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2023-06-20 14:33:09 +10:00
#include "StarSet.hpp"
#include "StarDrawable.hpp"
#include "StarItemDescriptor.hpp"
#include "StarQuests.hpp"
namespace Star {
STAR_EXCEPTION(ItemException, StarException);
class Item {
// Config here is the configuration loaded directly from assets, directory is
// the asset path this config was found in, that other assets should be
// loaded relative to.
Item(Json config, String directory, Json parameters = JsonObject());
// For items which do not come from files
virtual ~Item();
virtual ItemPtr clone() const = 0;
// Unique identifying item name
String name() const;
// Number of this item that is available.
uint64_t count() const;
// Sets the new item count, up to a max of the maximum stack size. If this
// value is over stack size, returns the overflow. If 'overfill' is set to
// true, then will fill past max stack level.
uint64_t setCount(uint64_t count, bool overfill = false);
// Is this item type stackable with the given item type at all? Base class
// implementation compares name(), and m_parameters fields and returns true
// if they are both the same, similarly to matches.
virtual bool stackableWith(ItemConstPtr const& item) const;
uint64_t maxStack() const;
// Return how many of the given item could be shifted into this item, taking
// into acount whether the item is stackable at all, as well as maxStack and
// the count available.
uint64_t couldStack(ItemConstPtr const& item) const;
// If the given item is stackable with this one, takes as many from the given
// item as possible and shifts it into this item's count. Returns true if
// any items at all were shifted.
bool stackWith(ItemPtr const& item);
// Does this item match the given item or itemDescriptor
bool matches(ItemDescriptor const& descriptor, bool exactMatch = false) const;
bool matches(ItemConstPtr const& other, bool exactMatch = false) const;
// List of itemdescriptors for which the current item could be used in the
// place of
// in recipes and the like.
List<ItemDescriptor> matchingDescriptors() const;
// If the given number of this item is available, consumes that number and
// returns true, otherwise returns false.
bool consume(uint64_t count);
// Take as many of this item as possible up to the given max (default is all)
// and return the new set. Implementation uses clone() method.
ItemPtr take(uint64_t max = NPos);
// count() is 0
bool empty() const;
// Builds a descriptor out of name(), count(), and m_parameters
ItemDescriptor descriptor() const;
String description() const;
String friendlyName() const;
Rarity rarity() const;
uint64_t price() const;
virtual List<Drawable> iconDrawables() const;
virtual List<Drawable> dropDrawables() const;
String largeImage() const;
String tooltipKind() const;
virtual String category() const;
virtual String pickupSound() const;
bool twoHanded() const;
float timeToLive() const;
List<ItemDescriptor> learnBlueprintsOnPickup() const;
StringMap<String> collectablesOnPickup() const;
List<QuestArcDescriptor> pickupQuestTemplates() const;
StringSet itemTags() const;
bool hasItemTag(String const& itemTag) const;
// Return either a parameter given to the item or a config value, if no such
// parameter exists.
Json instanceValue(String const& name, Json const& def = Json()) const;
// Returns the full set of configuration values merged with parameters
Json instanceValues() const;
// Returns just the base config
Json config() const;
// Returns just the dynamic parameters
Json parameters() const;
void setMaxStack(uint64_t maxStack);
void setDescription(String const& description);
void setRarity(Rarity rarity);
void setPrice(uint64_t price);
// icon drawables are pixels, not tile, based
void setIconDrawables(List<Drawable> drawables);
void setTwoHanded(bool twoHanded);
void setTimeToLive(float timeToLive);
void setInstanceValue(String const& name, Json const& val);
String const& directory() const;
Json m_config;
String m_directory;
String m_name;
uint64_t m_count;
Json m_parameters;
uint64_t m_maxStack;
String m_shortDescription;
String m_description;
Rarity m_rarity;
List<Drawable> m_iconDrawables;
bool m_twoHanded;
float m_timeToLive;
uint64_t m_price;
String m_tooltipKind;
String m_largeImage;
String m_category;
StringSet m_pickupSounds;
List<ItemDescriptor> m_matchingDescriptors;
List<ItemDescriptor> m_learnBlueprintsOnPickup;
StringMap<String> m_collectablesOnPickup;
class GenericItem : public Item {
GenericItem(Json const& config, String const& directory, Json const& parameters);
virtual ItemPtr clone() const;
inline uint64_t itemSafeCount(ItemPtr const& item) {
return item ? item->count() : 0;
inline bool itemSafeTwoHanded(ItemPtr const& item) {
return item && item->twoHanded();
inline bool itemSafeOneHanded(ItemPtr const& item) {
return item && !item->twoHanded();
inline ItemDescriptor itemSafeDescriptor(ItemPtr const& item) {
return item ? item->descriptor() : ItemDescriptor();