-- Commands -- Privileges minetest.register_privilege("towny", { description = "Can create and join towns", }) minetest.register_privilege("towny_admin", { description = "Can administrate other people's towns", give_to_singleplayer = false }) -- API -- Send message to all town members who are online function towny.chat.announce_to_members(town,message) local tdata = towny.towns[town] if tdata then return end for member in pairs(tdata.members) do if minetest.get_player_by_name(member) then minetest.chat_send_player(member,message) end end end -- Commands local function invite_player(town,player,target) local utown = towny.get_player_town(player) if not utown then return false, "You are not in a town." end if target == player then return false, "You cannot invite yourself!" end if not minetest.get_player_by_name(target) then return false, "You can only invite online players to your town." end local target_town = towny.get_player_town(target) if target_town then return false, "This player is already in a town!" end if towny.chat.invites[town.."-"..target] then return false, "This player has already been invited to join your town!" end local tdata = towny.towns[town] minetest.chat_send_player(target, ("You have been invited to join town '%s' by %s"):format(tdata.name, player)) minetest.chat_send_player(target, "You can accept this invite by typing '/town invite accept' or deny '/town invite deny'") towny.chat.invites[town.."-"..target] = { rejected = false, town = town, player = target, invited = player } return true, ("Player %s has been invited to join your town."):format(target) end local function join_town(town,player,from_invite) local tdata = towny.towns[town] if not tdata then return false, "No such town" end if (not from_invite and not tdata.flags['joinable']) then return false, "You cannot join this town." end towny.chat.announce_to_members(town, minetest.colorize("#02aacc", ("%s has joined the town!"):format(player))) minetest.chat_send_player(player, ("You have successfully joined the town '%s'!"):format(tdata.name)) tdata.members[player] = {} towny.mark_dirty(town,false) return true end local function invite_respond(player,response) local utown = towny.get_player_town(player) if utown then return false, "You are already in a town." end for id,data in pairs(towny.chat.invites) do if data.player == player then if not data.rejected then if response == true then towny.chat.invites[id] = nil return join_town(data.town,player,true) else towny.chat.invites[id] = { rejected = true } return true, "You have rejected the join request." end end end end return false, "You do not have any pending invites." end function towny.chat.send_flags (flags,message) local shiny = {} for flag,value in pairs(flags) do if type(value) == "table" then if value.x and value.y and value.z then value = minetest.pos_to_string(value) else value = dump(value) end elseif type(value) == "boolean" then local str_value = "true" if value == false then str_value = "false" end value = str_value end shiny[#shiny+1] = flag..": "..value end return true, message ..": "..table.concat( shiny, ", " ) end local function town_command (name, param) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if not player then return false, "Can't run command on behalf of offline player." end local pr1, pr2 = string.match(param, "^([%a%d_-]+) (.+)$") local town = towny.get_player_town(name) -- Pre town requirement local town_info = nil if (pr1 == "create" or pr1 == "new") and pr2 then return towny.create_town(nil, name, pr2) elseif (pr1 == "invite" and not minetest.get_player_by_name(pr2)) then return invite_respond(name, (pr2:lower() == "accept" or minetest.is_yes(pr2))) elseif pr1 == "join" and towny.get_town_by_name(pr2) and not town then return join_town(pr2,name,false) elseif pr1 == "show" or pr1 == "info" then if not towny.get_town_by_name(pr2) then return false, "No such town." end town_info = pr2 elseif param == "" and town then town_info = town end -- Print town information if town_info then return false, "Not yet implemented!" end if not town then return false, "You are not currently in a town." end -- Town management commands local tdata = towny.towns[town] if param == "extend" or param == "claim" then return towny.extend_town(nil, name) elseif param == "leave" then return towny.leave_town(name) elseif param == "teleport" then local portal = tdata.flags['teleport'] if not portal then portal = tdata.flags['origin'] end player:set_pos(portal) return true, "Teleporting you to town.." elseif param == "unclaim" then return towny.abridge_town(nil, name) elseif param == "visualize" then towny.regions.visualize_town(town) return true elseif param == "flags" then local flags = towny.get_flags(town) if flags then return towny.chat.send_flags(flags,"Flags of your town") end elseif (param == "delete" or param == "abandon") or (pr1 == "delete" or pr1 == "abandon") then if towny.chat['delete_verify_' .. name] and pr2 == "I WANT TO DELETE MY TOWN" then towny.chat['delete_verify_' .. name] = nil return towny.delete_town(nil, name) else towny.chat['delete_verify_' .. name] = true minetest.chat_send_player(name, minetest.colorize("#f79204", "WARNING! Deleting your town will render ALL of the buildings in it without protection!")) return false, "Please run the command again with 'I WANT TO DELETE MY TOWN' in all caps written after it." end elseif param == "greeting" then local tdata = towny.towns[town] if not tdata.flags["greeting"] then return false, "This town has no greeting message." end return true, minetest.colorize("#078e36", ("[%s] "):format(towny.get_full_name(town))) .. minetest.colorize("#02aacc", tdata.flags["greeting"]) elseif pr1 == "kick" then return towny.kick_member(town,name,pr2) elseif pr1 == "set" then local flag, value = string.match(pr2, "^([%a%d_-]+) (.+)$") return towny.set_town_flags(nil,name,flag,value) elseif pr1 == "member" then local action, user = string.match(pr2, "^([%a%d_-]+) (.+)$") if action == "kick" then return towny.kick_member(town,name,pr2) elseif action == "set" then local target, flag, value = string.match(user, "^([%a%d_-]+) ([%a%d_-]+) (.+)$") return towny.set_town_member_flags(nil,name,target,flag,value) end end -- Plot management commands if pr1 == "plot" then local pl1, pl2 = string.match(pr2, "^([%a%d_-]+) (.+)$") if pr2 == "claim" then return towny.claim_plot(nil,name) elseif pr2 == "abandon" then return towny.abandon_plot(nil,name) elseif pr2 == "delete" then return towny.delete_plot(nil,name) elseif pr2 == "flags" then local flags = towny.get_plot_flags(town,nil,name) if flags then return towny.chat.send_flags(flags,"Flags of this plot") else return false, "There's no plot here." end elseif pl1 == "set" and pl2 then local flag, value = string.match(pl2, "^([%a%d_-]+) (.+)$") return towny.set_plot_flags(nil,name,flag,value) elseif pl1 == "member" and pl2 then local action, user = string.match(pl2, "^([%a%d_-]+) (.+)$") if action == "add" then return towny.plot_member(nil,name,user,1) elseif action == "remove" or action == "del" or action == "kick" then return towny.plot_member(nil,name,user,0) elseif action == "set" then local target, flag, value = string.match(user, "^([%a%d_-]+) ([%a%d_-]+) (.+)$") return towny.set_plot_member_flags(nil,name,target,flag,value) end end elseif pr1 == "invite" and minetest.get_player_by_name(pr2) then return invite_player(town,name,pr2) end return false, "Invalid command usage." end minetest.register_chatcommand("town", { description = "Manage your town", privs = {towny = true}, func = town_command }) minetest.register_chatcommand("plot", { description = "Manage your town plot", privs = {towny = true}, func = function (name, param) return town_command(name, "plot " .. param) end })