2023-06-20 14:33:09 +10:00
#include "StarVector.hpp"
#include "StarCasting.hpp"
#include "StarInputEvent.hpp"
#include "StarGuiContext.hpp"
namespace Star {
STAR_EXCEPTION(GuiException, StarException);
enum class KeyboardCaptureMode {
typedef function<void(Widget*)> WidgetCallbackFunc;
class Widget {
virtual ~Widget();
Widget(Widget const& copy) = delete;
Widget& operator=(Widget const&) = delete;
virtual void render(RectI const& region) final;
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virtual void update(float dt);
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GuiContext* context() const;
// Position of widget with drawing offset (useful for drawing)
virtual Vec2I position() const;
// Position of widget ignoring offset (useful for moving and placing widgets
// relative to its current position)
virtual Vec2I relativePosition() const;
// Set position of widget, ignoring offset
virtual void setPosition(Vec2I const& position);
virtual Vec2I drawingOffset() const;
virtual void setDrawingOffset(Vec2I const& offset);
virtual Vec2I size() const;
virtual void setSize(Vec2I const& size);
virtual RectI relativeBoundRect() const;
virtual RectI screenBoundRect() const;
virtual bool inMember(Vec2I const& position) const;
virtual bool sendEvent(InputEvent const& event);
virtual void show();
virtual void hide();
virtual void toggleVisibility();
virtual void setVisibility(bool visibility);
virtual void mouseOver();
virtual void mouseOut();
virtual void mouseReturnStillDown();
virtual void setMouseTransparent(bool transparent);
virtual bool mouseTransparent();
virtual bool active() const;
virtual bool interactive() const;
virtual bool hasFocus() const;
virtual void focus();
virtual void blur();
virtual Widget* parent() const;
virtual void setParent(Widget* parent);
virtual Pane const* window() const;
virtual Pane* window();
virtual void addChild(String const& name, WidgetPtr member);
virtual void addChildAt(String const& name, WidgetPtr member, size_t at);
virtual bool removeChild(Widget* member);
virtual bool removeChild(String const& name);
virtual bool removeChildAt(size_t at);
virtual WidgetPtr getChildAt(Vec2I const& pos);
virtual bool containsChild(String const& name);
virtual WidgetPtr fetchChild(String const& name);
template <typename WidgetType>
shared_ptr<WidgetType> fetchChild(String const& name);
virtual WidgetPtr findChild(String const& name);
template <typename WidgetType>
shared_ptr<WidgetType> findChild(String const& name);
WidgetPtr childPtr(Widget const* widget) const;
virtual size_t numChildren() const;
virtual WidgetPtr getChildNum(size_t num) const;
template <typename WidgetType>
shared_ptr<WidgetType> getChildNum(size_t num) const;
virtual void removeAllChildren();
virtual String const& name() const;
virtual void setName(String const& name);
String fullName() const;
unsigned windowHeight() const;
unsigned windowWidth() const;
Vec2I windowSize() const;
virtual Vec2I screenPosition() const;
void disableScissoring();
void enableScissoring();
void determineSizeFromChildren();
void markAsContainer();
virtual KeyboardCaptureMode keyboardCaptured() const;
void setData(Json const& data);
Json const& data();
bool setLabel(String const& name, String const& value);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Widget const& widget);
String toStringImpl(int indentLevel) const;
virtual void renderImpl();
virtual void drawChildren();
bool setupDrawRegion(RectI const& region);
virtual RectI getScissorRect() const;
virtual RectI noScissor() const;
Widget* m_parent;
GuiContext* m_context;
bool m_visible;
PolyF m_boundPoly;
Vec2I m_position;
Vec2I m_size;
RectI m_drawingArea;
Vec2I m_drawingOffset;
String m_name;
List<WidgetPtr> m_members;
StringMap<WidgetPtr> m_memberHash;
Vec2I m_memberSize;
bool m_focus;
bool m_doScissor;
bool m_container;
bool m_mouseTransparent;
Json m_data;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Widget const& widget);
template <typename WidgetType>
shared_ptr<WidgetType> Widget::getChildNum(size_t num) const {
return as<WidgetType>(getChildNum(num));
template <typename WidgetType>
shared_ptr<WidgetType> Widget::fetchChild(String const& name) {
return as<WidgetType>(fetchChild(name));
template <typename WidgetType>
shared_ptr<WidgetType> Widget::findChild(String const& name) {
return as<WidgetType>(findChild(name));
2023-06-27 19:24:35 +10:00
template <> struct fmt::formatter<Star::Widget> : ostream_formatter {};
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