local tr = towny.regions.size local th = towny.regions.height local function err_msg(player, msg) minetest.chat_send_player(player, minetest.colorize("#ff1111", msg)) return false end local function count(T) local count = 0 for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end return count end local function flag_typeify(value,pos) if type(value) == "string" then if value == "true" then value = true elseif value == "false" then value = false elseif value == "here" and pos then value = pos elseif value == "none" or value == "null" or value == "nil" then value = nil elseif tonumber(value) ~= nil then value = tonumber(value) elseif minetest.string_to_pos(value) ~= nil then value = minetest.string_to_pos(value) end end return value end function towny.flag_validity(flag,scope,value,pos,members) value = flag_typeify(value,pos) local spd = towny.flags[scope] if type(spd[flag]) == "string" then flag = spd[flag] end if not spd[flag] then return false end if spd[flag][3] == false then return false end local flgtype = spd[flag][1] if flgtype == "member" and (members and not members[tostring(value)]) then return false elseif flgtype == "member" and value == nil then return false elseif flgtype == "vector" and (value and (not value.x or not value.y or not value.z)) then return false elseif (flgtype == "string" or flgtype == "number") and type(value) ~= flgtype then return false end return true, flag, value end function towny.get_player_town(name) for town,data in pairs(towny.towns) do if data.flags['mayor'] == name then return town elseif data.members[name] then return town end end return nil end function towny.get_town_by_name(name) if not name then return nil end for town,data in pairs(towny.towns) do if data.name:lower() == name:lower() then return town end end return nil end function towny.mark_dirty(town, areas) towny.dirty = true towny.towns[town].dirty = true if areas and towny.regions.memloaded[town] then towny.regions.memloaded[town].dirty = true end end function towny.create_town(pos, player, name) local towny_admin = minetest.check_player_privs(player, { towny_admin = true }) if not pos then pos = minetest.get_player_by_name(player):get_pos() end if towny.get_player_town(player) then return err_msg(player, "You're already in a town! Please leave your current town before founding a new one!") end local tn,__,distance = towny.regions.get_closest_town(pos) if tn and distance < towny.regions.distance * towny.regions.size and not towny_admin then return err_msg(player, "This location is too close to another town!") end if towny.get_town_by_name(name) and not towny_admin then return err_msg(player, "A town by this name already exists!") end if towny.eco.enabled and towny.eco.get_player_balance(player) < towny.eco.create_cost then return err_msg(player, string.format("You don't have enough %s to start a town! You need %s.", towny.eco.get_currency(), towny.eco.format_number(towny.eco.create_cost))) end -- New town information local p1 = vector.add(pos, {x=tr / 2,y=th - 1,z=tr / 2}) local p2 = vector.subtract(pos, {x=tr / 2,y=1,z=tr / 2}) if towny.regions.vertical.static then p1.y = towny.regions.vertical.maxy p2.y = towny.regions.vertical.miny end if towny.regions.protection_mod(p1,p2) then return err_msg(player, "This area is protected by another protection mod! Please ensure that this is not the case.") end local id = minetest.sha1(minetest.hash_node_position(pos)) local data = { name = name, members = { [player] = {} }, plots = {}, flags = { mayor = player, origin = pos, claim_blocks = towny.claimbonus, plot_member_build = true } } local regions = { origin = pos, blocks = { { x=p1.x, y=p1.y, z=p1.z, origin = true } } } towny.towns[id] = data towny.regions.memloaded[id] = regions towny.mark_dirty(id, true) -- Remove money if towny.eco.enabled then towny.eco.charge_player(player, towny.eco.create_cost) end minetest.chat_send_player(player, "Your town has successfully been founded!") minetest.chat_send_all(("%s has started a new town called '%s'!"):format(player,name)) towny.regions.visualize_area(p1,p2,pos) return true end function towny.extend_town(pos,player) if not pos then pos = minetest.get_player_by_name(player):get_pos() end local town = towny.get_player_town(player) if not town then return err_msg(player, "You're not currently in a town!") end local data = towny.towns[town] if data.flags['mayor'] ~= player and data.members[player]['claim_create'] ~= true then return err_msg(player, "You do not have permission to spend claim blocks in your town.") end if towny.get_claims_available(town) < 1 then return err_msg(player, "You do not have enough remaining claim blocks!") end local p1,closest_town = towny.regions.align_new_claim_block(pos, player) if not p1 then return err_msg(player, "You cannot claim this area! Town blocks must