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2023-06-20 14:33:09 +10:00
#include "StarFormattedJson.hpp"
#include "StarJsonBuilder.hpp"
#include "StarLexicalCast.hpp"
namespace Star {
class FormattedJsonBuilderStream : public JsonStream {
virtual void beginObject();
virtual void objectKey(String::Char const* s, size_t len);
virtual void endObject();
virtual void beginArray();
virtual void endArray();
virtual void putString(String::Char const* s, size_t len);
virtual void putDouble(String::Char const* s, size_t len);
virtual void putInteger(String::Char const* s, size_t len);
virtual void putBoolean(bool b);
virtual void putNull();
virtual void putWhitespace(String::Char const* s, size_t len);
virtual void putComma();
virtual void putColon();
FormattedJson takeTop();
void push(FormattedJson const& v);
FormattedJson pop();
FormattedJson& current();
void putValue(Json const& value, Maybe<String> formatting = {});
Maybe<FormattedJson> m_root;
List<FormattedJson> m_stack;
template <>
class JsonStreamer<FormattedJson> {
static void toJsonStream(FormattedJson const& val, JsonStream& stream, bool sort);
ValueElement::ValueElement(FormattedJson const& json) : value(make_shared<FormattedJson>(json)) {}
bool ValueElement::operator==(ValueElement const& v) const {
return *value == *v.value;
bool ObjectKeyElement::operator==(ObjectKeyElement const& v) const {
return key == v.key;
bool WhitespaceElement::operator==(WhitespaceElement const& v) const {
return whitespace == v.whitespace;
bool ColonElement::operator==(ColonElement const&) const {
return true;
bool CommaElement::operator==(CommaElement const&) const {
return true;
FormattedJson FormattedJson::parse(String const& string) {
return inputUtf32Json<String::const_iterator, FormattedJsonBuilderStream, FormattedJson>(
string.begin(), string.end(), true);
FormattedJson FormattedJson::parseJson(String const& string) {
return inputUtf32Json<String::const_iterator, FormattedJsonBuilderStream, FormattedJson>(
string.begin(), string.end(), false);
FormattedJson FormattedJson::ofType(Json::Type type) {
FormattedJson json;
json.m_jsonValue = Json::ofType(type);
return json;
FormattedJson::FormattedJson() : FormattedJson(Json()) {}
FormattedJson::FormattedJson(Json const& json)
: m_jsonValue(Json::ofType(json.type())),
m_arrayElementLocations() {
if (json.type() == Json::Type::Object || json.type() == Json::Type::Array) {
FormattedJsonBuilderStream stream;
JsonStreamer<Json>::toJsonStream(json, stream, false);
FormattedJson parsed = stream.takeTop();
for (JsonElement const& elem : parsed.elements()) {
m_jsonValue = json;
Json const& FormattedJson::toJson() const {
return m_jsonValue;
FormattedJson FormattedJson::get(String const& key) const {
if (type() != Json::Type::Object)
throw JsonException::format("Cannot call get with key on FormattedJson type %s, must be Object type", typeName());
Maybe<pair<ElementLocation, ElementLocation>> entry = m_objectEntryLocations.maybe(key);
if (entry.isNothing())
throw JsonException::format("No such key in FormattedJson::get(\"%s\")", key);
return getFormattedJson(entry->second);
FormattedJson FormattedJson::get(size_t index) const {
if (type() != Json::Type::Array)
throw JsonException::format("Cannot call get with index on FormattedJson type %s, must be Array type", typeName());
if (index >= m_arrayElementLocations.size())
throw JsonException::format("FormattedJson::get(%s) out of range", index);
ElementLocation loc = m_arrayElementLocations.at(index);
return getFormattedJson(loc);
struct WhitespaceStyle {
String beforeKey;
String beforeColon;
String beforeValue;
String beforeComma;
template <class ElementType>
FormattedJson::ElementLocation indexOf(FormattedJson::ElementList const& elements, FormattedJson::ElementLocation pos) {
for (; pos < elements.size(); ++pos) {
if (elements[pos].is<ElementType>())
return pos;
return NPos;
template <class ElementType>
FormattedJson::ElementLocation lastIndexOf(
FormattedJson::ElementList const& elements, FormattedJson::ElementLocation pos) {
while (pos > 0) {
if (elements[pos].is<ElementType>())
return pos;
return NPos;
String concatWhitespace(FormattedJson::ElementList const& elements, FormattedJson::ElementLocation from,
FormattedJson::ElementLocation to) {
String whitespace;
for (JsonElement const& elem : elements.slice(from, to)) {
if (elem.is<WhitespaceElement>())
whitespace += elem.get<WhitespaceElement>().whitespace;
return whitespace;
WhitespaceStyle detectWhitespace(FormattedJson::ElementList const& elements,
FormattedJson::ElementLocation insertLoc, bool array) {
WhitespaceStyle style;
// Find a nearby value as a reference location to learn whitespace from.
