import { format } from './utils'; export default (function () { "use strict"; var Path2D; Path2D = function (ctx, arg) { if (!ctx) { console.error("Path2D must be passed the context"); } if (typeof arg === 'string') { // Initialize from string path. this.__pathString = arg; } else if (typeof arg === 'object') { // Initialize by copying another path. this.__pathString = arg.__pathString; } else { // Initialize a new path. this.__pathString = ""; } this.ctx = ctx; this.__currentPosition = {x: undefined, y: undefined}; } Path2D.prototype.__matrixTransform = function(x, y) { return this.ctx.__matrixTransform(x, y); } Path2D.prototype.addPath = function(path, transform) { if (transform) console.error("transform argument to addPath is not supported"); this.__pathString = this.__pathString + " " + path; } /** * Closes the current path */ Path2D.prototype.closePath = function () { this.addPath("Z"); }; /** * Adds the move command to the current path element, * if the currentPathElement is not empty create a new path element */ Path2D.prototype.moveTo = function (x,y) { // creates a new subpath with the given point this.__currentPosition = {x: x, y: y}; this.addPath(format("M {x} {y}", { x: this.__matrixTransform(x, y).x, y: this.__matrixTransform(x, y).y })); }; /** * Adds a line to command */ Path2D.prototype.lineTo = function (x, y) { this.__currentPosition = {x: x, y: y}; if (this.__pathString.indexOf('M') > -1) { this.addPath(format("L {x} {y}", { x: this.__matrixTransform(x, y).x, y: this.__matrixTransform(x, y).y })); } else { this.addPath(format("M {x} {y}", { x: this.__matrixTransform(x, y).x, y: this.__matrixTransform(x, y).y })); } }; /** * Adds a rectangle to the path. */ Path2D.prototype.rect = function (x, y, width, height) { if (this.__currentElement.nodeName !== "path") { this.beginPath(); } this.moveTo(x, y); this.lineTo(x+width, y); this.lineTo(x+width, y+height); this.lineTo(x, y+height); this.lineTo(x, y); this.closePath(); }; /** * Add a bezier command */ Path2D.prototype.bezierCurveTo = function (cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y) { this.__currentPosition = {x: x, y: y}; this.addPath(format("C {cp1x} {cp1y} {cp2x} {cp2y} {x} {y}", { cp1x: this.__matrixTransform(cp1x, cp1y).x, cp1y: this.__matrixTransform(cp1x, cp1y).y, cp2x: this.__matrixTransform(cp2x, cp2y).x, cp2y: this.__matrixTransform(cp2x, cp2y).y, x: this.__matrixTransform(x, y).x, y: this.__matrixTransform(x, y).y })); }; /** * Adds a quadratic curve to command */ Path2D.prototype.quadraticCurveTo = function (cpx, cpy, x, y) { this.__currentPosition = {x: x, y: y}; this.addPath(format("Q {cpx} {cpy} {x} {y}", { cpx: this.__matrixTransform(cpx, cpy).x, cpy: this.__matrixTransform(cpx, cpy).y, x: this.__matrixTransform(x, y).x, y: this.__matrixTransform(x, y).y })); }; /** * Arc command! */ Path2D.prototype.arc = function (x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, counterClockwise) { // in canvas no circle is drawn if no angle is provided. if (startAngle === endAngle) { return; } startAngle = startAngle % (2*Math.PI); endAngle = endAngle % (2*Math.PI); if (startAngle === endAngle) { //circle time! subtract some of the angle so svg is happy (svg elliptical arc can't draw a full circle) endAngle = ((endAngle + (2*Math.PI)) - 0.001 * (counterClockwise ? -1 : 1)) % (2*Math.PI); } var endX = x+radius*Math.cos(endAngle), endY = y+radius*Math.sin(endAngle), startX = x+radius*Math.cos(startAngle), startY = y+radius*Math.sin(startAngle), sweepFlag = counterClockwise ? 0 : 1, largeArcFlag = 0, diff = endAngle - startAngle; // if (diff < 0) { diff += 2*Math.PI; } if (counterClockwise) { largeArcFlag = diff > Math.PI ? 0 : 1; } else { largeArcFlag = diff > Math.PI ? 1 : 0; } var scaleX = Math.hypot(this.ctx.__transformMatrix.a, this.ctx.__transformMatrix.b); var scaleY = Math.hypot(this.ctx.__transformMatrix.c, this.ctx.__transformMatrix.d); this.lineTo(startX, startY); this.addPath(format("A {rx} {ry} {xAxisRotation} {largeArcFlag} {sweepFlag} {endX} {endY}", { rx:radius * scaleX, ry:radius * scaleY, xAxisRotation:0, largeArcFlag:largeArcFlag, sweepFlag:sweepFlag, endX: this.__matrixTransform(endX, endY).x, endY: this.__matrixTransform(endX, endY).y })); this.__currentPosition = {x: endX, y: endY}; }; /** * Return a new normalized vector of given vector */ var normalize = function (vector) { var len = Math.sqrt(vector[0] * vector[0] + vector[1] * vector[1]); return [vector[0] / len, vector[1] / len]; }; /** * Adds the arcTo to the current path * * @see */ Path2D.prototype.arcTo = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, radius) { // Let the point (x0, y0) be the last point in the subpath. var x0 = this.__currentPosition && this.__currentPosition.x; var y0 = this.__currentPosition && this.