290 lines
7.8 KiB
290 lines
7.8 KiB
#include "StarMatrix3.hpp"
namespace Star {
template <typename T, size_t N>
class Line {
typedef Vector<T, N> VectorType;
struct IntersectResult {
// Whether or not the two objects intersect
bool intersects;
// Where the intersection is (minimum value if intersection occurs in more
// than one point.)
VectorType point;
// T value where intersection occurs, 0 is min, 1 is max
T t;
// Whether or not the two lines, if they were infinite lines, are the exact
// same line
bool coincides;
// Whether or not the intersection is a glancing one, meaning the other
// line isn't actually skewered, it's just barely touching Coincidental
// lines are always glancing intersections.
bool glances;
Line() {}
template <typename T2>
explicit Line(Line<T2, N> const& line)
: m_min(line.min()), m_max(line.max()) {}
Line(VectorType const& a, VectorType const& b)
: m_min(a), m_max(b) {}
VectorType direction() const {
return diff().normalized();
T length() const {
return diff().magnitude();
T angle() const {
return diff().angle();
VectorType eval(T t) const {
return m_min + diff() * t;
VectorType diff() const {
return (m_max - m_min);
VectorType center() const {
return (m_min + m_max) / 2;
void setCenter(VectorType c) {
return translate(c - center());
VectorType& min() {
return m_min;
VectorType& max() {
return m_max;
VectorType const& min() const {
return m_min;
VectorType const& max() const {
return m_max;
VectorType midpoint() const {
return (m_max + m_min) / 2;
bool makePositive() {
bool changed = false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (m_min[i] < m_max[i]) {
} else if (m_min[i] > m_max[i]) {
std::swap(m_min, m_max);
changed = true;
return changed;
void reverse() {
std::swap(m_min, m_max);
Line reversed() {
return Line(m_max, m_min);
void translate(VectorType const& trans) {
m_min += trans;
m_max += trans;
Line translated(VectorType const& trans) {
return Line(m_min + trans, m_max + trans);
void scale(VectorType const& s, VectorType const& c = VectorType()) {
m_min = vmult(m_min - c, s) + c;
m_max = vmult(m_max - c, s) + c;
void scale(T s, VectorType const& c = VectorType()) {
scale(VectorType::filled(s), c);
bool operator==(Line const& rhs) const {
return tie(m_min, m_max) == tie(rhs.m_min, rhs.m_max);
bool operator<(Line const& rhs) const {
return tie(m_min, m_max) < tie(rhs.m_min, rhs.m_max);
// Line2
template <size_t P = N>
typename std::enable_if<P == 2 && N == P, IntersectResult>::type intersection(
Line const& line2, bool infinite = false) const {
Line l1 = *this;
Line l2 = line2;
// Warning to others, do not make the lines positive, because points of
// intersection for coincidental lines are determined by the first point
// And makePositive() changes the order of points. This causes headaches
// later on
// l1.makePositive();
// l2.makePositive();
VectorType a = l1.min();
VectorType b = l1.max();
VectorType c = l2.min();
VectorType d = l2.max();
VectorType ab = diff();
VectorType cd = l2.diff();
T denom = ab ^ cd;
T xNumer = (a ^ b) * cd[0] - (c ^ d) * ab[0];
T yNumer = (a ^ b) * cd[1] - (c ^ d) * ab[1];
IntersectResult isect;
if (nearZero(denom)) { // the lines are parallel unless
if (nearZero(xNumer) && nearZero(yNumer)) { // the lines are coincidental
isect.intersects = infinite || (a >= c && a <= d) || (c >= a && c <= b);
if (isect.intersects) {
// returns the minimum intersection point
if (infinite) {