be aligned side-by-side.") end if towny.regions.town_claim_exists(town,p1) then return err_msg(player, "This area is already claimed.") end if closest_town ~= town then return err_msg(player, "Something went wrong!") end local p1,p2 = towny.regions.ensure_range(p1) if towny.regions.protection_mod(p1,p2) then return err_msg(player, "This area is protected by another protection mod! Please ensure that this is not the case.") end table.insert(towny.regions.memloaded[town].blocks, p1) minetest.chat_send_player(player, ("Successfully claimed this block! You have %d claim blocks left!"):format(towny.get_claims_available(town))) towny.mark_dirty(town, true) towny.regions.visualize_area(p1,p2,pos) return true end function towny.abridge_town(pos,player) local towny_admin = minetest.check_player_privs(player, { towny_admin = true }) if not pos then pos = minetest.get_player_by_name(player):get_pos() end local town = towny.get_player_town(player) if not town and not towny_admin then return err_msg(player, "You're not currently in a town!") end local data = towny.towns[town] if data.flags['mayor'] ~= player and data.members[player]['claim_delete'] ~= true and not towny_admin then return err_msg(player, "You do not have permission to delete claim blocks in your town.") end local t,p,c = towny.regions.get_town_at(pos) if not t or (t ~= town and not towny_admin) then return err_msg(player, "You are not in any town you can modify.") end local success,message = towny.regions.remove_claim(c[1],t) if not success then return err_msg(player, "Failed to abandon claim block: " .. message) end minetest.chat_send_player(player, ("Successfully abandoned this claim block! You now have %d claim blocks available!") :format(towny.get_claims_available(town))) towny.mark_dirty(t, true) return true end function towny.leave_town(player,kick) local town = towny.get_player_town(player) if not town then return err_msg(player, "You're not currently in a town!") end local data = towny.towns[town] if data.flags['mayor'] == player then return err_msg(player, "You cannot abandon a town that you own! Either delete the town or transfer mayorship.") end -- Update town members local members = {} for member,mdata in pairs(data.members) do if member ~= player then members[member] = mdata end end data.members = members -- Update plot members for plotid,pdata in pairs(data.plots) do local members = {} if pdata.owner == player then pdata.owner = nil if pdata.flags["greeting"] ~= nil then pdata.flags["greeting"] = nil end end for mem,dat in pairs(pdata.members) do if mem ~= player then -- Transfer ownership to the first other member if pdata.owner == nil then pdata.owner = mem end members[mem] = dat end end pdata.members = members end local msg = "You successfully left the town." if kick then msg = "You were kicked form town." end towny.mark_dirty(town, false) minetest.chat_send_player(player, msg) return true end function towny.kick_member(town,player,member) local towny_admin = minetest.check_player_privs(player, { towny_admin = true }) local data = towny.towns[town] if data.flags['mayor'] ~= player and not towny_admin then return err_msg(player, "You do not have permission to kick people from this town.") end if not data.members[member] then return err_msg(player, ("User %s is not in this town."):format(member)) end if member == data.flags['mayor'] then return err_msg(player, "You cannot kick the town mayor.") end if player == member then return err_msg(player, "You cannot kick yourself from town.") end return towny.leave_town(member,true) end function towny.delete_town(pos,player) local towny_admin = minetest.check_player_privs(player, { towny_admin = true }) if not pos then pos = minetest.get_player_by_name(player):get_pos() end local town = towny.get_player_town(player) if not town and not towny_admin then return err_msg(player, "You're not currently in a town!") end local t,p,c = towny.regions.get_town_at(pos) if not t or (t ~= town and not towny_admin) then return err_msg(player, "You are not in any town you can modify.") end local data = towny.towns[t] if data.flags['mayor'] ~= player and not towny_admin then return err_msg(player, "You do not have permission to delete this town.") end local name = towny.get_full_name(town) .. "" if towny.nations then local nat = towny.nations.get_town_nation(town) if nat then local ndata = towny.nations.nations[nat] if ndata.flags.capital == town then return err_msg(player, "You must delete or transfer ownership of your nation first.") else -- Leave nation ndata.members[town] = nil ndata.dirty = true end end end -- Wipe the town towny.towns[t] = nil towny.regions.memloaded[t] = nil towny.storage.delete_all_meta(t) minetest.chat_send_player(player, "Successfully deleted the town!") minetest.chat_send_all(("%s has fell into ruin."):format(name)) return