182 lines
5.7 KiB
182 lines
5.7 KiB
#include "StarPerlin.hpp"
#include "StarWeatherTypes.hpp"
#include "StarGameTypes.hpp"
#include "StarCelestialParameters.hpp"
namespace Star {
typedef uint8_t BiomeIndex;
BiomeIndex const NullBiomeIndex = 0;
typedef uint32_t TerrainSelectorIndex;
TerrainSelectorIndex const NullTerrainSelectorIndex = 0;
struct WorldRegionLiquids {
LiquidId caveLiquid;
float caveLiquidSeedDensity;
LiquidId oceanLiquid;
int oceanLiquidLevel;
bool encloseLiquids;
bool fillMicrodungeons;
struct WorldRegion {
explicit WorldRegion(Json const& store);
Json toJson() const;
TerrainSelectorIndex terrainSelectorIndex;
TerrainSelectorIndex foregroundCaveSelectorIndex;
TerrainSelectorIndex backgroundCaveSelectorIndex;
BiomeIndex blockBiomeIndex;
BiomeIndex environmentBiomeIndex;
List<TerrainSelectorIndex> subBlockSelectorIndexes;
List<TerrainSelectorIndex> foregroundOreSelectorIndexes;
List<TerrainSelectorIndex> backgroundOreSelectorIndexes;
WorldRegionLiquids regionLiquids;
class WorldLayout {
struct BlockNoise {
static BlockNoise build(Json const& config, uint64_t seed);
explicit BlockNoise(Json const& store);
Json toJson() const;
Vec2I apply(Vec2I const& input, Vec2U const& worldSize) const;
// Individual noise only applied for horizontal / vertical biome transitions
PerlinF horizontalNoise;
PerlinF verticalNoise;
// 2 dimensional biome noise field for fine grained noise
PerlinF xNoise;
PerlinF yNoise;
struct RegionWeighting {
float weight;
int xValue;
WorldRegion const* region;
static WorldLayout buildTerrestrialLayout(TerrestrialWorldParameters const& terrestrialParameters, uint64_t seed);
static WorldLayout buildAsteroidsLayout(AsteroidsWorldParameters const& asteroidParameters, uint64_t seed);
static WorldLayout buildFloatingDungeonLayout(FloatingDungeonWorldParameters const& floatingDungeonParameters, uint64_t seed);
WorldLayout(Json const& store);
Json toJson() const;
Maybe<BlockNoise> const& blockNoise() const;
Maybe<PerlinF> const& blendNoise() const;
List<RectI> playerStartSearchRegions() const;
BiomeConstPtr const& getBiome(BiomeIndex index) const;
TerrainSelectorConstPtr const& getTerrainSelector(TerrainSelectorIndex index) const;
// Will return region weighting in order of greatest to least weighting.
List<RegionWeighting> getWeighting(int x, int y) const;
List<RectI> previewAddBiomeRegion(Vec2I const& position, int width) const;
List<RectI> previewExpandBiomeRegion(Vec2I const& position, int width) const;
void addBiomeRegion(TerrestrialWorldParameters const& terrestrialParameters, uint64_t seed, Vec2I const& position, String biomeName, String const& subBlockSelector, int width);
void expandBiomeRegion(Vec2I const& position, int newWidth);
// sets the environment biome index for all regions in the current layer
// to the biome at the specified position, and returns the name of the biome
String setLayerEnvironmentBiome(Vec2I const& position);
pair<size_t, size_t> findLayerAndCell(int x, int y) const;
struct WorldLayer {
int yStart;
Deque<int> boundaries;
Deque<WorldRegionPtr> cells;
struct RegionParams {
int baseHeight;
float threatLevel;
Maybe<String> biomeName;
Maybe<String> terrainSelector;
Maybe<String> fgCaveSelector;
Maybe<String> bgCaveSelector;
Maybe<String> fgOreSelector;
Maybe<String> bgOreSelector;
Maybe<String> subBlockSelector;
WorldRegionLiquids regionLiquids;
pair<WorldLayer, List<RectI>> expandRegionInLayer(WorldLayer targetLayer, size_t cellIndex, int newWidth) const;
BiomeIndex registerBiome(BiomeConstPtr biome);
TerrainSelectorIndex registerTerrainSelector(TerrainSelectorConstPtr terrainSelector);
WorldRegion buildRegion(uint64_t seed, RegionParams const& regionParams);
void addLayer(uint64_t seed, int yStart, RegionParams regionParams);
void addLayer(uint64_t seed, int yStart, int yBase, String const& primaryBiome,
RegionParams primaryRegionParams, RegionParams primarySubRegionParams,
List<RegionParams> secondaryRegions, List<RegionParams> secondarySubRegions,
Vec2F secondaryRegionSize, Vec2F subRegionSize);
void finalize(Color mainSkyColor);
pair<size_t, int> findContainingCell(WorldLayer const& layer, int x) const;
pair<size_t, int> leftCell(WorldLayer const& layer, size_t cellIndex, int x) const;
pair<size_t, int> rightCell(WorldLayer const& layer, size_t cellIndex, int x) const;
Vec2U m_worldSize;
List<BiomeConstPtr> m_biomes;
List<TerrainSelectorConstPtr> m_terrainSelectors;
List<WorldLayer> m_layers;
float m_regionBlending;
Maybe<BlockNoise> m_blockNoise;
Maybe<PerlinF> m_blendNoise;
List<RectI> m_playerStartSearchRegions;
DataStream& operator>>(DataStream& ds, WorldLayout& worldTemplateDescriptor);
DataStream& operator<<(DataStream& ds, WorldLayout& worldTemplateDescriptor);
inline BiomeConstPtr const& WorldLayout::getBiome(BiomeIndex index) const {
if (index == NullBiomeIndex || index > m_biomes.size())
throw StarException("WorldLayout::getTerrainSelector called with null or out of range BiomeIndex");
return m_biomes[index - 1];
inline TerrainSelectorConstPtr const& WorldLayout::getTerrainSelector(TerrainSelectorIndex index) const {
if (index == NullBiomeIndex || index > m_terrainSelectors.size())
throw StarException("WorldLayout::getTerrainSelector called with null or out of range TerrainSelectorIndex");
return m_terrainSelectors[index - 1];