more commands

This commit is contained in:
Evert Prants 2019-01-13 01:27:26 +02:00
parent 136f47b2be
commit 34fa2fc7fa
Signed by: evert
GPG Key ID: 1688DA83D222D0B5
4 changed files with 167 additions and 70 deletions

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ local function town_command (name, param)
local town = towny:get_player_town(name)
-- Pre town requirement
local print_town_info = nil
local town_info = nil
if (pr1 == "create" or pr1 == "new") and pr2 then
return towny:create_town(nil, name, pr2)
@ -125,16 +125,16 @@ local function town_command (name, param)
return join_town(pr2,name,false)
elseif pr1 == "show" or pr1 == "info" then
if towny:get_town_by_name(pr2) then
print_town_info = pr2
town_info = pr2
return false, "No such town."
elseif param == "" and town then
print_town_info = town
town_info = town
-- Print town information
if print_town_info then
if town_info then
return false, "Not yet implemented!"
@ -169,11 +169,26 @@ local function town_command (name, param)
"WARNING! Deleting your town will render ALL of the buildings in it without protection!"))
return false, "Please run the command again with 'I WANT TO DELETE MY TOWN' in all caps written after it."
elseif param == "greeting" then
local tdata = towny.towns[town]
if not tdata.flags["greeting"] then return false, "This town has no greeting message." end
return true,
minetest.colorize("#078e36", ("[%s] "):format(towny:get_full_name(town))) ..
minetest.colorize("#02aacc", tdata.flags["greeting"])
elseif pr1 == "kick" then
return towny:kick_member(town,name,pr2)
elseif pr1 == "set" then
local flag, value = string.match(pr2, "^([%a%d_-]+) (.+)$")
return towny:set_town_flags(nil,name,flag,value)
elseif pr1 == "member" then
local action, user = string.match(pr2, "^([%a%d_-]+) (.+)$")
if action == "kick" then
return towny:kick_member(town,name,pr2)
elseif action == "set" then
local target, flag, value = string.match(user, "^([%a%d_-]+) ([%a%d_-]+) (.+)$")
return towny:set_town_member_flags(nil,name,target,flag,value)
-- Plot management commands

@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ function towny.flatfile:write_meta(town,dir,data)
local filepath = town.."."..extension
if data.dirty then data.dirty = nil end
if data.level then data.level = nil end
data.dirty = nil
data.level = nil
local serialized
if serialize then

@ -68,6 +68,40 @@ towny = {
claimblocks = 448,
flags = {
town = {
['town_build'] = {"boolean", "lets everyone build in unplotted town claims"},
['plot_build'] = {"boolean", "lets everyone build in unowned town plots"},
['plot_member_build'] = {"boolean", "if false, plot members don't have build rights to plots by default"},
['teleport'] = {"vector", "town teleport point"},
['pvp'] = {"boolean", "players can fight in the town if true, ignores server pvp settings"},
['plot_pvp'] = {"boolean", "default plot pvp setting. defaults to false"},
['joinable'] = {"boolean", "if true, anyone can join this town. defaults to false"},
['greeting'] = {"string", "town's greeting message"},
['tax'] = {"number", "how much each member has to pay each day to stay in town"},
['bank'] = {"number", "town's treasury", false},
['claim_blocks'] = {"number", "town's bonus claim blocks", false},
['origin'] = {"vector", "town's center position, set at town creation", false},
town_member = {
['town_build'] = {"boolean", "member can build in unplotted town claims"},
['claim_create'] = {"boolean", "member can claim land for the town"},
['claim_delete'] = {"boolean", "member can abandon claim blocks"},
['plot_create'] = {"boolean", "member can create plots"},
['plot_delete'] = {"boolean", "member can delete plots"},
plot = {
['teleport'] = {"vector", "plot's teleport point"},
['pvp'] = {"boolean", "players can fight here if true, ignores server pvp settings"},
['cost'] = {"number", "plot cost (only with economy)"},
['claimable'] = {"boolean", "is this plot available for claiming. if cost is more than 0, require payment"},
['greeting'] = {"string", "plot's greeting message (defaults to \"{owner}'s Plot\"/\"Unclaimed Plot\")"},
plot_member = {
['plot_build'] = {"boolean", "member can build on plot. defaults to 'plot_member_build' town flag"},
['build'] = "plot_build",
-- Set to true if files need to be updated
dirty = false,
@ -103,43 +137,6 @@ towny = {
-- Town-specific flags
'town_build' boolean lets everyone build in unplotted town claims
'plot_build' boolean lets everyone build in unowned town plots
'plot_member_build' boolean if false, plot members don't have build rights to plots by default
'teleport' position town teleport point
'pvp' boolean players can fight in the town if true, ignores server pvp settings
'plot_pvp' boolean default plot pvp setting. defaults to false
'joinable' boolean if true, anyone can join this town. defaults to false
'greeting' string town's greeting message
'tax' float how much each member has to pay each day to stay in town (only with economy)
'bank' float town's wealth (only with economy) (unchangeable by owner)
'claim_blocks' int town's bonus claim blocks (unchangeable by owner)
'origin' position town's center position, set at town creation (unchangeable by owner)
-- Members with flags
'plot_build' boolean if 'plot_member_build' town flag is false,
this one must be true for a plot member to be able to build on a plot.
If set to true in town flags, this member can build in all plots.
'town_build' boolean if true, this member can build in town claims.
'claim_create' boolean if true, this member can claim land for the town
'claim_delete' boolean if true, this member can abandon claim blocks
'plot_create' boolean if true, this member can create plots
'plot_delete' boolean if true, this member can delete plots
-- Plot-specific flags
'teleport' position plot's teleport point
'pvp' boolean players can fight here if true, ignores server pvp settings
'cost' float plot cost (only with economy)
'claimable' boolean is this plot available for claiming. if cost is more than 0, require payment
'greeting' string plot's greeting message (defaults to "{owner}'s Plot"/"Unclaimed Plot")


