Canvas2Svg ========== This library turns your Canvas into SVG using javascript. In other words, this library lets you build an SVG document using the canvas api. Why use it? * You have a canvas drawing you want to persist as an SVG file. * You like exporting things. * Because you didn't want to transform your custom file format to SVG. Demo ========== How it works ========== We create a mock 2d canvas context. Use the canvas context like you would on a normal canvas. As you call methods, we build up a scene graph in SVG. Yay! Usage ========== ```javascript //Create a new mock canvas context. Pass in your desired width and height for your svg document. var ctx = new C2S(500,500); //draw your canvas like you would normally ctx.fillStyle="red"; ctx.fillRect(100,100,100,100); //etc... //serialize your SVG var mySerializedSVG = ctx.getSerializedSvg(); //true here, if you need to convert named to numbered entities. //If you really need to you can access the shadow inline SVG created by calling: var svg = ctx.getSvg(); ``` Misc ========== Some canvas 2d context methods are not implemented yet. Watch out for setTransform and arcTo. License ========== This library is licensed under the MIT license.