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2023-06-20 14:33:09 +10:00
#include "StarFile.hpp"
#include "json_tool.hpp"
#include "editor_gui.hpp"
// Tool for scripting and mass-editing of JSON+Comments files without affecting
// formatting.
using namespace Star;
FormattedJson GenericInputFormat::toJson(String const& input) const {
return FormattedJson::parse(input);
String GenericInputFormat::fromJson(FormattedJson const& json) const {
return json.repr();
FormattedJson GenericInputFormat::getDefault() const {
return FormattedJson::ofType(Json::Type::Null);
FormattedJson CommaSeparatedStrings::toJson(String const& input) const {
if (input.trim() == "")
return FormattedJson::ofType(Json::Type::Array);
StringList strings = input.split(',');
JsonArray array = strings.transformed(bind(&String::trim, _1, "")).transformed(construct<Json>());
return Json(array);
String CommaSeparatedStrings::fromJson(FormattedJson const& json) const {
StringList strings = json.toJson().toArray().transformed(bind(&Json::toString, _1));
return strings.join(", ");
FormattedJson CommaSeparatedStrings::getDefault() const {
return FormattedJson::ofType(Json::Type::Array);
FormattedJson StringInputFormat::toJson(String const& input) const {
return FormattedJson(Json(input));
String StringInputFormat::fromJson(FormattedJson const& json) const {
return json.toJson().toString();
FormattedJson StringInputFormat::getDefault() const {
return FormattedJson(Json(""));
String Star::reprWithLineEnding(FormattedJson const& json) {
// Append a newline, preserving the newline style of the file, e.g windows or
// unix.
String repr = json.repr();
if (repr.contains("\r"))
return strf("%s\r\n", repr);
return strf("%s\n", repr);
void OutputOnSeparateLines::out(FormattedJson const& json) {
coutf("%s", reprWithLineEnding(json));
void OutputOnSeparateLines::flush() {}
void ArrayOutput::out(FormattedJson const& json) {
if (!m_unique || !m_results.contains(json))
void ArrayOutput::flush() {
FormattedJson array = FormattedJson::ofType(Json::Type::Array);
for (FormattedJson const& result : m_results) {
array = array.append(result);
coutf("%s", reprWithLineEnding(array));
FormattedJson Star::addOrSet(bool add,
JsonPath::PathPtr path,
FormattedJson const& input,
InsertLocation insertLocation,
FormattedJson const& value) {
JsonPath::EmptyPathOp<FormattedJson> emptyPathOp = [&value, add](FormattedJson const& document) {
if (!add || document.type() == Json::Type::Null)
return value;
throw JsonException("Cannot add a value to the entire document, it is not empty.");
JsonPath::ObjectOp<FormattedJson> objectOp = [&value, &insertLocation](
FormattedJson const& object, String const& key) {
if (insertLocation.is<AtBeginning>())
return object.prepend(key, value);
if (insertLocation.is<AtEnd>())
return object.append(key, value);
if (insertLocation.is<BeforeKey>())
return object.insertBefore(key, value, insertLocation.get<BeforeKey>().key);
if (insertLocation.is<AfterKey>())
return object.insertAfter(key, value, insertLocation.get<AfterKey>().key);
return object.set(key, value);
JsonPath::ArrayOp<FormattedJson> arrayOp = [&value, add](FormattedJson const& array, Maybe<size_t> i) {
if (i.isValid()) {
if (add)
return array.insert(*i, value);
return array.set(*i, value);
return array.append(value);
return path->apply(input, emptyPathOp, objectOp, arrayOp);
void forEachFileRecursive(String const& directory, function<void(String)> func) {
for (pair<String, bool> entry : File::dirList(directory)) {
String filename = File::relativeTo(directory, entry.first);
if (entry.second)
forEachFileRecursive(filename, func);
StringList Star::findFiles(FindInput const& findArgs) {
StringList matches;
[&findArgs, &matches](String const& filename) {
if (filename.endsWith(findArgs.filenameSuffix))
return matches;
void forEachChild(FormattedJson const& parent, function<void(FormattedJson const&)> func) {
if (parent.isType(Json::Type::Object)) {
for (String const& key : parent.toJson().toObject().keys()) {
} else if (parent.isType(Json::Type::Array)) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < parent.size(); ++i) {
} else {
throw JsonPath::TraversalException::format(
"Cannot get the children of Json type %s, must be either Array or Object", parent.typeName());
bool process(function<void(FormattedJson const&)> output,
Command const& command,
Options const& options,
FormattedJson const& input) {
if (command.is<GetCommand>()) {
GetCommand const& getCmd = command.get<GetCommand>();
try {
FormattedJson value = getCmd.path->get(input);
if (getCmd.children) {
forEachChild(value, output);
} else {