@ -12,6 +12,45 @@ local function count(T)
return count
local function flag_typeify(value,pos)
if type(value) == "string" then
if value == "true" then
value = true
elseif value == "false" then
value = false
elseif value == "here" and pos then
value = pos
elseif value == "none" or value == "null" or value == "nil" then
value = nil
elseif tonumber(value) ~= nil then
value = tonumber(value)
elseif minetest.string_to_pos(value) ~= nil then
value = minetest.string_to_pos(value)
return value
local function flag_validity(flag,scope,value,pos)
value = flag_typeify(value,pos)
if value == nil then return true end
local spd = towny.flags[scope]
if type(spd[flag]) == "string" then
flag = spd[flag]
if not spd[flag] then return false end
if spd[flag][3] == false then return false end
if spd[flag][1] == "vector" and (not value.x or not value.y or not value.z) then
return false
elseif spd[flag][1] ~= "vary" and type(value) ~= spd[flag][1] then
return false
return true, flag, value
function towny:get_player_town(name)
for town,data in pairs(towny.towns) do
if data.mayor == name then
@ -515,25 +554,6 @@ function towny:plot_member(pos,player,member,action)
return true
local function flag_typeify(value,pos)
if type(value) == "string" then
if value == "true" then
value = true
elseif value == "false" then
value = false
elseif value == "here" then
value = pos
elseif value == "none" or value == "null" or value == "nil" then
value = nil
elseif tonumber(value) ~= nil then
value = tonumber(value)
elseif minetest.string_to_pos(value) ~= nil then
value = minetest.string_to_pos(value)
return value
-- Set flags
function towny:set_plot_flags(pos,player,flag,value)
@ -563,9 +583,13 @@ function towny:set_plot_flags(pos,player,flag,value)
return err_msg(player, "You do not have permission to modify this plot.")
minetest.chat_send_player(player, ("Successfully set the plot flag '%s' to '%s'!")
:format(flag, value))
plot_data.flags[flag] = flag_typeify(value,pos)
local fs,flag,res = flag_validity(flag, 'plot', value, pos)
if not fs then
return err_msg(player, "Invalid flag or flag value.")
minetest.chat_send_player(player, ("Successfully set the plot flag '%s' to '%s'!"):format(flag, value))
plot_data.flags[flag] = res
towny:mark_dirty(t, false)
@ -600,11 +624,14 @@ function towny:set_plot_member_flags(pos,player,member,flag,value)
return err_msg(player, "There is no such member in this plot.")
if flag == "build" then flag = "plot_build" end
local fs,flag,res = flag_validity(flag, 'plot_member', value, pos)
if not fs then
return err_msg(player, "Invalid flag or flag value.")
minetest.chat_send_player(player, ("Successfully set the plot member %s's flag '%s' to '%s'!")
:format(member, flag, value))
plot_data.members[member][flag] = flag_typeify(value,pos)
plot_data.members[member][flag] = res
towny:mark_dirty(t, false)
@ -630,12 +657,50 @@ function towny:set_town_flags(pos,player,flag,value)
return err_msg(player, "You do not have permission to modify this town.")
if (flag == 'bank' or flag == 'claim_blocks' or flag == 'origin') and not towny_admin then
return err_msg(player, "You cannot change this flag.")
local fs,flag,res = flag_validity(flag, 'town', value, pos)
if not fs then
return err_msg(player, "Invalid flag or invalid or unchangeable flag value.")
minetest.chat_send_player(player, ("Successfully set the town flag '%s' to '%s'!"):format(flag,value))
data.flags[flag] = flag_typeify(value,pos)
data.flags[flag] = res
towny:mark_dirty(t, false)
function towny:set_town_member_flags(pos,player,member,flag,value)
if not member or not flag then return false end
local towny_admin = minetest.check_player_privs(player, { towny_admin = true })
if not pos then
pos = minetest.get_player_by_name(player):get_pos()
local town = towny:get_player_town(player)
if not town and not towny_admin then
return err_msg(player, "You're not currently in a town!")
local t,p,c = towny.regions:get_town_at(pos)
if not t or (t ~= town and not towny_admin) then
return err_msg(player, "You are not in any town you can modify.")
local data = towny.towns[t]
if data.mayor ~= player and not towny_admin then
return err_msg(player, "You do not have permission to modify this town.")
if not data.members[member] then
return err_msg(player, "There is no such member in this town.")
local fs,flag,res = flag_validity(flag, 'town_member', value, pos)
if not fs then
return err_msg(player, "Invalid flag or flag value.")
minetest.chat_send_player(player, ("Successfully set the town member %s's flag '%s' to '%s'!")
:format(member, flag, value))
data.members[member][flag] = res
towny:mark_dirty(t, false)
@ -695,6 +760,13 @@ function towny:get_member_count(town)
return count(tdata.members)
function towny:get_full_name(town)
local tdata = towny.towns[town]
if not tdata then return nil end
if not tdata.level then return end
return ("%s (%s)"):format(, tdata.level.name_tag)
function towny:get_town_level(town, update)
local tdata = towny.towns[town]
if not tdata then return nil end
@ -708,3 +780,16 @@ function towny:get_town_level(town, update)
tdata.level = lvl
return lvl
minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function (player)
local town = towny:get_player_town(player:get_player_name())
if not town then return end
local tdata = towny.towns[town]
if not tdata then return nil end
if not tdata.flags["greeting"] then return nil end
minetest.colorize("#078e36", ("[%s] "):format(towny:get_full_name(town))) ..
minetest.colorize("#02aacc", tdata.flags["greeting"]))