103 lines
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103 lines
2.9 KiB
#include "StarPerlin.hpp"
#include "StarWeightedPool.hpp"
#include "StarBiMap.hpp"
#include "StarPlant.hpp"
#include "StarTreasure.hpp"
#include "StarStrongTypedef.hpp"
namespace Star {
STAR_EXCEPTION(BiomeException, StarException);
typedef pair<TreeVariant, TreeVariant> TreePair;
// Weighted pairs of object name / parameters.
typedef WeightedPool<pair<String, Json>> ObjectPool;
strong_typedef(String, TreasureBoxSet);
strong_typedef(StringSet, MicroDungeonNames);
typedef Variant<GrassVariant, BushVariant, TreePair, ObjectPool, TreasureBoxSet, MicroDungeonNames> BiomeItem;
BiomeItem variantToBiomeItem(Json const& store);
Json variantFromBiomeItem(BiomeItem const& biomeItem);
enum class BiomePlacementArea { Surface, Underground };
enum class BiomePlacementMode { Floor, Ceiling, Background, Ocean };
extern EnumMap<BiomePlacementMode> const BiomePlacementModeNames;
struct BiomeItemPlacement {
BiomeItemPlacement(BiomeItem item, Vec2I position, float priority);
// Orders by priority
bool operator<(BiomeItemPlacement const& rhs) const;
BiomeItem item;
Vec2I position;
float priority;
class BiomeItemDistribution {
struct PeriodicWeightedItem {
BiomeItem item;
PerlinF weight;
static Maybe<BiomeItem> createItem(Json const& itemSettings, RandomSource& rand, float biomeHueShift);
BiomeItemDistribution(Json const& config, uint64_t seed, float biomeHueShift = 0.0f);
BiomeItemDistribution(Json const& store);
Json toJson() const;
BiomePlacementMode mode() const;
List<BiomeItem> allItems() const;
// Returns the best BiomeItem for this position out of the weighted item set,
// if the density function specifies that an item should go in this position.
Maybe<BiomeItemPlacement> itemToPlace(int x, int y) const;
enum class DistributionType {
// Pure random distribution
// Uses perlin noise to morph a periodic function into a less predictable
// periodic clumpy noise.
static EnumMap<DistributionType> const DistributionTypeNames;
BiomePlacementMode m_mode;
DistributionType m_distribution;
float m_priority;
// Used if the distribution type is Random
float m_blockProbability;
uint64_t m_blockSeed;
List<BiomeItem> m_randomItems;
// Used if the distribution type is Periodic
PerlinF m_densityFunction;
PerlinF m_modulusDistortion;
int m_modulus;
int m_modulusOffset;
// Pairs items with a periodic weight. Weight will vary over the space of
// the distribution, If multiple items are present, this can be used to
// select one of the items (with the highest weight) out of a list of items,
// causing items to be grouped spatially in a way determined by the shape of
// each weight function.
List<pair<BiomeItem, PerlinF>> m_weightedItems;