "none");
element.setAttribute("stroke", "none");
for(i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
key = keys[i];
element.setAttribute(key, properties[key]);
return element;
* Applies default canvas styles to the context
* @private
@ -426,7 +430,7 @@
* Will generate a group tag.
*/ = function() {
var group = createElement("g"), parent = this.__closestGroupOrSvg();
var group = this.__createElement("g"), parent = this.__closestGroupOrSvg();
this.__currentElement = group;
@ -451,7 +455,7 @@
//if the current element has siblings, add another group
var parent = this.__closestGroupOrSvg();
if(parent.childNodes.length > 0) {
var group = createElement("g");
var group = this.__createElement("g");
this.__currentElement = group;
@ -509,7 +513,7 @@
this.__currentDefaultPath = "";
this.__currentPosition = {};
path = createElement("path", {}, true);
path = this.__createElement("path", {}, true);
parent = this.__closestGroupOrSvg();
this.__currentElement = path;
@ -732,7 +736,7 @@
ctx.prototype.fillRect = function(x, y, width, height){
var rect, parent;
rect = createElement("rect", {
rect = this.__createElement("rect", {
x : x,
y : y,
width : width,
@ -753,7 +757,7 @@
ctx.prototype.strokeRect = function(x, y, width, height){
var rect, parent;
rect = createElement("rect", {
rect = this.__createElement("rect", {
x : x,
y : y,
width : width,
@ -771,7 +775,7 @@
ctx.prototype.clearRect = function(x, y, width, height) {
var rect, parent = this.__closestGroupOrSvg();
rect = createElement("rect", {
rect = this.__createElement("rect", {
x : x,
y : y,
width : width,
@ -786,7 +790,7 @@
* Returns a canvas gradient object that has a reference to it's parent def
ctx.prototype.createLinearGradient = function(x1, y1, x2, y2){
var grad = createElement("linearGradient", {
var grad = this.__createElement("linearGradient", {
id : randomString(this.__ids),
x1 : x1+"px",
x2 : x2+"px",
@ -795,7 +799,7 @@
"gradientUnits" : "userSpaceOnUse"
}, false);
return new CanvasGradient(grad);
return new CanvasGradient(grad, this);
@ -803,7 +807,7 @@
* Returns a canvas gradient object that has a reference to it's parent def
ctx.prototype.createRadialGradient = function(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1){
var grad = createElement("radialGradient", {
var grad = this.__createElement("radialGradient", {
id : randomString(this.__ids),
cx : x1+"px",
cy : y1+"px",
@ -813,7 +817,7 @@
"gradientUnits" : "userSpaceOnUse"
}, false);
return new CanvasGradient(grad);
return new CanvasGradient(grad, this);
@ -855,7 +859,7 @@
ctx.prototype.__wrapTextLink = function(font, element) {
if(font.href) {
var a = createElement("a");
var a = this.__createElement("a");
a.setAttributeNS("", "xlink:href", font.href);
return a;
@ -874,7 +878,7 @@
ctx.prototype.__applyText = function(text, x, y, action) {
var font = this.__parseFont(),
parent = this.__closestGroupOrSvg(),
textElement = createElement("text", {
textElement = this.__createElement("text", {
"font-family" :,
"font-size" : font.size,
"font-style" :,
@ -886,7 +890,7 @@
"dominant-baseline": getDominantBaseline(this.textBaseline)
}, true);
this.__currentElement = textElement;
@ -963,9 +967,9 @@
ctx.prototype.clip = function(){
var group = this.__closestGroupOrSvg(),
clipPath = createElement("clipPath"),
clipPath = this.__createElement("clipPath"),
id = randomString(this.__ids),
newGroup = createElement("g");
newGroup = this.__createElement("g");
clipPath.setAttribute("id", id);
@ -1043,14 +1047,14 @@
this.__currentElement = currentElement;
} else if(image.nodeName === "CANVAS" || image.nodeName === "IMG") {
//canvas or image
svgImage = createElement("image");
svgImage = this.__createElement("image");
svgImage.setAttribute("width", dw);
svgImage.setAttribute("height", dh);
svgImage.setAttribute("preserveAspectRatio", "none");
if(sx || sy || sw !== image.width || sh !== image.height) {
//crop the image using a temporary canvas
canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas = this.__document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = dw;
canvas.height = dh;
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
@ -1071,13 +1075,13 @@
* Generates a pattern tag
ctx.prototype.createPattern = function(image, repetition){
var pattern = document.createElementNS("", "pattern"), id = randomString(this.__ids),
var pattern = this.__document.createElementNS("", "pattern"), id = randomString(this.__ids),
pattern.setAttribute("id", id);
pattern.setAttribute("width", image.width);
pattern.setAttribute("height", image.height);
if(image.nodeName === "CANVAS" || image.nodeName === "IMG") {
img = document.createElementNS("", "image");
img = this.__document.createElementNS("", "image");
img.setAttribute("width", image.width);
img.setAttribute("height", image.height);
img.setAttributeNS("", "xlink:href",
@ -1102,7 +1106,9 @@
ctx.prototype.setTransform = function(){};
//add options for alternative namespace
window.C2S = ctx;
if (typeof window === "object") {
window.C2S = ctx;
// CommonJS/Browserify
if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") {