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2023-06-20 14:33:09 +10:00
#include "StarIODevice.hpp"
#include "StarString.hpp"
namespace Star {
// All file methods are thread safe.
class File : public IODevice {
// Converts the passed in path to use the platform specific directory
// separators only (Windows supports '/' just fine, this is mostly for
// uniform appearance). Does *nothing else* (no validity checks, etc).
static String convertDirSeparators(String const& path);
// All static file operations here throw IOException on error.
// get the current working directory
static String currentDirectory();
// set the current working directory.
static void changeDirectory(String const& dirName);
static void makeDirectory(String const& dirName);
static void makeDirectoryRecursive(String const& dirName);
// List all files or directories under given directory. skipDots skips the
// special '.' and '..' entries. Bool value is true for directories.
static List<pair<String, bool>> dirList(String const& dirName, bool skipDots = true);
// Returns the final component of the given path with no directory separators
static String baseName(String const& fileName);
// All components of the given path minus the final component, separated by
// the directory separator
static String dirName(String const& fileName);
// Resolve a path relative to another path. If the given path is absolute,
// then the given path is returned unmodified.
static String relativeTo(String const& relativeTo, String const& path);
// Resolve the given possibly relative path into an absolute path.
static String fullPath(String const& path);
static String temporaryFileName();
// Creates and opens a new ReadWrite temporary file with a real path that can
// be closed and re-opened. Will not be removed automatically.
static FilePtr temporaryFile();
// Creates and opens new ReadWrite temporary file and opens it. This file
// has no filename and will be removed on close.
static FilePtr ephemeralFile();
// Creates a new temporary directory and reutrns the path. Will not be
// removed automatically.
static String temporaryDirectory();
static bool exists(String const& path);
// Does the file exist and is it a regular file (not a directory or special
// file)?
static bool isFile(String const& path);
// Is the file a directory?
static bool isDirectory(String const& path);
static void remove(String const& filename);
static void removeDirectoryRecursive(String const& filename);
// Moves the source file to the target path, overwriting the target path if
// it already exists.
static void rename(String const& source, String const& target);
// Copies the source file to the target, overwriting the target path if it
// already exists.
static void copy(String const& source, String const& target);
static ByteArray readFile(String const& filename);
static String readFileString(String const& filename);
static StreamOffset fileSize(String const& filename);
static void writeFile(char const* data, size_t len, String const& filename);
static void writeFile(ByteArray const& data, String const& filename);
static void writeFile(String const& data, String const& filename);
// Write a new file, potentially overwriting an existing file, in the safest
// way possible while preserving the old file in the same directory until the
// operation completes. Writes to the same path as the existing file to
// avoid different partition copying. This may clobber anything in the given
// path that matches filename + newSuffix.
static void overwriteFileWithRename(char const* data, size_t len, String const& filename, String const& newSuffix = ".new");
static void overwriteFileWithRename(ByteArray const& data, String const& filename, String const& newSuffix = ".new");
static void overwriteFileWithRename(String const& data, String const& filename, String const& newSuffix = ".new");
static void backupFileInSequence(String const& targetFile, unsigned maximumBackups, String const& backupExtensionPrefix = ".");
static FilePtr open(String const& filename, IOMode mode);
File(String filename);
virtual ~File();
String fileName() const;
void setFilename(String filename);
// File is closed before removal.
void remove();
StreamOffset pos() override;
void seek(StreamOffset pos, IOSeek seek = IOSeek::Absolute) override;
void resize(StreamOffset size) override;
StreamOffset size() override;
bool atEnd() override;
size_t read(char* data, size_t len) override;
size_t write(char const* data, size_t len) override;
// Do an immediate read / write of an absolute location in the file, without
// modifying the current file cursor. Safe to call in a threaded context
// with other reads and writes, but not safe vs changing the File state like
// open and close.
size_t readAbsolute(StreamOffset readPosition, char* data, size_t len) override;
size_t writeAbsolute(StreamOffset writePosition, char const* data, size_t len) override;
void open(IOMode mode) override;
void close() override;
void sync() override;
String deviceName() const override;
static void* fopen(char const* filename, IOMode mode);
static void fseek(void* file, StreamOffset offset, IOSeek seek);
static StreamOffset ftell(void* file);
static size_t fread(void* file, char* data, size_t len);
static size_t fwrite(void* file, char const* data, size_t len);
static void fsync(void* file);
static void fclose(void* file);
static StreamOffset fsize(void* file);
static size_t pread(void* file, char* data, size_t len, StreamOffset absPosition);
static size_t pwrite(void* file, char const* data, size_t len, StreamOffset absPosition);
static void resize(void* file, StreamOffset size);
String m_filename;
void* m_file;