2023-06-20 14:33:09 +10:00
#include "StarSet.hpp"
#include "StarJsonRpc.hpp"
#include "StarItemDescriptor.hpp"
#include "StarDrawable.hpp"
#include "StarCelestialCoordinate.hpp"
#include "StarThread.hpp"
#include "StarQuestDescriptor.hpp"
#include "StarQuestTemplateDatabase.hpp"
#include "StarLuaComponents.hpp"
#include "StarLuaActorMovementComponent.hpp"
#include "StarWarping.hpp"
namespace Star {
enum class QuestState {
// New - being set up and quest hasn't been offered yet (or was offered and declined)
// Offer - waiting on the player to accept or decline the quest
// Active - the quest was accepted and is in progress
// Complete - the quest finished successfully
// Failed - the quest finished unsuccessfully or the player abandoned it
extern EnumMap<QuestState> const QuestStateNames;
class Quest {
Quest(QuestArcDescriptor const& questArc, size_t arcPos, Player* player);
Quest(Json const& diskStore);
Json diskStore() const;
QuestTemplatePtr getTemplate() const;
void init(Player* player, World* world, UniverseClient* client);
void uninit();
Maybe<Json> receiveMessage(String const& message, bool localMessage, JsonArray const& args = {});
2023-07-21 00:58:49 +10:00
void update(float dt);
2023-06-20 14:33:09 +10:00
void offer();
void declineOffer();
void start();
void complete(Maybe<size_t> followupIndex = {});
void fail();
void abandon();
bool interactWithEntity(EntityId entity);
// The generated ID for this instance of the quest with these specific
// parameters. Multiple players iin a universe may have quests with the same
// questId if the the source of the quest was the same.
String questId() const;
// The ID of the template this quest was created from
String templateId() const;
StringMap<QuestParam> const& parameters() const;
QuestState state() const;
// Whether to show the Complete / Failed dialog
bool showDialog() const;
void setDialogShown();
void setEntityParameter(String const& paramName, EntityConstPtr const& entity);
void setParameter(String const& paramName, QuestParam const& paramValue);
Maybe<List<Drawable>> portrait(String const& portraitName) const;
Maybe<String> portraitTitle(String const& portraitName) const;
QuestDescriptor questDescriptor() const;
QuestArcDescriptor questArcDescriptor() const;
size_t questArcPosition() const;
Maybe<WorldId> worldId() const;
Maybe<pair<Vec3I, SystemLocation>> location() const;
Maybe<Uuid> serverUuid() const;
void setWorldId(Maybe<WorldId> worldId);
void setLocation(Maybe<pair<Vec3I, SystemLocation>> location);
void setServerUuid(Maybe<Uuid> serverUuid);
String title() const;
String text() const;
String completionText() const;
String failureText() const;
size_t money() const;
List<ItemConstPtr> rewards() const;
// The time when this quest last changed state (active/completed/failed)
int64_t lastUpdatedOn() const;
bool unread() const;
void markAsRead();
bool canTurnIn() const;
String questGiverIndicator() const;
String questReceiverIndicator() const;
// The String returned by this method is an image path, not a reference to a configured indicator
Maybe<String> customIndicator(EntityPtr const& entity) const;
Maybe<JsonArray> objectiveList() const;
Maybe<float> progress() const;
Maybe<float> compassDirection() const;
void setObjectiveList(Maybe<JsonArray> const& objectiveList);
void setProgress(Maybe<float> const& progress);
void setCompassDirection(Maybe<float> const& compassDirection);
Maybe<String> completionCinema() const;
bool canBeAbandoned() const;
bool ephemeral() const;
bool showInLog() const;
bool showAcceptDialog() const;
bool showCompleteDialog() const;
bool showFailDialog() const;
bool mainQuest() const;
bool hideCrossServer() const;
struct DisplayParameters {
bool ephemeral;
bool showInLog;
bool showAcceptDialog;
bool showCompleteDialog;
bool showFailDialog;
bool mainQuest;
bool hideCrossServer;
void setState(QuestState state);
void initScript();
void uninitScript();
LuaCallbacks makeQuestCallbacks(Player* player);
void setEntityParameter(String const& paramName, Entity const* entity);
void addReward(ItemDescriptor const& reward);
String const& defaultCustomIndicator() const;
Player* m_player;
World* m_world;
UniverseClient* m_client;
QuestState m_state;
bool m_inited;
bool m_showDialog;
QuestArcDescriptor m_arc;
size_t m_arcPos;
StringMap<QuestParam> m_parameters;
DisplayParameters m_displayParameters;
Maybe<WorldId> m_worldId;
Maybe<pair<Vec3I, SystemLocation>> m_location;
Maybe<Uuid> m_serverUuid;
size_t m_money;
List<ItemConstPtr> m_rewards;
int64_t m_lastUpdatedOn;
bool m_unread;
bool m_canTurnIn;
StringSet m_indicators;
String m_trackedIndicator;
String m_untrackedIndicator;
String m_title;
String m_text;
String m_completionText;
String m_failureText;
StringMap<List<Drawable>> m_portraits;
StringMap<String> m_portraitTitles;
Maybe<JsonArray> m_objectiveList;
Maybe<float> m_progress;
Maybe<float> m_compassDirection;
// Create an instance of Quest for a specific template with all the parameters filled
// in with examples. Doesn't necessarily make a valid quest that can be completed, since
// its purpose is for previewing dialogs only.
QuestPtr createPreviewQuest(
String const& templateId, String const& position, String const& questGiverSpecies, Player* player);