true end function towny.delete_plot(pos,player) local towny_admin = minetest.check_player_privs(player, { towny_admin = true }) if not pos then pos = minetest.get_player_by_name(player):get_pos() end local town = towny.get_player_town(player) if not town and not towny_admin then return err_msg(player, "You're not currently in a town!") end local t,p,c = towny.regions.get_town_at(pos) if not t or (t ~= town or not towny_admin) then return err_msg(player, "You are not in any town you can modify.") end local data = towny.towns[t] local plot_data = data.plots[p] if (data.flags['mayor'] ~= player and data.members[player]['plot_delete'] ~= true) and (plot_data.owner ~= player) and not towny_admin then return err_msg(player, "You do not have permission to delete this plot.") end towny.regions.set_plot(c[1],t,nil) data.plots[p] = nil towny.mark_dirty(t, true) minetest.chat_send_player(player, "Successfully removed the plot.") return true end function towny.create_plot(pos,player) local towny_admin = minetest.check_player_privs(player, { towny_admin = true }) if not pos then pos = minetest.get_player_by_name(player):get_pos() end local town = towny.get_player_town(player) if not town and not towny_admin then return err_msg(player, "You're not currently in a town!") end local t,p,c = towny.regions.get_town_at(pos) if not t or (t ~= town and not towny_admin) then return err_msg(player, "You are not in any town you can modify.") end if p ~= nil then return err_msg(player, "You cannot create a plot here!") end local data = towny.towns[t] if data.flags['mayor'] ~= player and data.members[player]['plot_create'] ~= true and not towny_admin then return err_msg(player, "You do not have permission to create plots in this town.") end local pid = minetest.sha1(minetest.hash_node_position(c[1])) local success,message = towny.regions.set_plot(c[1],t,pid) if not success then minetest.chat_send_player(player, "Failed to create a plot here: " .. message) return false end data.plots[pid] = { owner = player, members = {[player] = {}}, flags = {}, } towny.mark_dirty(t, true) minetest.chat_send_player(player, "Successfully created a plot!") towny.regions.visualize_area(c[1], c[2], pos) return true end function towny.claim_plot(pos,player) if not pos then pos = minetest.get_player_by_name(player):get_pos() end local town = towny.get_player_town(player) if not town then return err_msg(player, "You're not currently in a town!") end local t,p,c = towny.regions.get_town_at(pos) if not t or t ~= town then return err_msg(player, "You are not in any town you can modify.") end local tdata = towny.towns[t] if p ~= nil then local plot_data = tdata.plots[p] if plot_data.flags['claimable'] or player == tdata.flags['mayor'] then if plot_data.owner == player or plot_data.members[player] then return err_msg(player, "You are already a member of this plot.") end local cost = plot_data.flags["cost"] or 0 if cost > 0 and towny.eco.enabled and towny.eco.get_player_balance(player) < cost then return err_msg(player, string.format("You don't have enough %s to claim this plot! You need %s.", towny.eco.get_currency(), towny.eco.format_number(cost))) end tdata.plots[p] = { owner = player, members = {[player] = {}}, flags = {}, } towny.mark_dirty(t, false) -- Remove money if towny.eco.enabled then towny.eco.charge_player(player, cost) end minetest.chat_send_player(player, "Successfully claimed the plot!") towny.regions.visualize_area(c[1], c[2], pos) return true else return err_msg(player, "This plot is not for sale.") end end return towny.create_plot(pos,player) end function towny.abandon_plot(pos,player) if not pos then pos = minetest.get_player_by_name(player):get_pos() end local town = towny.get_player_town(player) if not town then return err_msg(player, "You're not currently in a town!") end local t,p,c = towny.regions.get_town_at(pos) if not t or t ~= town then return err_msg(player, "You are not in any town you can modify.") end if p == nil then return err_msg(player, "There is no plot here.") end local tdata = towny.towns[t] local pdata = tdata.plots[p] if not pdata.members[player] then return err_msg(player, "You are not a member of this plot.") end -- Update plot members local members = {} if pdata.owner == player then pdata.owner = nil if pdata.flags["greeting"] ~= nil then pdata.flags["greeting"] = nil end end for mem,dat in pairs(pdata.members) do if mem ~= player then -- Transfer ownership to the first other member if pdata.owner == nil then pdata.owner = mem end members[mem] = dat end end pdata.members = members towny.mark_dirty(t, false) minetest.chat_send_player(player, "Successfully abandoned the plot!") return true end function towny.plot_member(pos,player,member,action) local towny_admin = minetest.check_player_privs(player, { towny_admin = true }) if