208 lines
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208 lines
6.8 KiB
#include "StarOrderedMap.hpp"
#include "StarLruCache.hpp"
#include "StarWorldLayout.hpp"
#include "StarBiomePlacement.hpp"
#include "StarCelestialDatabase.hpp"
#include "StarSkyParameters.hpp"
#include "StarAmbient.hpp"
namespace Star {
// Reference object that describes the generation of a single world, and all
// of the world metadata. Meant to remain static (or relatively static)
// throughout the life of a World.
class WorldTemplate {
struct Dungeon {
String dungeon;
int baseHeight;
int baseX;
int xVariance;
bool force;
bool blendWithTerrain;
struct BlockInfo {
BiomeIndex blockBiomeIndex = NullBiomeIndex;
BiomeIndex environmentBiomeIndex = NullBiomeIndex;
bool biomeTransition = false;
bool terrain = false;
bool foregroundCave = false;
bool backgroundCave = false;
MaterialId foreground = EmptyMaterialId;
ModId foregroundMod = NoModId;
MaterialId background = EmptyMaterialId;
ModId backgroundMod = NoModId;
LiquidId caveLiquid = EmptyLiquidId;
float caveLiquidSeedDensity = 0.0f;
LiquidId oceanLiquid = EmptyLiquidId;
int oceanLiquidLevel = 0;
bool encloseLiquids = false;
bool fillMicrodungeons = false;
struct PotentialBiomeItems {
// Potential items that would spawn at the given block assuming it is at
// the surface.
List<BiomeItemPlacement> surfaceBiomeItems;
// ... Or on a cave surface.
List<BiomeItemPlacement> caveSurfaceBiomeItems;
// ... Or on a cave ceiling.
List<BiomeItemPlacement> caveCeilingBiomeItems;
// ... Or on a cave background wall.
List<BiomeItemPlacement> caveBackgroundBiomeItems;
// ... Or in the ocean
List<BiomeItemPlacement> oceanItems;
// Creates a blank world with the given size
WorldTemplate(Vec2U const& size);
// Creates a world from the given visitable celestial object.
WorldTemplate(CelestialCoordinate const& celestialCoordinate, CelestialDatabasePtr const& celestialDatabase);
// Creates a world from a bare VisitableWorldParameters structure
WorldTemplate(VisitableWorldParametersConstPtr const& worldParameters, SkyParameters const& skyParameters, uint64_t seed);
// Load a world template from the given stored data.
WorldTemplate(Json const& store);
Json store() const;
Maybe<CelestialParameters> const& celestialParameters() const;
VisitableWorldParametersConstPtr worldParameters() const;
SkyParameters skyParameters() const;
WorldLayoutPtr worldLayout() const;
void setWorldParameters(VisitableWorldParametersPtr newParameters);
void setWorldLayout(WorldLayoutPtr newLayout);
void setSkyParameters(SkyParameters newParameters);
uint64_t worldSeed() const;
String worldName() const;
Vec2U size() const;
// The average (ish) surface level for this world, off of which terrain
// generators modify the surface height.
float surfaceLevel() const;
// The constant height at which everything below is considered "underground"
float undergroundLevel() const;
// returns true if the world is terrestrial and the specified position is within the
// planet's surface layer
bool inSurfaceLayer(Vec2I const& position) const;
// If it is specified, searches the player start search region for an
// acceptable player start area. The block returned will be an empty block
// above a terrain block, in a region of free space. If no such block can be
// found or the player start search region is not specified, returns nothing.
Maybe<Vec2I> findSensiblePlayerStart() const;
// Add either a solid region hint or a space region hint for the given
// polygonal region. Blending size and weighting is configured in the
// WorldTemplate config file.
void addCustomTerrainRegion(PolyF poly);
void addCustomSpaceRegion(PolyF poly);
void clearCustomTerrains();
List<RectI> previewAddBiomeRegion(Vec2I const& position, int width);
List<RectI> previewExpandBiomeRegion(Vec2I const& position, int newWidth);
void addBiomeRegion(Vec2I const& position, String const& biomeName, String const& subBlockSelector, int width);
void expandBiomeRegion(Vec2I const& position, int newWidth);
List<Dungeon> dungeons() const;
// Is this tile block naturally outside the terrain?
bool isOutside(int x, int y) const;
// Is this integral region of blocks outside the terrain?
bool isOutside(RectI const& region) const;
BlockInfo blockInfo(int x, int y) const;
// partial blockinfo that doesn't use terrain selectors
BlockInfo blockBiomeInfo(int x, int y) const;
BiomeIndex blockBiomeIndex(int x, int y) const;
BiomeIndex environmentBiomeIndex(int x, int y) const;
BiomeConstPtr biome(BiomeIndex biomeIndex) const;
BiomeConstPtr blockBiome(int x, int y) const;
BiomeConstPtr environmentBiome(int x, int y) const;
MaterialId biomeMaterial(BiomeIndex biomeIndex, int x, int y) const;
// Returns the material and mod hue shift that should be applied to the given
// material and mod for this biome.
MaterialHue biomeMaterialHueShift(BiomeIndex biomeIndex, MaterialId material) const;
MaterialHue biomeModHueShift(BiomeIndex biomeIndex, ModId mod) const;
AmbientNoisesDescriptionPtr ambientNoises(int x, int y) const;
AmbientNoisesDescriptionPtr musicTrack(int x, int y) const;
StringList environmentStatusEffects(int x, int y) const;
bool breathable(int x, int y) const;
WeatherPool weathers() const;
// Return potential items that would spawn at the given block.
void addPotentialBiomeItems(int x, int y, PotentialBiomeItems& items, List<BiomeItemDistribution> const& distributions, BiomePlacementArea area, Maybe<BiomePlacementMode> mode = {}) const;
PotentialBiomeItems potentialBiomeItemsAt(int x, int y) const;
// Return only the potential items that can spawn at the given block.
List<BiomeItemPlacement> validBiomeItems(int x, int y, PotentialBiomeItems potentialBiomeItems) const;
float gravity() const;
float threatLevel() const;
// For consistently seeding object generation at this position
uint64_t seedFor(int x, int y) const;
struct CustomTerrainRegion {
PolyF region;
RectF regionBounds;
bool solid;
void determineWorldName();
pair<float, float> customTerrainWeighting(int x, int y) const;
// Calculates block info and adds to cache
BlockInfo getBlockInfo(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) const;
Json m_templateConfig;
float m_customTerrainBlendSize;
float m_customTerrainBlendWeight;
Maybe<CelestialParameters> m_celestialParameters;
VisitableWorldParametersConstPtr m_worldParameters;
SkyParameters m_skyParameters;
uint64_t m_seed;
WorldGeometry m_geometry;
WorldLayoutPtr m_layout;
String m_worldName;
List<CustomTerrainRegion> m_customTerrainRegions;
mutable HashLruCache<Vector<uint32_t, 2>, BlockInfo> m_blockCache;