import { History } from './interfaces'; export class HousePlannerCanvasHistory { private history: History[][] = []; private unhistory: History[][] = []; private lastCommandWasUndo = false; constructor() {} appendToHistory(changes: History[]) { this.history.push(changes); this.unhistory.length = 0; } undo() { const lastChanges = this.history.pop(); if (!lastChanges) return; if (!this.lastCommandWasUndo && this.unhistory.length) { this.unhistory.length = 0; } this.lastCommandWasUndo = true; let redo = []; for (const change of lastChanges) { if (!change.object) continue; const preChange = (change.object as any)[]; (change.object as any)[] = change.value; redo.push({ ...change, value: preChange as any, }); } this.unhistory.push(redo); } redo() { const lastChanges = this.unhistory.pop(); if (!lastChanges) return; this.lastCommandWasUndo = false; let undo = []; for (const change of lastChanges) { if (!change.object) continue; const preChange = (change.object as any)[]; (change.object as any)[] = change.value; undo.push({ ...change, value: preChange as any, }); } this.history.push(undo); } }