2023-06-20 14:33:09 +10:00
#include "StarItem.hpp"
#include "StarRoot.hpp"
#include "StarAssets.hpp"
#include "StarJsonExtra.hpp"
#include "StarRandom.hpp"
#include "StarLogging.hpp"
#include "StarWorldLuaBindings.hpp"
namespace Star {
Item::Item(Json config, String directory, Json parameters) {
m_config = move(config);
m_directory = move(directory);
m_parameters = move(parameters);
m_name = m_config.getString("itemName");
m_count = 1;
m_maxStack = instanceValue("maxStack", Root::singleton().assets()->json("/items/defaultParameters.config:defaultMaxStack").toInt()).toInt();
m_shortDescription = instanceValue("shortdescription", "").toString();
m_description = instanceValue("description", "").toString();
m_rarity = RarityNames.getLeft(instanceValue("rarity").toString());
auto inventoryIcon = instanceValue("inventoryIcon", Root::singleton().assets()->json("/items/defaultParameters.config:missingIcon"));
if (inventoryIcon.type() == Json::Type::Array) {
List<Drawable> iconDrawables;
for (auto const& drawable : inventoryIcon.toArray()) {
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if (auto image = drawable.optString("image")) {
auto changed = drawable.set("image", AssetPath::relativeTo(m_directory, *image));
else {
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} else {
auto image = AssetPath::relativeTo(m_directory, inventoryIcon.toString());
setIconDrawables({Drawable::makeImage(image, 1.0f, true, Vec2F())});
auto assets = Root::singleton().assets();
m_twoHanded = instanceValue("twoHanded", false).toBool();
m_price = instanceValue("price", assets->json("/items/defaultParameters.config:defaultPrice")).toInt();
m_tooltipKind = instanceValue("tooltipKind", "").toString();
auto largeImage = instanceValue("largeImage");
if (!largeImage.isNull())
m_largeImage = AssetPath::relativeTo(m_directory, largeImage.toString());
m_category = instanceValue("category", "").toString();
m_pickupSounds = jsonToStringSet(m_config.get("pickupSounds", JsonArray{}));
if (!m_pickupSounds.size())
m_pickupSounds = jsonToStringSet(assets->json("/items/defaultParameters.config:pickupSounds"));
m_timeToLive = instanceValue("timeToLive", Root::singleton().assets()->json("/items/defaultParameters.config:defaultTimeToLive").toFloat()).toFloat();
for (auto b : jsonToStringList(instanceValue("learnBlueprintsOnPickup", JsonArray{})))
for (auto pair : instanceValue("collectablesOnPickup", JsonObject{}).iterateObject())
m_collectablesOnPickup[pair.first] = pair.second.toString();
Item::~Item() {}
String Item::name() const {
return m_name;
uint64_t Item::count() const {
return m_count;
uint64_t Item::setCount(uint64_t count, bool overfill) {
if (overfill)
m_count = count;
m_count = std::min(count, m_maxStack);
return count - m_count;
bool Item::stackableWith(ItemConstPtr const& item) const {
return item && name() == item->name() && parameters() == item->parameters();
uint64_t Item::maxStack() const {
return m_maxStack;
uint64_t Item::couldStack(ItemConstPtr const& item) const {
if (stackableWith(item) && m_count < m_maxStack) {
uint64_t take = m_maxStack - m_count;
return std::min(take, item->count());
} else {
return 0;
bool Item::stackWith(ItemPtr const& item) {
uint64_t take = couldStack(item);
if (take > 0 && item->consume(take)) {
m_count += take;
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool Item::matches(ItemDescriptor const& descriptor, bool exactMatch) const {
return descriptor.name() == m_name && (!exactMatch || descriptor.parameters() == m_parameters);
bool Item::matches(ItemConstPtr const& other, bool exactMatch) const {
return other->name() == m_name && (!exactMatch || other->parameters() == m_parameters);
bool Item::consume(uint64_t count) {
if (m_count >= count) {
m_count -= count;
return true;
} else {
return false;
ItemPtr Item::take(uint64_t max) {