} catch (JsonPath::TraversalException const& e) {
if (!getCmd.opt)
throw e;
} else if (command.is<SetCommand>()) {
SetCommand const& setCmd = command.get<SetCommand>();
output(addOrSet(false, setCmd.path, input, options.insertLocation, setCmd.value));
} else if (command.is<AddCommand>()) {
AddCommand const& addCmd = command.get<AddCommand>();
output(addOrSet(true, addCmd.path, input, options.insertLocation, addCmd.value));
} else if (command.is<RemoveCommand>()) {
} else {
return true;
bool process(
function<void(FormattedJson const&)> output, Command const& command, Options const& options, String const& input) {
FormattedJson inJson = FormattedJson::parse(input);
return process(output, command, options, inJson);
bool process(
function<void(FormattedJson const&)> output, Command const& command, Options const& options, Input const& input) {
if (input.is<JsonLiteralInput>()) {
return process(output, command, options, input.get<JsonLiteralInput>().json);
bool success = true;
StringList files;
if (input.is<FileInput>()) {
files = StringList{input.get<FileInput>().filename};
} else {
files = findFiles(input.get<FindInput>());
for (String const& file : files) {
if (options.inPlace) {
output = [&file](FormattedJson const& json) { File::writeFile(reprWithLineEnding(json), file); };
success &= process(output, command, options, File::readFileString(file));
return success;
JsonPath::PathPtr parsePath(String const& path) {
if (path.beginsWith("/"))
return make_shared<JsonPath::Pointer>(path);
return make_shared<JsonPath::QueryPath>(path);
pair<JsonPath::PathPtr, bool> parseGetPath(String path) {
// --get and --opt have a special syntax for getting the child values of
// the value at the given path. These end with *, e.g.:
// /foo/bar/*
// foo.bar.*
// foo.bar[*]
bool children = false;
if (path.endsWith("/*") || path.endsWith(".*")) {
path = path.substr(0, path.size() - 2);
children = true;
} else if (path.endsWith("[*]")) {
path = path.substr(0, path.size() - 3);
children = true;
return make_pair(parsePath(path), children);
Maybe<ParsedArgs> parseArgs(int argc, char** argv) {
// Skip the program name
Deque<String> args = Deque<String>(argv + 1, argv + argc);
ParsedArgs parsed;
// Parse option arguments
while (!args.empty()) {
String const& arg = args.takeFirst();
if (arg == "--get" || arg == "--opt") {
// Retrieve values at a given path in the Json document
if (!parsed.command.empty() || args.empty())
return {};
JsonPath::PathPtr path;
bool children = false;
tie(path, children) = parseGetPath(args.takeFirst());
parsed.command = GetCommand{path, arg == "--opt", children};
} else if (arg == "--set") {
// Set the value at the given path in the Json document
if (!parsed.command.empty() || args.size() < 2)
return {};
JsonPath::PathPtr path = parsePath(args.takeFirst());
FormattedJson value = FormattedJson::parse(args.takeFirst());
parsed.command = SetCommand{path, value};
} else if (arg == "--add") {
// Add (insert) a path to a Json document
if (!parsed.command.empty() || args.size() < 2)
return {};
JsonPath::PathPtr path = parsePath(args.takeFirst());
FormattedJson value = FormattedJson::parse(args.takeFirst());
parsed.command = AddCommand{path, value};
} else if (arg == "--remove") {
// Remove a path from a Json document
if (!parsed.command.empty() || args.empty())
return {};
parsed.command = RemoveCommand{parsePath(args.takeFirst())};
} else if (arg == "--edit") {
// Interactive bullk Json editor
if (!parsed.command.empty() || args.empty())
return {};
parsed.command = EditCommand{parsePath(args.takeFirst())};
} else if (arg == "--editor-image") {
if (args.empty())
return {};
} else if (arg == "--input") {
// Configure the input syntax for --edit
if (args.empty())
return {};
String format = args.takeFirst();
if (format == "json" || format == "generic")
parsed.options.editFormat = make_shared<GenericInputFormat>();
else if (format == "css" || format == "csv")
parsed.options.editFormat = make_shared<CommaSeparatedStrings>();
else if (format == "string")
parsed.options.editFormat = make_shared<StringInputFormat>();
return {};
} else if (arg == "--array") {
// Output multiple results as a single array
parsed.options.output = make_shared<ArrayOutput>(false);
} else if (arg == "--array-unique") {
// Output multiple results as a single array, with duplicate results
// removed
parsed.options.output = make_shared<ArrayOutput>(true);
} else if (arg == "--help") {
return {};
} else if (arg == "-j") {
// Use command line argument as input
} else if (arg == "--find") {
// Search for files recursively in the given directory with a given
// suffix.