FormattedJson::ElementLocation valueLoc = lastIndexOf<ValueElement>(elements, insertLoc);
if (valueLoc == NPos)
valueLoc = indexOf<ValueElement>(elements, insertLoc);
if (valueLoc == NPos) {
// This object/array is empty. Pre-key/value whitespace will be the total of
// the whitespace already present, plus some guessed indentation if it
// contained a newline.
String beforeValue = concatWhitespace(elements, 0, elements.size());
if (beforeValue.find('\n') != NPos)
beforeValue += " ";
if (array)
return WhitespaceStyle{"", "", beforeValue, ""};
return WhitespaceStyle{beforeValue, "", "", ""};
FormattedJson::ElementLocation commaLoc = indexOf<CommaElement>(elements, valueLoc);
if (commaLoc != NPos) {
style.beforeComma = concatWhitespace(elements, valueLoc + 1, commaLoc);
FormattedJson::ElementLocation colonLoc = lastIndexOf<ColonElement>(elements, valueLoc);
starAssert((colonLoc == NPos) == array);
if (colonLoc != NPos) {
style.beforeValue = concatWhitespace(elements, colonLoc + 1, valueLoc);
FormattedJson::ElementLocation keyLoc = lastIndexOf<ObjectKeyElement>(elements, colonLoc);
starAssert(keyLoc != NPos);
style.beforeColon = concatWhitespace(elements, keyLoc + 1, colonLoc);
FormattedJson::ElementLocation prevValueLoc = lastIndexOf<ValueElement>(elements, keyLoc);
if (prevValueLoc == NPos)
prevValueLoc = 0;
style.beforeKey = concatWhitespace(elements, prevValueLoc, keyLoc);
} else {
FormattedJson::ElementLocation prevValueLoc = lastIndexOf<ValueElement>(elements, valueLoc);
if (prevValueLoc == NPos)
prevValueLoc = 0;
style.beforeValue = concatWhitespace(elements, prevValueLoc, valueLoc);
return style;
void insertWhitespace(FormattedJson::ElementList& destination, FormattedJson::ElementLocation& at, String const& whitespace) {
if (whitespace == "")
destination.insertAt(at++, WhitespaceElement{whitespace});
void insertWithWhitespace(FormattedJson::ElementList& destination, WhitespaceStyle const& style,
FormattedJson::ElementLocation& at, JsonElement const& element) {
if (element.is<ValueElement>())
insertWhitespace(destination, at, style.beforeValue);
if (element.is<ObjectKeyElement>())
insertWhitespace(destination, at, style.beforeKey);
if (element.is<ColonElement>())
insertWhitespace(destination, at, style.beforeColon);
if (element.is<CommaElement>())
insertWhitespace(destination, at, style.beforeComma);
destination.insertAt(at++, element);
void insertWithCommaAndFormatting(FormattedJson::ElementList& destination, FormattedJson::ElementLocation at,
bool array, FormattedJson::ElementList const& elements) {
// Find the previous value we're inserting after, if any.