__currentPosition.y; // First ensure there is a subpath for (x1, y1). if (typeof x0 == "undefined" || typeof y0 == "undefined") { return; } // Negative values for radius must cause the implementation to throw an IndexSizeError exception. if (radius < 0) { throw new Error("IndexSizeError: The radius provided (" + radius + ") is negative."); } // If the point (x0, y0) is equal to the point (x1, y1), // or if the point (x1, y1) is equal to the point (x2, y2), // or if the radius radius is zero, // then the method must add the point (x1, y1) to the subpath, // and connect that point to the previous point (x0, y0) by a straight line. if (((x0 === x1) && (y0 === y1)) || ((x1 === x2) && (y1 === y2)) || (radius === 0)) { this.lineTo(x1, y1); return; } // Otherwise, if the points (x0, y0), (x1, y1), and (x2, y2) all lie on a single straight line, // then the method must add the point (x1, y1) to the subpath, // and connect that point to the previous point (x0, y0) by a straight line. var unit_vec_p1_p0 = normalize([x0 - x1, y0 - y1]); var unit_vec_p1_p2 = normalize([x2 - x1, y2 - y1]); if (unit_vec_p1_p0[0] * unit_vec_p1_p2[1] === unit_vec_p1_p0[1] * unit_vec_p1_p2[0]) { this.lineTo(x1, y1); return; } // Otherwise, let The Arc be the shortest arc given by circumference of the circle that has radius radius, // and that has one point tangent to the half-infinite line that crosses the point (x0, y0) and ends at the point (x1, y1), // and that has a different point tangent to the half-infinite line that ends at the point (x1, y1), and crosses the point (x2, y2). // The points at which this circle touches these two lines are called the start and end tangent points respectively. // note that both vectors are unit vectors, so the length is 1 var cos = (unit_vec_p1_p0[0] * unit_vec_p1_p2[0] + unit_vec_p1_p0[1] * unit_vec_p1_p2[1]); var theta = Math.acos(Math.abs(cos)); // Calculate origin var unit_vec_p1_origin = normalize([ unit_vec_p1_p0[0] + unit_vec_p1_p2[0], unit_vec_p1_p0[1] + unit_vec_p1_p2[1] ]); var len_p1_origin = radius / Math.sin(theta / 2); var x = x1 + len_p1_origin * unit_vec_p1_origin[0]; var y = y1 + len_p1_origin * unit_vec_p1_origin[1]; // Calculate start angle and end angle // rotate 90deg clockwise (note that y axis points to its down) var unit_vec_origin_start_tangent = [ -unit_vec_p1_p0[1], unit_vec_p1_p0[0] ]; // rotate 90deg counter clockwise (note that y axis points to its down) var unit_vec_origin_end_tangent = [ unit_vec_p1_p2[1], -unit_vec_p1_p2[0] ]; var getAngle = function (vector) { // get angle (clockwise) between vector and (1, 0) var x = vector[0]; var y = vector[1]; if (y >= 0) { // note that y axis points to its down return Math.acos(x); } else { return -Math.acos(x); } }; var startAngle = getAngle(unit_vec_origin_start_tangent); var endAngle = getAngle(unit_vec_origin_end_tangent); // Connect the point (x0, y0) to the start tangent point by a straight line this.lineTo(x + unit_vec_origin_start_tangent[0] * radius, y + unit_vec_origin_start_tangent[1] * radius); // Connect the start tangent point to the end tangent point by arc // and adding the end tangent point to the subpath. this.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle); }; /** * Ellipse command! */ Path2D.prototype.ellipse = function(x, y, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle, endAngle, counterClockwise) { if (startAngle === endAngle) { return; } var transformedCenter = this.__matrixTransform(x, y); x = transformedCenter.x; y = transformedCenter.y; var scale = this.ctx.__getTransformScale(); radiusX = radiusX * scale.x; radiusY = radiusY * scale.y; rotation = rotation + this.ctx.__getTransformRotation() startAngle = startAngle % (2*Math.PI); endAngle = endAngle % (2*Math.PI); if(startAngle === endAngle) { endAngle = ((endAngle + (2*Math.PI)) - 0.001 * (counterClockwise ? -1 : 1)) % (2*Math.PI); } var endX = x + Math.cos(-rotation) * radiusX * Math.cos(endAngle) + Math.sin(-rotation) * radiusY * Math.sin(endAngle), endY = y - Math.sin(-rotation) * radiusX * Math.cos(endAngle) + Math.cos(-rotation) * radiusY * Math.sin(endAngle), startX = x + Math.cos(-rotation) * radiusX * Math.cos(startAngle) + Math.sin(-rotation) * radiusY * Math.sin(startAngle), startY = y - Math.sin(-rotation) * radiusX * Math.cos(startAngle) + Math.cos(-rotation) * radiusY * Math.sin(startAngle), sweepFlag = counterClockwise ? 0 : 1, largeArcFlag = 0, diff = endAngle - startAngle; if(diff < 0) { diff += 2*Math.PI; } if(counterClockwise) { largeArcFlag = diff > Math.PI ? 0 : 1; } else { largeArcFlag = diff > Math.PI ? 1 : 0; } // Transform is already applied, so temporarily remove since lineTo // will apply it again. var currentTransform = this.ctx.__transformMatrix; this.ctx.resetTransform(); this.lineTo(startX, startY); this.ctx.__transformMatrix = currentTransform; this.addPath(format("A {rx} {ry} {xAxisRotation} {largeArcFlag} {sweepFlag} {endX} {endY}", { rx:radiusX, ry:radiusY, xAxisRotation:rotation*(180/Math.PI), largeArcFlag:largeArcFlag, sweepFlag:sweepFlag, endX:endX, endY:endY })); this.__currentPosition = {x: endX, y: endY}; }; return Path2D; }());