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#pragma once
2023-06-20 14:33:09 +10:00
#include "StarCasting.hpp"
#include "StarDamage.hpp"
#include "StarLightSource.hpp"
namespace Star {
STAR_EXCEPTION(EntityException, StarException);
// Specifies how the client should treat an entity created on the client,
// whether it should always be sent to the server and be a slave on the client,
// whether it is allowed to be master on the client, and whether client master
// entities should contribute to client presence.
enum class ClientEntityMode {
// Always a slave on the client
// Can be a master on the client
// Can be a master on the client, and when it is contributes to client
// presence.
extern EnumMap<ClientEntityMode> const ClientEntityModeNames;
// The top-level entity type. The enum order is intended to be in the order in
// which entities should be updated every tick
enum class EntityType : uint8_t {
extern EnumMap<EntityType> const EntityTypeNames;
class Entity {
virtual ~Entity();
virtual EntityType entityType() const = 0;
// Called when an entity is first inserted into a World. Calling base class
// init sets the world pointer, entityId, and entityMode.
virtual void init(World* world, EntityId entityId, EntityMode mode);
// Should do whatever steps necessary to take an entity out of a world,
// default implementation clears the world pointer, entityMode, and entityId.
virtual void uninit();
// Write state data that changes over time, and is used to keep slaves in
// sync. Can return empty and this is the default. May be called
// uninitalized. Should return the delta to be written to the slave, along
// with the version to pass into writeDeltaState on the next call. The first
// delta written to a slave entity will always be the delta starting with 0.
virtual pair<ByteArray, uint64_t> writeNetState(uint64_t fromVersion = 0);
// Will be called with deltas written by writeDeltaState, including if the
// delta is empty. interpolationTime will be provided if interpolation is
// enabled.
virtual void readNetState(ByteArray data, float interpolationTime = 0.0);
virtual void enableInterpolation(float extrapolationHint);
virtual void disableInterpolation();
// Base position of this entity, bound boxes, drawables, and other entity
// positions are relative to this.
virtual Vec2F position() const = 0;
// Largest bounding-box of this entity. Any damage boxes / drawables / light
// or sound *sources* must be contained within this bounding box. Used for
// all top-level spatial queries.
virtual RectF metaBoundBox() const = 0;
// By default returns a null rect, if non-null, it defines the area around
// this entity where it is likely for the entity to physically collide with
// collision geometry.
virtual RectF collisionArea() const;
// Should this entity allow object / block placement over it, and can the
// entity immediately be despawned without terribly bad effects?
virtual bool ephemeral() const;
// How should this entity be treated if created on the client? Defaults to
// ClientSlave.
virtual ClientEntityMode clientEntityMode() const;
// Should this entity only exist on the master side?
virtual bool masterOnly() const;
virtual String description() const;
// Gameplay affecting light sources (separate from light sources added during
// rendering)
virtual List<LightSource> lightSources() const;
// All damage sources for this frame.
virtual List<DamageSource> damageSources() const;
// Return the damage that would result from being hit by the given damage
// source. Will be called on master and slave entities. Culling based on
// team damage and self damage will be done outside of this query.
virtual Maybe<HitType> queryHit(DamageSource const& source) const;
// Return the polygonal area in which the entity can be hit. Not used for
// actual hit computation, only for determining more precisely where a
// hit intersection occurred (e.g. by projectiles)
virtual Maybe<PolyF> hitPoly() const;
// Apply a request to damage this entity. Will only be called on Master
// entities. DamageRequest might be adjusted based on protection and other
// effects
virtual List<DamageNotification> applyDamage(DamageRequest const& damage);
// Pull any pending damage notifications applied internally, only called on
// Master entities.
virtual List<DamageNotification> selfDamageNotifications();
// Called on master entities when a DamageRequest has been generated due to a
// DamageSource from this entity being applied to another entity. Will be
// called on the *causing* entity of the damage.
virtual void hitOther(EntityId targetEntityId, DamageRequest const& damageRequest);
// Called on master entities when this entity has damaged another entity.
// Only called on the *source entity* of the damage, which may be different
// than the causing entity.
virtual void damagedOther(DamageNotification const& damage);
// Returning true here indicates that this entity should be removed from the
// world, default returns false.
virtual bool shouldDestroy() const;
// Will be called once before removing the entity from the World on both
// master and slave entities.
virtual void destroy(RenderCallback* renderCallback);
// Entities can send other entities potentially remote messages and get
// responses back from them, and should implement this to receive and respond
// to messages. If the message is NOT handled, should return Nothing,
// otherwise should return some Json value.
// This will only ever be called on master entities.
virtual Maybe<Json> receiveMessage(ConnectionId sendingConnection, String const& message, JsonArray const& args);
virtual void update(float dt, uint64_t currentStep);
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virtual void render(RenderCallback* renderer);
virtual void renderLightSources(RenderCallback* renderer);
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EntityId entityId() const;
EntityDamageTeam getTeam() const;
// Returns true if an entity is initialized in a world, and thus has a valid
// world pointer, entity id, and entity mode.
bool inWorld() const;
// Throws an exception if not currently in a world.
World* world() const;
// Returns nullptr if not currently in a world.
World* worldPtr() const;
// Specifies if the entity is to be saved to disk alongside the sector or
// despawned.
bool persistent() const;
// Entity should keep any sector it is in alive. Default implementation
// returns false.
bool keepAlive() const;
// If set, then the entity will be discoverable by its unique id and will be
// indexed in the stored world. Unique ids must be different across all
// entities in a single world.
Maybe<String> uniqueId() const;
// EntityMode will only be set if the entity is initialized, if the entity is
// uninitialized then isMaster and isSlave will both return false.
Maybe<EntityMode> entityMode() const;
bool isMaster() const;
bool isSlave() const;
void setPersistent(bool persistent);
void setKeepAlive(bool keepAlive);
void setUniqueId(Maybe<String> uniqueId);
void setTeam(EntityDamageTeam newTeam);
EntityId m_entityId;
Maybe<EntityMode> m_entityMode;
bool m_persistent;
bool m_keepAlive;
Maybe<String> m_uniqueId;
World* m_world;
EntityDamageTeam m_team;
template <typename EntityT>
using EntityCallbackOf = function<void(shared_ptr<EntityT> const&)>;
template <typename EntityT>
using EntityFilterOf = function<bool(shared_ptr<EntityT> const&)>;
typedef EntityCallbackOf<Entity> EntityCallback;
typedef EntityFilterOf<Entity> EntityFilter;
// Filters based first on dynamic casting to the given type, then optionally on
// the given derived type filter.
template <typename EntityT>
EntityFilter entityTypeFilter(function<bool(shared_ptr<EntityT> const&)> filter = {}) {
return [filter](EntityPtr const& e) -> bool {
if (auto entity = as<EntityT>(e)) {
return !filter || filter(entity);
} else {
return false;