
141 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2023-06-20 14:33:09 +10:00
#include "StarTtlCache.hpp"
#include "StarWorldRenderData.hpp"
#include "StarMaterialRenderProfile.hpp"
#include "StarRenderer.hpp"
#include "StarWorldCamera.hpp"
namespace Star {
class TilePainter {
// The rendered tiles are split and cached in chunks of RenderChunkSize x
// RenderChunkSize. This means that, around the border, there may be as many
// as RenderChunkSize - 1 tiles rendered outside of the viewing area from
// chunk alignment. In addition to this, there is also a region around each
// tile that is used for neighbor based rendering rules which has a max of
// MaterialRenderProfileMaxNeighborDistance. If the given tile data does not
// extend RenderChunkSize + MaterialRenderProfileMaxNeighborDistance - 1
// around the viewing area, then border chunks can continuously change hash,
// and will be recomputed too often.
static unsigned const RenderChunkSize = 16;
static unsigned const BorderTileSize = RenderChunkSize + MaterialRenderProfileMaxNeighborDistance - 1;
TilePainter(RendererPtr renderer);
// Adjusts lighting levels for liquids.
void adjustLighting(WorldRenderData& renderData) const;
// Sets up chunk data for every chunk that intersects the rendering region
// and prepares it for rendering. Do not call cleanup in between calling
// setup and each render method.
void setup(WorldCamera const& camera, WorldRenderData& renderData);
void renderBackground(WorldCamera const& camera);
void renderMidground(WorldCamera const& camera);
void renderLiquid(WorldCamera const& camera);
void renderForeground(WorldCamera const& camera);
// Clears any render data, as well as cleaning up old cached textures and
// chunks.
void cleanup();
typedef uint64_t QuadZLevel;
typedef uint64_t ChunkHash;
enum class TerrainLayer { Background, Midground, Foreground };
struct LiquidInfo {
TexturePtr texture;
Vec4B color;
Vec3F bottomLightMix;
float textureMovementFactor;
typedef HashMap<TerrainLayer, HashMap<QuadZLevel, RenderBufferPtr>> TerrainChunk;
typedef HashMap<LiquidId, RenderBufferPtr> LiquidChunk;
typedef size_t MaterialRenderPieceIndex;
typedef tuple<MaterialId, MaterialRenderPieceIndex, MaterialHue, bool> MaterialPieceTextureKey;
typedef String AssetTextureKey;
typedef Variant<MaterialPieceTextureKey, AssetTextureKey> TextureKey;
typedef List<pair<MaterialRenderPieceConstPtr, Vec2F>> MaterialPieceResultList;
struct TextureKeyHash {
size_t operator()(TextureKey const& key) const;
// chunkIndex here is the index of the render chunk such that chunkIndex *
// RenderChunkSize results in the coordinate of the lower left most tile in
// the render chunk.
static ChunkHash terrainChunkHash(WorldRenderData& renderData, Vec2I chunkIndex);
static ChunkHash liquidChunkHash(WorldRenderData& renderData, Vec2I chunkIndex);
static QuadZLevel materialZLevel(uint32_t zLevel, MaterialId material, MaterialHue hue, MaterialColorVariant colorVariant);
static QuadZLevel modZLevel(uint32_t zLevel, ModId mod, MaterialHue hue, MaterialColorVariant colorVariant);
static QuadZLevel damageZLevel();
static RenderTile const& getRenderTile(WorldRenderData const& renderData, Vec2I const& worldPos);
template <typename Function>
static void forEachRenderTile(WorldRenderData const& renderData, RectI const& worldCoordRange, Function&& function);
void renderTerrainChunks(WorldCamera const& camera, TerrainLayer terrainLayer);
shared_ptr<TerrainChunk const> getTerrainChunk(WorldRenderData& renderData, Vec2I chunkIndex);
shared_ptr<LiquidChunk const> getLiquidChunk(WorldRenderData& renderData, Vec2I chunkIndex);
bool produceTerrainPrimitives(HashMap<QuadZLevel, List<RenderPrimitive>>& primitives,
TerrainLayer terrainLayer, Vec2I const& pos, WorldRenderData const& renderData);
void produceLiquidPrimitives(HashMap<LiquidId, List<RenderPrimitive>>& primitives, Vec2I const& pos, WorldRenderData const& renderData);
bool determineMatchingPieces(MaterialPieceResultList& resultList, bool* occlude, MaterialDatabaseConstPtr const& materialDb, MaterialRenderMatchList const& matchList,
WorldRenderData const& renderData, Vec2I const& basePos, TileLayer layer, bool isMod);
float liquidDrawLevel(float liquidLevel) const;
List<LiquidInfo> m_liquids;
Vec4B m_backgroundLayerColor;
Vec4B m_foregroundLayerColor;
Vec2F m_liquidDrawLevels;
RendererPtr m_renderer;
TextureGroupPtr m_textureGroup;
HashTtlCache<TextureKey, TexturePtr, TextureKeyHash> m_textureCache;
HashTtlCache<pair<Vec2I, ChunkHash>, shared_ptr<TerrainChunk const>> m_terrainChunkCache;
HashTtlCache<pair<Vec2I, ChunkHash>, shared_ptr<LiquidChunk const>> m_liquidChunkCache;
List<shared_ptr<TerrainChunk const>> m_pendingTerrainChunks;
List<shared_ptr<LiquidChunk const>> m_pendingLiquidChunks;
Maybe<Vec2F> m_lastCameraCenter;
Vec2F m_cameraPan;
template <typename Function>
void TilePainter::forEachRenderTile(WorldRenderData const& renderData, RectI const& worldCoordRange, Function&& function) {
RectI indexRect = RectI::withSize(renderData.geometry.diff(worldCoordRange.min(), renderData.tileMinPosition), worldCoordRange.size());
indexRect.limit(RectI::withSize(Vec2I(0, 0), Vec2I(renderData.tiles.size())));
if (!indexRect.isEmpty()) {
renderData.tiles.forEach(Array2S(indexRect.min()), Array2S(indexRect.size()), [&](Array2S const& index, RenderTile const& tile) {
return function(worldCoordRange.min() + (Vec2I(index) - indexRect.min()), tile);