if (args.size() < 2)
return {};
String directory = args.takeFirst();
String suffix = args.takeFirst();
parsed.inputs.append(FindInput{directory, suffix});
} else if (arg == "-i") {
// Update files in place rather than print to stdout
parsed.options.inPlace = true;
} else if (arg == "--at") {
// Insert new object keys at the beginning or end of the document
if (!parsed.options.insertLocation.empty() || args.size() < 1)
return {};
String pos = args.takeFirst();
if (pos == "beginning" || pos == "start")
parsed.options.insertLocation = AtBeginning{};
else if (pos == "end")
parsed.options.insertLocation = AtEnd{};
return {};
} else if (arg == "--before") {
// Insert new object keys before the given key
if (!parsed.options.insertLocation.empty() || args.size() < 1)
return {};
parsed.options.insertLocation = BeforeKey{args.takeFirst()};
} else if (arg == "--after") {
// Insert new object keys after the given key
if (!parsed.options.insertLocation.empty() || args.size() < 1)
return {};
parsed.options.insertLocation = AfterKey{args.takeFirst()};
} else {
if (!File::exists(arg)) {
cerrf("File %s doesn't exist\n", arg);
return {};
if (!parsed.options.output)
parsed.options.output = make_shared<OutputOnSeparateLines>();
bool anyFileInputs = false, anyNonFileInputs = false;
for (Input const& input : parsed.inputs) {
if (input.is<FindInput>() || input.is<FileInput>()) {
anyFileInputs = true;
} else {
anyNonFileInputs = true;
if (parsed.command.is<EditCommand>() && !anyFileInputs) {
cerrf("Files to edit must be supplied when using --edit.\n");
return {};
if (parsed.options.inPlace && !anyFileInputs) {
cerrf("In-place writing (-i) can only be used with files specified on the command line.\n");
return {};
if (parsed.options.inPlace && parsed.command.is<EditCommand>()) {
cerrf("Interactive edit (--edit) is always in-place. Explicitly specifying -i is not needed.\n");
return {};
if (parsed.command.is<EditCommand>() && anyNonFileInputs) {
cerrf("Interactie edit (--edit) can only be used with file input sources.\n");
return {};
if (parsed.options.editFormat && !parsed.command.is<EditCommand>()) {
cerrf("--input can only be used with --edit.\n");
return {};
} else if (!parsed.options.editFormat && parsed.command.is<EditCommand>()) {
parsed.options.editFormat = make_shared<GenericInputFormat>();
return parsed;
String readStdin() {
String result;
char buffer[1024];
while (!feof(stdin)) {
size_t readBytes = fread(buffer, 1, 1024, stdin);
result.append(buffer, readBytes);
return result;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
try {
Maybe<ParsedArgs> parsedArgs = parseArgs(argc, argv);
if (!parsedArgs) {
cerrf("Usage: %s [--get <json-path>] (-j <json> | <json-file>*)\n", argv[0]);
"Usage: %s --set <json-path> <json> [-i] [(--at (beginning|end) | --before <key> | --after <key>)] (-j "
"<json> | <json-file>*)\n",
"Usage: %s --add <json-path> <json> [-i] [(--at (beginning|end) | --before <key> | --after <key>)] (-j "
"<json> | <json-file>*)\n",
"Usage: %s --edit <json-path> [(--at (beginning|end) | --before <key> | --after <key>)] [--input "
"(csv|json|string)] <json-file>+\n",
cerrf("Example: %s --get /dialog/0/message guard.npctype\n", argv[0]);
cerrf("Example: %s --get 'foo[0]' -j '{\"foo\":[0,1,2,3]}'\n", argv[0]);
cerrf("Example: %s --edit /tags --input csv --find ../assets/ .object\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
OutputPtr output = parsedArgs->options.output;
bool success = true;
if (parsedArgs->command.is<EditCommand>()) {
return edit(argc, argv, parsedArgs->command.get<EditCommand>().path, parsedArgs->options, parsedArgs->inputs);
} else if (parsedArgs->inputs.size() == 0) {
// No files were provided. Reading from stdin
success &= process(output->toFunction(), parsedArgs->command, parsedArgs->options, readStdin());
} else {
for (Input const& input : parsedArgs->inputs) {
success &= process(output->toFunction(), parsedArgs->command, parsedArgs->options, input);
if (!success)
return 1;
return 0;
} catch (JsonParsingException const& e) {
cerrf("%s\n", e.what());
return 1;
} catch (JsonException const& e) {
cerrf("%s\n", e.what());
return 1;
} catch (std::exception const& e) {
cerrf("Exception caught: %s\n", outputException(e, true));
return 1;