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#include "StarWidget.hpp"
namespace Star {
// Very simple Widget that allows easy drawing to its surface, to easily tie a
// simplified rendering / input context into the regular widget / GuiReader
// system.
class CanvasWidget : public Widget {
struct ClickEvent {
Vec2I position;
MouseButton button;
// True when button down, false when key up
bool buttonDown;
struct KeyEvent {
Key key;
// True when key down, false when key up
bool keyDown;
unsigned MaximumEventBuffer = 16;
void setCaptureMouseEvents(bool captureMouse);
void setCaptureKeyboardEvents(bool captureKeyboard);
// Returns mouse position relative to the lower left of the drawing region.
Vec2I mousePosition() const;
// Pulls recent click events relative to the lower left of the drawing
// region, if configured to capture mouse events
List<ClickEvent> pullClickEvents();
// Pulls recent key events captured by this Canvas, if configured to capture
// key events.
List<KeyEvent> pullKeyEvents();
bool sendEvent(InputEvent const& event) override;
KeyboardCaptureMode keyboardCaptured() const override;
// Call before drawing to clear old draw data.
void clear();
void drawImage(String texName, Vec2F const& position, float scale = 1.0f, Vec4B const& color = Vec4B(255, 255, 255, 255));
void drawImageRect(String texName, RectF const& texCoords, RectF const& screenCoords, Vec4B const& color);
void drawImageCentered(String texName, Vec2F const& position, float scale = 1.0f, Vec4B const& color = Vec4B(255, 255, 255, 255));
void drawDrawable(Drawable drawable, Vec2F const& screenPos);
void drawDrawables(List<Drawable> drawables, Vec2F const& screenPos);
// Draw an image whose texture is applied over the entire screen rect in a
// tiled manner, so that it wraps in X and Y.
void drawTiledImage(String texName, float textureScale, Vec2D const& offset, RectF const& screenCoords, Vec4B const& color = Vec4B::filled(255));
void drawLine(Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const end, Vec4B const& color = Vec4B(255, 255, 255, 255), float lineWidth = 1.0f);
void drawRect(RectF const& coords, Vec4B const& color = Vec4B(255, 255, 255, 255));
void drawPoly(PolyF const& poly, Vec4B const& color = Vec4B(255, 255, 255, 255), float lineWidth = 1.0f);
void drawTriangles(List<tuple<Vec2F, Vec2F, Vec2F>> const& poly, Vec4B const& color = Vec4B(255, 255, 255, 255));
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void drawText(String s, TextPositioning position, unsigned fontSize, Vec4B const& color = Vec4B(255, 255, 255, 255), FontMode mode = FontMode::Normal, float lineSpacing = Star::DefaultLineSpacing, String processingDirectives = "");
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void renderImpl() override;
void renderImage(Vec2F const& renderingOffset, String const& texName, Vec2F const& position, float scale, Vec4B const& color, bool centered);
void renderImageRect(Vec2F const& renderingOffset, String const& texName, RectF const& texCoords, RectF const& screenCoords, Vec4B const& color);
void renderDrawable(Vec2F const& renderingOffset, Drawable drawable, Vec2F const& screenPos);
void renderTiledImage(Vec2F const& renderingOffset, String const& texName, float textureScale, Vec2D const& offset, RectF const& screenCoords, Vec4B const& color);
void renderLine(Vec2F const& renderingOffset, Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const end, Vec4B const& color, float lineWidth);
void renderRect(Vec2F const& renderingOffset, RectF const& coords, Vec4B const& color);
void renderPoly(Vec2F const& renderingOffset, PolyF poly, Vec4B const& color, float lineWidth);
void renderTriangles(Vec2F const& renderingOffset, List<tuple<Vec2F, Vec2F, Vec2F>> const& triangles, Vec4B const& color);
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void renderText(Vec2F const& renderingOffset, String const& s, TextPositioning const& position, unsigned fontSize, Vec4B const& color, FontMode mode, float lineSpacing, String const& directives);
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bool m_captureKeyboard;
bool m_captureMouse;
Vec2I m_mousePosition;
List<ClickEvent> m_clickEvents;
List<KeyEvent> m_keyEvents;
typedef tuple<RectF, Vec4B> RectOp;
typedef tuple<String, Vec2F, float, Vec4B, bool> ImageOp;
typedef tuple<String, RectF, RectF, Vec4B> ImageRectOp;
typedef tuple<Drawable, Vec2F> DrawableOp;
typedef tuple<String, float, Vec2D, RectF, Vec4B> TiledImageOp;
typedef tuple<Vec2F, Vec2F, Vec4B, float> LineOp;
typedef tuple<PolyF, Vec4B, float> PolyOp;
typedef tuple<List<tuple<Vec2F, Vec2F, Vec2F>>, Vec4B> TrianglesOp;
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typedef tuple<String, TextPositioning, unsigned, Vec4B, FontMode, float, String> TextOp;
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typedef MVariant<RectOp, ImageOp, ImageRectOp, DrawableOp, TiledImageOp, LineOp, PolyOp, TrianglesOp, TextOp> RenderOp;
List<RenderOp> m_renderOps;