at = lastIndexOf<ValueElement>(destination, at);
if (at == NPos)
at = 0;
at += 1;
bool empty = lastIndexOf<ValueElement>(destination, destination.size()) == NPos;
bool appendComma = at == 0 && !empty;
bool prependComma = !appendComma && !empty;
WhitespaceStyle style = detectWhitespace(destination, at, array);
if (prependComma) {
// Inserting into a non-empty object/array. Prepend a comma
insertWithWhitespace(destination, style, at, CommaElement{});
for (JsonElement const& elem : elements) {
insertWithWhitespace(destination, style, at, elem);
if (appendComma) {
insertWithWhitespace(destination, style, at, CommaElement{});
FormattedJson FormattedJson::prepend(String const& key, FormattedJson const& value) const {
return objectInsert(key, value, 0);
FormattedJson FormattedJson::insertBefore(String const& key, FormattedJson const& value, String const& beforeKey) const {
if (!m_objectEntryLocations.contains(beforeKey))
throw JsonException::format("Cannot insert before key \"%s\", which does not exist", beforeKey);
ElementLocation loc = m_objectEntryLocations.get(beforeKey).first;
return objectInsert(key, value, loc);
FormattedJson FormattedJson::insertAfter(String const& key, FormattedJson const& value, String const& afterKey) const {
if (!m_objectEntryLocations.contains(afterKey))
throw JsonException::format("Cannot insert after key \"%s\", which does not exist", afterKey);
ElementLocation loc = m_objectEntryLocations.get(afterKey).second;
return objectInsert(key, value, loc + 1);
FormattedJson FormattedJson::append(String const& key, FormattedJson const& value) const {
return objectInsert(key, value, m_elements.size());
FormattedJson FormattedJson::set(String const& key, FormattedJson const& value) const {
return objectInsert(key, value, m_elements.size());
void removeValueFromArray(List<JsonElement>& elements, size_t loc) {
// Remove the value itself, the comma following and the whitespace up to the
// next value.
// If it's the last value, it removes the value, and the preceding whitespace
// and comma.
size_t commaLoc = elements.indexOf(CommaElement{}, loc);
if (commaLoc != NPos) {
elements.eraseAt(loc, commaLoc + 1);
while (loc < elements.size() && elements.at(loc).is<WhitespaceElement>())
} else {
commaLoc = elements.lastIndexOf(CommaElement{}, loc);
if (commaLoc == NPos)
commaLoc = 0;
elements.eraseAt(commaLoc, loc + 1);
FormattedJson FormattedJson::eraseKey(String const& key) const {
if (type() != Json::Type::Object)
throw JsonException::format("Cannot call erase with key on FormattedJson type %s, must be Object type", typeName());
Maybe<pair<ElementLocation, ElementLocation>> maybeEntry = m_objectEntryLocations.maybe(key);
if (maybeEntry.isNothing())
return *this;
ElementLocation loc = maybeEntry->first;
ElementList elements = m_elements;
elements.eraseAt(loc, maybeEntry->second); // Remove key, colon and whitespace up to the value
removeValueFromArray(elements, loc);
return object(elements);
FormattedJson FormattedJson::insert(size_t index, FormattedJson const& value) const {
if (type() != Json::Type::Array)
throw JsonException::format(
"Cannot call insert with index on FormattedJson type %s, must be Array type", typeName());
if (index > m_arrayElementLocations.size())
throw JsonException::format("FormattedJson::insert(%s) out of range", index);
ElementList elements = m_elements;
ElementLocation insertPosition = elements.size();
if (index < m_arrayElementLocations.size())
insertPosition = m_arrayElementLocations.at(index);
insertWithCommaAndFormatting(elements, insertPosition, true, {ValueElement{value}});
return array(elements);
FormattedJson FormattedJson::append(FormattedJson const& value) const {
if (type() != Json::Type::Array)
throw JsonException::format("Cannot call append on FormattedJson type %s, must be Array type", typeName());
ElementList elements = m_elements;
insertWithCommaAndFormatting(elements, elements.size(), true, {ValueElement{value}});
return array(elements);
FormattedJson FormattedJson::set(size_t index, FormattedJson const& value) const {
if (type() != Json::Type::Array)
throw JsonException::format("Cannot call set with index on FormattedJson type %s, must be Array type", typeName());