not pos then pos = minetest.get_player_by_name(player):get_pos() end local town = towny.get_player_town(player) if not town then return err_msg(player, "You're not currently in a town!") end local t,p,c = towny.regions.get_town_at(pos) if not t or t ~= town then return err_msg(player, "You are not in any town you can modify.") end if p == nil then return err_msg(player, "There is no plot here.") end local tdata = towny.towns[t] local pdata = tdata.plots[p] if pdata.owner ~= player and player ~= tdata.flags['mayor'] and not towny_admin then return err_msg(player, "You do not have permission to modify this plot.") end if not tdata.members[member] then return err_msg(player, ("User '%s' is not part of this town."):format(member)) end -- Update plot members local members = {} local action_desc = "add yourself to" if action == 0 then action_desc = "remove yourself from" end if member == pdata.owner then return err_msg(player, ("You cannot %s from this plot."):format(action_desc)) end if action == 0 then action_desc = ("removed %s from"):format(member) for mem,dat in pairs(pdata.members) do if mem ~= member then -- Transfer ownership to the first other member members[mem] = dat end end else action_desc = ("added %s to"):format(member) members = pdata.members members[member] = {} end pdata.members = members towny.mark_dirty(t, false) minetest.chat_send_player(player, ("Successfully %s plot!"):format(action_desc)) return true end -- Set flags function towny.set_plot_flags(pos,player,flag,value) if not flag then return false end local towny_admin = minetest.check_player_privs(player, { towny_admin = true }) if not pos then pos = minetest.get_player_by_name(player):get_pos() end local town = towny.get_player_town(player) if not town and not towny_admin then return err_msg(player, "You're not currently in a town!") end local t,p,c = towny.regions.get_town_at(pos) if not t or (t ~= town and not towny_admin) then return err_msg(player, "You are not in any town you can modify.") end if p == nil then return err_msg(player, "There is no plot here! Please stand in the plot you wish to modify.") end local data = towny.towns[t] local plot_data = data.plots[p] if data.flags['mayor'] ~= player and plot_data.owner ~= player and not towny_admin then return err_msg(player, "You do not have permission to modify this plot.") end local fs,flag,res = towny.flag_validity(flag, 'plot', value, pos) if not fs then return err_msg(player, "Invalid flag or flag value.") end minetest.chat_send_player(player, ("Successfully set the plot flag '%s' to '%s'!"):format(flag, value)) plot_data.flags[flag] = res towny.mark_dirty(t, false) end function towny.set_plot_member_flags(pos,player,member,flag,value) if not member or not flag then return false end local towny_admin = minetest.check_player_privs(player, { towny_admin = true }) if not pos then pos = minetest.get_player_by_name(player):get_pos() end local town = towny.get_player_town(player) if not town and not towny_admin then return err_msg(player, "You're not currently in a town!") end local t,p,c = towny.regions.get_town_at(pos) if not t or (t ~= town and not towny_admin) then return err_msg(player, "You are not in any town you can modify.") end if p == nil then return err_msg(player, "There is no plot here! Please stand in the plot you wish to modify.") end local data = towny.towns[t] local plot_data = data.plots[p] if data.flags['mayor'] ~= player and plot_data.owner ~= player and not towny_admin then return err_msg(player, "You do not have permission to modify this plot.") end if not plot_data.members[member] then return err_msg(player, "There is no such member in this plot.") end local fs,flag,res = towny.flag_validity(flag, 'plot_member', value, pos) if not fs then return err_msg(player, "Invalid flag or flag value.") end minetest.chat_send_player(player, ("Successfully set the plot member %s's flag '%s' to '%s'!") :format(member, flag, value)) plot_data.members[member][flag] = res towny.mark_dirty(t, false) end function towny.set_town_flags(pos,player,flag,value) if not flag then return false end local towny_admin = minetest.check_player_privs(player, { towny_admin = true }) if not pos then pos = minetest.get_player_by_name(player):get_pos() end local town = towny.get_player_town(player) if not town and not towny_admin then return err_msg(player, "You're not currently in a town!") end local t,p,c = towny.regions.get_town_at(pos) if not t or (t ~= town and not towny_admin) then return err_msg(player, "You are not in any town you can modify.") end local data = towny.towns[t] local mayor = data.flags['mayor'] if mayor ~= player and not towny_admin then return err_msg(player, "You do not have permission to modify this town.") end local fs,flag,res = towny.flag_validity(flag, 'town', value, pos, data.members) if