= {} -- Send message to all town members who are online function towny.nations.announce_to_members(nation,message) local ndata = towny.nations.nations[nation] if not ndata then return end for town in pairs(ndata.members) do,message) end end local function join_nation(nation,player,from_invite) local town = towny.get_player_town(player) local tdata = towny.towns[town] local ndata = towny.nations.nations[nation] if not ndata then return false, "The nation specified does not exist." end if not tdata then return false, "You are not in a town that could join a nation." end if towny.nations.get_town_nation(town) then return false, "Your town is already part of a nation." end if tdata.flags.mayor ~= player then return false, "Only the mayor can join their town into a nation." end if (not from_invite and not ndata.flags['joinable']) then return false, "You cannot join this nation." end towny.nations.announce_to_members(nation, minetest.colorize("#02aacc", ("%s has joined the nation!"):format(towny.get_full_name(town)))) minetest.chat_send_player(player, ("Your town has successfully joined %s!"):format(towny.nations.get_full_name(nation))) ndata.members[town] = {} ndata.dirty = true towny.dirty = true return true end local function invite_respond(player,response) local utown = towny.get_player_town(player) if not utown then return false, "You are not in a town." end local unation = towny.nations.get_town_nation(utown) if unation then return false, "Your town is already part of a nation." end for id,data in pairs( do if data.player == player then if not data.rejected then if response == true then[id] = nil return join_nation(data.nation,player,true) else[id] = { rejected = true } return true, "You have rejected the join request." end end end end return false, "You do not have any pending invites." end local function invite_town(player,town) local utown = towny.get_player_town(player) if not utown then return false, "You are not in a town." end if town == utown then return false, "You cannot invite yourself!" end local nation = towny.nations.get_town_nation(utown) if not nation then return false, "Your town is not part of any nation." end local utdata = towny.towns[utown] local ndata = towny.nations.nations[nation] if utdata.flags.mayor ~= player or ~= utown then return false, "You can only invite towns to your nation if you own said nation!" end if not town then return false, "Invalid town name." end local target_town = towny.nations.get_town_nation(town) if target_town then return false, "This town is already part of a nation!" end if[town.."-"..nation] then return false, "This town has already been invited to join your nation!" end local tdata = towny.towns[town] local target = tdata.flags['mayor'] if not minetest.get_player_by_name(target) then return false, "The mayor of the targeted town is offline, thus you cannot invite this town to your nation!" end minetest.chat_send_player(target, ("Your town has been invited to join %s by %s"):format(towny.nations.get_full_name(nation), player)) minetest.chat_send_player(target, "You can accept this invite by typing '/nation invite accept' or deny '/nation invite deny'")[town.."-"..nation] = { rejected = false, nation = nation, town = town, invited = player, player = target } return true, ("%s has been invited to join your nation."):format(towny.get_full_name(town)) end local function nation_command(name, param) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if not player then return false, "Can't run command on behalf of offline player." end local pr1, pr2 = string.match(param, "^([%a%d_-]+) (.+)$") local town = towny.get_player_town(name) if not town then return false, "You are not currently in any town." end local nation = towny.nations.get_town_nation(town) local tdata = towny.towns[town] -- Pre nation requirement local nation_info = nil if (pr1 == "create" or pr1 == "new") and pr2 then return towny.nations.create_nation(pr2,name) elseif (pr1 == "invite" and not towny.get_town_by_name(pr2)) then return invite_respond(name, (pr2:lower() == "accept" or minetest.is_yes(pr2))) elseif pr1 == "join" and towny.nations.get_nation_by_name(pr2) and not nation then return join_nation(towny.nations.get_nation_by_name(pr2),name,false) elseif pr1 == "show" or pr1 == "info" then if not towny.get_town_by_name(pr2) then return false, "No such nation." end nation_info = pr2 elseif param == "" and nation then nation_info = nation end -- Print nation information if nation_info then return false, "Not yet implemented!" end if not nation then return false, "You are not currently in a nation." end local ndata = towny.nations.nations[nation] local capital = towny.towns[] if param == "leave" or param == "delete" then return towny.nations.leave_nation(name) elseif param == "teleport" and capital then local portal = capital.flags['teleport'] if not portal then portal = capital.flags['origin'] end player:set_pos(portal) return true, "Teleporting you to the nation's capital town.." elseif param == "flags" then local flags = towny.nations.get_flags(nation) if flags then return,"Flags of your nation") end elseif pr1 == "set" and pr2 then local flag, value = string.match(pr2, "^([%a%d_-]+) (.+)$") return towny.nations.set_nation_flags(name,flag,value) elseif pr1 == "invite" and towny.get_town_by_name(pr2) then return invite_town(name,towny.get_town_by_name(pr2)) elseif pr1 == "kick" and towny.get_town_by_name(pr2) then return towny.nations.kick_town(towny.get_town_by_name(pr2),player) end return false, "Invalid command usage." end minetest.register_chatcommand("nation", { description = "Manage your nation", privs = {towny = true}, func = nation_command })