local function err_msg(player, msg) minetest.chat_send_player(player, minetest.colorize("#ff1111", msg)) return false end local function count(T) local count = 0 for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end return count end local function mark_dirty(nation) towny.dirty = true towny.nations.nations[nation].dirty = true end function towny.nations.get_nation_by_name(name) if not name then return nil end for town,data in pairs(towny.nations.nations) do if data.name:lower() == name:lower() then return town end end return nil end function towny.nations.get_town_nation(town) if not town or not towny.towns[town] then return nil end for tid,data in pairs(towny.nations.nations) do if data.flags.capital == town or data.members[town] then return tid end end return nil end function towny.nations.create_nation(name,player) local town = towny.get_player_town(player) if not town then return err_msg(player, "You're not currently in a town!") end local tdata = towny.towns[town] if tdata.flags['mayor'] ~= player then return err_msg(player, "Only the town mayor can create a nation!") end if towny.nations.get_town_nation(town) then return err_msg(player, "You're already part of a nation!") end if towny.nations.get_nation_by_name(name) then return err_msg(player, "A nation by that name already exists!") end -- TODO: economy local vertpos = {x = math.random(-999,999), y = math.random(-999,999), z = math.random(-999,999)} local nid = minetest.sha1(minetest.hash_node_position(vertpos)) towny.nations.nations[nid] = { name = name, members = {[town] = {}}, flags = {capital = town}, } mark_dirty(nid) minetest.chat_send_player(player, "Your nation has successfully been founded!") minetest.chat_send_all(("%s has started a new nation called '%s'!"):format(player,name)) return true end function towny.nations.leave_nation(player) local town = towny.get_player_town(player) if not town then return err_msg(player, "You're not currently in a town!") end local tdata = towny.towns[town] if tdata.flags['mayor'] ~= player then return err_msg(player, "Only the town mayor can leave the nation!") end local nation = towny.nations.get_town_nation(town) local ndata = towny.nations.nations[nation] if not nation or not ndata then return err_msg(player, "Your town is currently not part of any nation!") end if ndata.flags['capital'] == town and count(ndata.members) > 1 then return err_msg(player, "Your nation contains more than one member towns! Please remove the towns or change the capital before deleting your nation.") end if ndata.flags['capital'] == town and count(ndata.members) <= 1 then -- Single member town, delete nation towny.storage.delete_all_meta(nation) towny.nations.nations[nation] = nil minetest.chat_send_player(player, "Successfully deleted the nation!") minetest.chat_send_all(("The nation '%s' has fallen."):format(ndata.name)) else -- Simply leave minetest.chat_send_player(player, "Successfully left the nation!") towny.nations.nations[nation].members[town] = nil towny.nations.announce_to_members(nation, ("Town '%s' has left the nation."):format(tdata.name)) mark_dirty(nation) end return true end function towny.nations.set_nation_flags(player,flag,value) if not flag then return false end local town = towny.get_player_town(player) if not town then return err_msg(player, "You're not currently in a town!") end local nation = towny.nations.get_nation_by_name(name) local ndata = towny.nations.nations[name] local tdata = towny.towns[town] if not nation or not ndata then return err_msg(player, "Your town is currently not part of any nation!") end local ndata = towny.nations.nations[t] if tdata.flags.capital ~= ndata.name or tdata.flags.mayor ~= player then return err_msg(player, "You do not have permission to modify this nation.") end local val_pass = value if flag == "capital" then val_pass = towny.get_town_by_name(value) end local fs,flag,res = towny.flag_validity(flag, 'nation', val_pass, nil, ndata.members) if not fs then return err_msg(player, "Invalid flag or invalid or unchangeable flag value.") end -- Announce capital change to all if flag == "capital" and res ~= town then towny.nations.announce_to_members(nation, ("The nation's capital has been changed to %s!"):format(towny.get_full_name(res))) end minetest.chat_send_player(player, ("Successfully set the nation flag '%s' to '%s'!"):format(flag,value)) ndata.flags[flag] = res mark_dirty(nation) end function towny.nations.get_nation_level(nation, update) local ndata = towny.nations.nations[nation] if not ndata then return nil end if ndata.level and not update then return ndata.level end local lvl for _,describe in pairs(towny.nations.levels) do if count(ndata.members) >= describe.members then lvl = describe end end ndata.level = lvl return lvl end function towny.nations.get_full_name(nation) local ndata = towny.nations.nations[nation] if not ndata then return nil end if not ndata.level then return ndata.name end return ("%s %s %s"):format(ndata.level.prefix, ndata.name, ndata.level.tag) end function towny.nations.get_player_name(nation,player) local ndata = towny.nations.nations[nation] if not ndata then return player end if not ndata.level then return player end local cap = towny.towns[ndata.flags.capital] if not cap or not cap.members[player] then return player end if cap.flags.mayor ~= player then return nil end return ("%s %s"):format(ndata.level.king_tag, player) end function towny.nations.get_member_count(nation) local ndata = towny.nations.nations[nation] if not ndata then return nil end return count(ndata.members) end function towny.nations.get_flags(nation) local ndata = towny.nations.nations[nation] if not ndata then return nil end ndata.flags.capital = towny.towns[ndata.flags.capital].name return ndata.flags end