not fs then return err_msg(player, "Invalid flag or invalid or unchangeable flag value.") end -- Announce mayor change to all if flag == "mayor" and res ~= mayor then towny.chat.announce_to_members(town, ("The town mayor rights have been given to %s!"):format(res)) end minetest.chat_send_player(player, ("Successfully set the town flag '%s' to '%s'!"):format(flag,value)) data.flags[flag] = res towny.mark_dirty(t, false) end function towny.set_town_member_flags(pos,player,member,flag,value) if not member or not flag then return false end local towny_admin = minetest.check_player_privs(player, { towny_admin = true }) if not pos then pos = minetest.get_player_by_name(player):get_pos() end local town = towny.get_player_town(player) if not town and not towny_admin then return err_msg(player, "You're not currently in a town!") end local t,p,c = towny.regions.get_town_at(pos) if not t or (t ~= town and not towny_admin) then return err_msg(player, "You are not in any town you can modify.") end local data = towny.towns[t] if data.flags['mayor'] ~= player and not towny_admin then return err_msg(player, "You do not have permission to modify this town.") end if not data.members[member] then return err_msg(player, "There is no such member in this town.") end local fs,flag,res = towny.flag_validity(flag, 'town_member', value, pos) if not fs then return err_msg(player, "Invalid flag or flag value.") end minetest.chat_send_player(player, ("Successfully set the town member %s's flag '%s' to '%s'!") :format(member, flag, value)) data.members[member][flag] = res towny.mark_dirty(t, false) end -- Getters function towny.get_flags(town,plot) local tdata = towny.towns[town] if not tdata then return nil end if not plot then return tdata.flags end if not tdata.plots[plot] then return nil end return tdata.plots[plot].flags end function towny.get_plot_flags(town,pos,player) local towny_admin = minetest.check_player_privs(player, { towny_admin = true }) if not pos and player then pos = minetest.get_player_by_name(player):get_pos() end local t,p,c = towny.regions.get_town_at(pos) if not t or (t ~= town and not towny_admin) then return err_msg(player, "You are not in any town you can access.") end if not t or not p then return nil end return towny.get_flags(t,p) end -- Get used claim blocks function towny.get_claims_used(town) if not towny.regions.memloaded[town] then return 0 end return #towny.regions.memloaded[town].blocks end -- Get maximum available claim blocks, including bonuses function towny.get_claims_max(town) local tdata = towny.towns[town] if not tdata then return 0 end if not tdata.level then towny.get_town_level(town, true) end local bonus = 0 if tdata.flags['claim_blocks'] and tdata.flags['claim_blocks'] > 0 then bonus = tdata.flags['claim_blocks'] end if towny.nations then local n = towny.nations.get_town_nation(town) local ndata = towny.nations.nations[n] if n and ndata and ndata.level then bonus = bonus + ndata.level.block_bonus end end return tdata.level.claimblocks + bonus, tdata.level.claimblocks, bonus end -- Get available claim blocks function towny.get_claims_available(town) local used = towny.get_claims_used(town) local max = towny.get_claims_max(town) return max - used end function towny.get_member_count(town) local tdata = towny.towns[town] if not tdata then return nil end return count(tdata.members) end function towny.get_full_name(town) local tdata = towny.towns[town] if not tdata then return nil end if not tdata.level then return tdata.name end return ("%s (%s)"):format(tdata.name, tdata.level.name_tag) end function towny.get_player_name(player) local town = towny.get_player_town(player) local tdata = towny.towns[town] if not tdata then return player end if not tdata.level then return player end if towny.nations and tdata.flags.mayor == player then local n = towny.nations.get_town_nation(town) if n then local name = towny.nations.get_player_name(n,player) if name then return name end end end return ("%s %s"):format(tdata.level.mayor_tag, player) end function towny.get_town_level(town, update) local tdata = towny.towns[town] if not tdata then return nil end if tdata.level and not update then return tdata.level end local lvl for _,describe in pairs(towny.levels) do if count(tdata.members) >= describe.members then lvl = describe end end tdata.level = lvl return lvl end minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function (player) local town = towny.get_player_town(player:get_player_name()) if not town then return end local tdata = towny.towns[town] if not tdata then return nil end if not tdata.flags["greeting"] then return nil end minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), minetest.colorize("#078e36", ("[%s] "):format(towny.get_full_name(town))) .. minetest.colorize("#02aacc", tdata.flags["greeting"])) end)