if (index >= m_arrayElementLocations.size())
throw JsonException::format("FormattedJson::set(%s) out of range", index);
ElementLocation loc = m_arrayElementLocations.at(index);
ElementList elements = m_elements;
elements.at(loc) = ValueElement{value};
return array(elements);
FormattedJson FormattedJson::eraseIndex(size_t index) const {
if (type() != Json::Type::Array)
throw JsonException::format("Cannot call set with index on FormattedJson type %s, must be Array type", typeName());
if (index >= m_arrayElementLocations.size())
throw JsonException::format("FormattedJson::eraseIndex(%s) out of range", index);
ElementLocation loc = m_arrayElementLocations.at(index);
ElementList elements = m_elements;
removeValueFromArray(elements, loc);
return array(elements);
size_t FormattedJson::size() const {
return m_jsonValue.size();
bool FormattedJson::contains(String const& key) const {
return m_jsonValue.contains(key);
Json::Type FormattedJson::type() const {
return m_jsonValue.type();
bool FormattedJson::isType(Json::Type type) const {
return m_jsonValue.isType(type);
String FormattedJson::typeName() const {
return m_jsonValue.typeName();
String FormattedJson::toFormattedDouble() const {
if (!isType(Json::Type::Float))
throw JsonException::format("Cannot call toFormattedDouble on Json type %s, must be Float", typeName());
if (m_formatting.isValid())
return *m_formatting;
return toJson().repr();
String FormattedJson::toFormattedInt() const {
if (!isType(Json::Type::Int))
throw JsonException::format("Cannot call toFormattedInt on Json type %s, must be Int", typeName());
if (m_formatting.isValid())
return *m_formatting;
return toJson().repr();
String FormattedJson::repr() const {
if (m_formatting.isValid())
return *m_formatting;
String result;
outputUtf32Json<std::back_insert_iterator<String>, FormattedJson>(*this, std::back_inserter(result), 0, false);
return result;
String FormattedJson::printJson() const {
if (type() != Json::Type::Object && type() != Json::Type::Array)
throw JsonException("printJson called on non-top-level JSON type");
return repr();
Json elemToJson(JsonElement const& elem) {
return elem.get<ValueElement>().value->toJson();
FormattedJson::ElementList const& FormattedJson::elements() const {
return m_elements;
bool FormattedJson::operator==(FormattedJson const& v) const {
return m_jsonValue == v.m_jsonValue;
bool FormattedJson::operator!=(FormattedJson const& v) const {
return !(*this == v);
FormattedJson FormattedJson::object(ElementList const& elements) {
FormattedJson json = ofType(Json::Type::Object);
for (JsonElement const& elem : elements) {
return json;
FormattedJson FormattedJson::array(ElementList const& elements) {
FormattedJson json = ofType(Json::Type::Array);
for (JsonElement const& elem : elements) {
if (elem.is<ColonElement>() || elem.is<ObjectKeyElement>())
throw JsonException("Invalid FormattedJson element in Json array");
return json;
FormattedJson FormattedJson::objectInsert(String const& key, FormattedJson const& value, ElementLocation loc) const {
if (type() != Json::Type::Object)
throw JsonException::format("Cannot call set with key on FormattedJson type %s, must be Object type", typeName());
Maybe<pair<ElementLocation, ElementLocation>> maybeEntry = m_objectEntryLocations.maybe(key);
if (maybeEntry.isValid()) {
ElementList elements = m_elements;
elements.at(maybeEntry->second) = ValueElement{value};
return object(elements);
ElementList elements = m_elements;
insertWithCommaAndFormatting(elements, loc, false, {ObjectKeyElement{key}, ColonElement{}, ValueElement{value}});
return object(elements);
void FormattedJson::appendElement(JsonElement const& elem) {
ElementLocation loc = m_elements.size();
if (elem.is<ObjectKeyElement>()) {
m_lastKey = loc;
} else if (elem.is<ValueElement>()) {
m_lastValue = loc;
if (m_lastKey.isValid()) {
String key = m_elements[*m_lastKey].get<ObjectKeyElement>().key;
m_objectEntryLocations[key] = make_pair(*m_lastKey, loc);
m_jsonValue = m_jsonValue.set(key, elemToJson(elem));
m_lastKey = {};
} else {
m_jsonValue = m_jsonValue.append(elemToJson(elem));
FormattedJson const& FormattedJson::getFormattedJson(ElementLocation loc) const {
return *m_elements[loc].get<ValueElement>().value;