isect.point = VectorType::filled(-std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
} else {
isect.point = a < c ? c : a;
if (a < c) {
if (c[0] != a[0]) {
isect.t = (c[0] - a[0]) / ab[0];
} else {
isect.t = (c[1] - a[1]) / ab[1];
} else if (a > d) {
if (d[0] != a[0]) {
isect.t = (d[0] - a[0]) / ab[0];
} else {
isect.t = (d[1] - a[1]) / ab[1];
} else {
isect.t = 0;
isect.coincides = true;
isect.glances = isect.intersects;
} else {
isect.intersects = false;
isect.t = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
isect.point = VectorType();
isect.coincides = false;
isect.glances = false;
} else {
T ta = ((c - a) ^ cd) / denom;
T tb = ((c - a) ^ ab) / denom;
isect.intersects = infinite || (ta >= 0 && ta <= 1.0 && tb >= 0 && tb <= 1.0);
isect.t = ta;
isect.point = VectorType(ta * (b[0] - a[0]) + a[0], ta * (b[1] - a[1]) + a[1]);
isect.coincides = false;
isect.glances = !infinite && isect.intersects && (nearZero(ta) || nearEqual(ta, 1.0f) || nearZero(tb) || nearEqual(tb, 1.0f));
return isect;
template <size_t P = N>
typename std::enable_if<P == 2 && N == P, bool>::type intersects(Line const& l2, bool infinite = false) const {
return intersection(l2, infinite).intersects;
// Returns t value for closest point on the line. t value is *not* clamped
// from 0.0 to 1.0
template <size_t P = N>
typename std::enable_if<P == 2 && N == P, T>::type lineProjection(VectorType const& l2) const {
VectorType d = diff();
return ((l2[0] - min()[0]) * d[0] + (l2[1] - min()[1]) * d[1]) / d.magnitudeSquared();
template <size_t P = N>
typename std::enable_if<P == 2 && N == P, T>::type distanceTo(VectorType const& l, bool infinite = false) const {
auto t = lineProjection(l);
if (!infinite)
t = clamp<T>(t, 0, 1);
return vmag(l - eval(t));
template <size_t P = N>
typename std::enable_if<P == 2 && N == P, void>::type rotate(
T angle, VectorType const& rotationCenter = VectorType()) {
auto rotMatrix = Mat3F::rotation(angle, rotationCenter);
min() = rotMatrix.transformVec2(min());
max() = rotMatrix.transformVec2(max());
template <typename T2, size_t P = N>
typename std::enable_if<P == 2 && N == P, void>::type transform(Matrix3<T2> const& transform) {
min() = transform.transformVec2(min());
max() = transform.transformVec2(max());
template <typename T2, size_t P = N>
typename std::enable_if<P == 2 && N == P, Line>::type transformed(Matrix3<T2> const& transform) const {
return Line(transform.transformVec2(min()), transform.transformVec2(max()));
template <size_t P = N>
typename std::enable_if<P == 2 && N == P, void>::type flipHorizontal(T horizontalPos) {
m_min[0] = horizontalPos + (horizontalPos - m_min[0]);
m_max[0] = horizontalPos + (horizontalPos - m_max[0]);
template <size_t P = N>
typename std::enable_if<P == 2 && N == P, void>::type flipVertical(T verticalPos) {
m_min[1] = verticalPos + (verticalPos - m_min[1]);
m_max[1] = verticalPos + (verticalPos - m_max[1]);
VectorType m_min;
VectorType m_max;
typedef Line<float, 2> Line2F;
typedef Line<double, 2> Line2D;
typedef Line<int, 2> Line2I;
template <typename T, size_t N>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Line<T, N> const& l) {
os << '[' << l.min() << ", " << l.max() << ']';
return os;
template <typename T, size_t N>
struct hash<Line<T, N>> {
size_t operator()(Line<T, N> const& line) const {
size_t hashval = 0;
hashCombine(hashval, vectorHasher(line.min()));
hashCombine(hashval, vectorHasher(line.max()));
return hashval;
Star::hash<typename Line<T, N>::VectorType> vectorHasher;