94 lines
3.1 KiB
94 lines
3.1 KiB
#include "StarThread.hpp"
#include "StarParametricFunction.hpp"
#include "StarWeightedPool.hpp"
#include "StarItemDescriptor.hpp"
#include "StarGameTypes.hpp"
namespace Star {
STAR_EXCEPTION(TreasureException, StarException);
class TreasureDatabase {
StringList treasurePools() const;
bool isTreasurePool(String const& treasurePool) const;
StringList treasureChestSets() const;
bool isTreasureChestSet(String const& treasurePool) const;
List<ItemPtr> createTreasure(String const& treasurePool, float level) const;
List<ItemPtr> createTreasure(String const& treasurePool, float level, uint64_t seed) const;
// Adds created treasure to the given ItemBags, does not clear the ItemBag
// first. Returns overflow items.
List<ItemPtr> fillWithTreasure(ItemBagPtr const& itemBag, String const& treasurePool, float level) const;
List<ItemPtr> fillWithTreasure(ItemBagPtr const& itemBag, String const& treasurePool, float level, uint64_t seed) const;
// If the given container does not fit at this position, or if the treasure
// box set does not have an entry with a minimum level less than the given
// world threat level, this method will return null.
ContainerObjectPtr createTreasureChest(World* world, String const& treasureChestSet, Vec2I const& position, Direction direction) const;
ContainerObjectPtr createTreasureChest(World* world, String const& treasureChestSet, Vec2I const& position, Direction direction, uint64_t seed) const;
List<ItemPtr> createTreasure(String const& treasurePool, float level, uint64_t seed, StringSet visitedPools) const;
// Specifies either an item descriptor or the name of a valid treasurepool to
// be
// used when an entry is selected in a "fill" or "pool" list
typedef MVariant<String, ItemDescriptor> TreasureEntry;
struct ItemPool {
// If non-empty, the treasure set is pre-filled with this before selecting
// from the pool.
List<TreasureEntry> fill;
// Weighted pool of items to select from.
WeightedPool<TreasureEntry> pool;
// Weighted pool for the number of pool rounds.
WeightedPool<int> poolRounds;
// Any item levels that are applied will have a random value
// from this range added to their level.
Vec2F levelVariance;
// When generating more than one item, should we allow each cycle to
// generate an item that is stackable with a previous item? This is not to
// say a stack could actually be formed in an ItemBag, simply that the
// Item::stackableWith method returns true.
// Note that this flag does not apply to child pools
bool allowDuplication;
typedef ParametricTable<float, ItemPool> TreasurePool;
struct TreasureChest {
StringList containers;
String treasurePool;
float minimumLevel;
typedef List<TreasureChest> TreasureChestSet;
StringMap<TreasurePool> m_treasurePools;
StringMap<TreasureChestSet> m_treasureChestSets;