FormattedJson FormattedJson::formattedAs(String const& formatting) const {
starAssert(Json::parse(formatting) == toJson());
FormattedJson json = *this;
json.m_formatting = formatting;
return json;
void FormattedJsonBuilderStream::beginObject() {
FormattedJson value = FormattedJson::ofType(Json::Type::Object);
void FormattedJsonBuilderStream::objectKey(String::Char const* s, size_t len) {
current().appendElement(ObjectKeyElement{String(s, len)});
void FormattedJsonBuilderStream::endObject() {
FormattedJson value = pop();
if (m_stack.size() > 0)
m_root = value;
void FormattedJsonBuilderStream::beginArray() {
FormattedJson value = FormattedJson::ofType(Json::Type::Array);
void FormattedJsonBuilderStream::endArray() {
FormattedJson value = pop();
if (m_stack.size() > 0)
m_root = value;
void FormattedJsonBuilderStream::putString(String::Char const* s, size_t len) {
putValue(String(s, len));
void FormattedJsonBuilderStream::putDouble(String::Char const* s, size_t len) {
String formatted(s, len);
double d = lexicalCast<double>(formatted);
putValue(d, formatted);
void FormattedJsonBuilderStream::putInteger(String::Char const* s, size_t len) {
String formatted(s, len);
long long d = lexicalCast<long long>(formatted);
putValue(d, formatted);
void FormattedJsonBuilderStream::putBoolean(bool b) {
void FormattedJsonBuilderStream::putNull() {
void FormattedJsonBuilderStream::putWhitespace(String::Char const* s, size_t len) {
if (m_stack.size() > 0)
current().appendElement(WhitespaceElement{String(s, len)});
void FormattedJsonBuilderStream::putColon() {
void FormattedJsonBuilderStream::putComma() {
FormattedJson FormattedJsonBuilderStream::takeTop() {
return m_root.take();
void FormattedJsonBuilderStream::push(FormattedJson const& v) {
FormattedJson FormattedJsonBuilderStream::pop() {
FormattedJson result = m_stack.back();
return result;
FormattedJson& FormattedJsonBuilderStream::current() {
return m_stack.back();
void FormattedJsonBuilderStream::putValue(Json const& value, Maybe<String> formatting) {
FormattedJson formattedValue = value;
if (formatting.isValid())
formattedValue = formattedValue.formattedAs(*formatting);
if (m_stack.size() > 0)
else {
m_root = formattedValue;
void JsonStreamer<FormattedJson>::toJsonStream(FormattedJson const& val, JsonStream& stream, bool sort) {
if (val.isType(Json::Type::Object))
else if (val.isType(Json::Type::Array))
else if (val.isType(Json::Type::Float)) {
// Float and Int are to be formatted the same way they were parsed to
// preserve, e.g. negative zeroes and trailing 0 digits on decimals.
auto ws = val.toFormattedDouble().wideString();
stream.putDouble(ws.c_str(), ws.length());
} else if (val.isType(Json::Type::Int)) {
auto ws = val.toFormattedInt().wideString();
stream.putInteger(ws.c_str(), ws.length());
} else {
// If val is not an object, array or number, it has no formatting and no
// elements. Stream the wrapped Json value the usual way.
JsonStreamer<Json>::toJsonStream(val.toJson(), stream, sort);
for (JsonElement elem : val.elements()) {
if (elem.is<ObjectKeyElement>()) {
String::WideString key = elem.get<ObjectKeyElement>().key.wideString();
stream.objectKey(key.c_str(), key.length());
} else if (elem.is<WhitespaceElement>()) {
String::WideString white = elem.get<WhitespaceElement>().whitespace.wideString();
stream.putWhitespace(white.c_str(), white.length());
} else if (elem.is<ColonElement>()) {
} else if (elem.is<CommaElement>()) {
} else {
toJsonStream(*elem.get<ValueElement>().value, stream, sort);
if (val.isType(Json::Type::Object))
if (val.isType(Json::Type::Array))
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, JsonElement const& elem) {
if (elem.is<ValueElement>())
return os << "ValueElement{" << elem.get<ValueElement>().value << "}";
if (elem.is<ObjectKeyElement>())
return os << "ObjectKeyElement{" << elem.get<ObjectKeyElement>().key << "}";
if (elem.is<WhitespaceElement>())
return os << "WhitespaceElement{" << elem.get<WhitespaceElement>().whitespace << "}";
if (elem.is<ColonElement>())
return os << "ColonElement{}";
if (elem.is<CommaElement>())
return os << "CommaElement{}";
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, FormattedJson const& json) {
return os << json.repr();