uint64_t takeCount = std::min(m_count, max);
if (takeCount != 0) {
if (auto newItems = clone()) {
m_count -= takeCount;
return newItems;
} else {
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Logger::warn(strf("Could not clone {}, not moving {} items as requested.", friendlyName(), takeCount).c_str());
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return {};
bool Item::empty() const {
return m_count == 0;
ItemDescriptor Item::descriptor() const {
return ItemDescriptor(m_name, m_count, m_parameters);
String Item::description() const {
return m_description;
String Item::friendlyName() const {
return m_shortDescription;
Rarity Item::rarity() const {
return m_rarity;
List<Drawable> Item::iconDrawables() const {
return m_iconDrawables;
List<Drawable> Item::dropDrawables() const {
auto drawables = iconDrawables();
Drawable::scaleAll(drawables, 1.0f / TilePixels);
return drawables;
bool Item::twoHanded() const {
return m_twoHanded;
float Item::timeToLive() const {
return m_timeToLive;
uint64_t Item::price() const {
return m_price * count();
String Item::tooltipKind() const {
return m_tooltipKind;
String Item::largeImage() const {
return m_largeImage;
String Item::category() const {
return m_category;
String Item::pickupSound() const {
return Random::randFrom(m_pickupSounds);
void Item::setMaxStack(uint64_t maxStack) {
m_maxStack = maxStack;
void Item::setDescription(String const& description) {
m_description = description;
void Item::setRarity(Rarity rarity) {
m_rarity = rarity;
void Item::setPrice(uint64_t price) {
m_price = price;
void Item::setIconDrawables(List<Drawable> drawables) {
m_iconDrawables = move(drawables);
auto boundBox = Drawable::boundBoxAll(m_iconDrawables, true);
if (!boundBox.isEmpty()) {
for (auto& drawable : m_iconDrawables)
// TODO: Why 16? Is this the size of the icon container? Shouldn't this
// be configurable?
float zoom = 16.0f / std::max(boundBox.width(), boundBox.height());
if (zoom < 1) {
for (auto& drawable : m_iconDrawables)
void Item::setTwoHanded(bool twoHanded) {
m_twoHanded = twoHanded;
void Item::setTimeToLive(float timeToLive) {
m_timeToLive = timeToLive;
List<QuestArcDescriptor> Item::pickupQuestTemplates() const {
return instanceValue("pickupQuestTemplates", JsonArray{}).toArray().transformed(&QuestArcDescriptor::fromJson);
StringSet Item::itemTags() const {
return jsonToStringSet(m_config.get("itemTags", JsonArray{}));
bool Item::hasItemTag(String const& itemTag) const {
return itemTags().contains(itemTag);
Json Item::instanceValue(String const& name, Json const& def) const {
return jsonMergeQueryDef(name, def, m_config, m_parameters);
Json Item::instanceValues() const {
return m_config.setAll(m_parameters.toObject());
Json Item::config() const {
return m_config;
Json Item::parameters() const {
return m_parameters;
void Item::setInstanceValue(String const& name, Json const& value) {
if (m_parameters.get(name, {}) != value)
m_parameters = m_parameters.setAll(JsonObject{{name, value}});
String const& Item::directory() const {
return m_directory;
List<ItemDescriptor> Item::learnBlueprintsOnPickup() const {
return m_learnBlueprintsOnPickup;
StringMap<String> Item::collectablesOnPickup() const {
return m_collectablesOnPickup;
GenericItem::GenericItem(Json const& config, String const& directory, Json const& parameters)
: Item(config, directory, parameters) {}
ItemPtr GenericItem::clone() const {
return make_shared<GenericItem>(*this);
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bool Item::itemsEqual(ItemConstPtr const& a, ItemConstPtr const& b) {
if (!a && !b) // Both are null
return true;
if (a && b) // Both aren't null, compare
return a->stackableWith(b);
else // One is null, so not equal
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return false;
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