
171 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2023-06-20 14:33:09 +10:00
#include "StarVariant.hpp"
#include "StarImage.hpp"
#include "StarPoly.hpp"
#include "StarJson.hpp"
#include "StarBiMap.hpp"
#include "StarRefPtr.hpp"
namespace Star {
STAR_EXCEPTION(RendererException, StarException);
class Texture;
typedef RefPtr<Texture> TexturePtr;
enum class TextureAddressing {
extern EnumMap<TextureAddressing> const TextureAddressingNames;
enum class TextureFiltering {
extern EnumMap<TextureFiltering> const TextureFilteringNames;
// Medium is the maximum guaranteed texture group size
// Where a Medium sized texture group is expected to fill a single page Large can be used,
// but is not guaranteed to be supported by all systems.
// Where Large sized textures are not supported, a Medium one is used
enum class TextureGroupSize {
// Both screen coordinates and texture coordinates are in pixels from the
// bottom left to top right.
struct RenderVertex {
Vec2F screenCoordinate;
Vec2F textureCoordinate;
Vec4B color;
float param1;
2023-06-30 04:34:10 +10:00
class RenderTriangle {
RenderTriangle() = default;
RenderTriangle(Vec2F posA, Vec2F posB, Vec2F posC, Vec4B color = Vec4B::filled(255), float param1 = 0.0f);
RenderTriangle(TexturePtr tex, Vec2F posA, Vec2F uvA, Vec2F posB, Vec2F uvB, Vec2F posC, Vec2F uvC, Vec4B color = Vec4B::filled(255), float param1 = 0.0f);
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TexturePtr texture;
RenderVertex a, b, c;
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class RenderQuad {
RenderQuad() = default;
RenderQuad(Vec2F posA, Vec2F posB, Vec2F posC, Vec2F posD, Vec4B color = Vec4B::filled(255), float param1 = 0.0f);
RenderQuad(TexturePtr tex, Vec2F minScreen, float textureScale = 1.0f, Vec4B color = Vec4B::filled(255), float param1 = 0.0f);
RenderQuad(TexturePtr tex, RectF const& screenCoords, Vec4B color = Vec4B::filled(255), float param1 = 0.0f);
RenderQuad(TexturePtr tex, Vec2F posA, Vec2F uvA, Vec2F posB, Vec2F uvB, Vec2F posC, Vec2F uvC, Vec2F posD, Vec2F uvD, Vec4B color = Vec4B::filled(255), float param1 = 0.0f);
RenderQuad(TexturePtr tex, RenderVertex vA, RenderVertex vB, RenderVertex vC, RenderVertex vD);
RenderQuad(RectF const& rect, Vec4B color = Vec4B::filled(255), float param1 = 0.0f);
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TexturePtr texture;
RenderVertex a, b, c, d;
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class RenderPoly {
RenderPoly() = default;
RenderPoly(List<Vec2F> const& verts, Vec4B color, float param1 = 0.0f);
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TexturePtr texture;
List<RenderVertex> vertexes;
RenderQuad renderTexturedRect(TexturePtr texture, Vec2F minScreen, float textureScale = 1.0f, Vec4B color = Vec4B::filled(255), float param1 = 0.0f);
RenderQuad renderTexturedRect(TexturePtr texture, RectF const& screenCoords, Vec4B color = Vec4B::filled(255), float param1 = 0.0f);
RenderQuad renderFlatRect(RectF const& rect, Vec4B color, float param1 = 0.0f);
RenderPoly renderFlatPoly(PolyF const& poly, Vec4B color, float param1 = 0.0f);
typedef Variant<RenderTriangle, RenderQuad, RenderPoly> RenderPrimitive;
class Texture : public RefCounter {
virtual ~Texture() = default;
virtual Vec2U size() const = 0;
virtual TextureFiltering filtering() const = 0;
virtual TextureAddressing addressing() const = 0;
// Textures may be created individually, or in a texture group. Textures in
// a texture group will be faster to render when rendered together, and will
// use less texture memory when many small textures are in a common group.
// Texture groups must all have the same texture parameters, and will always
// use clamped texture addressing.
class TextureGroup {
virtual ~TextureGroup() = default;
virtual TextureFiltering filtering() const = 0;
virtual TexturePtr create(Image const& texture) = 0;
class RenderBuffer {
virtual ~RenderBuffer() = default;
// Transforms the given primitives into a form suitable for the underlying
// graphics system and stores it for fast replaying.
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virtual void set(List<RenderPrimitive>& primitives) = 0;
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typedef Variant<bool, int, float, Vec2F, Vec3F, Vec4F> RenderEffectParameter;
class Renderer {
virtual ~Renderer() = default;
virtual String rendererId() const = 0;
virtual Vec2U screenSize() const = 0;
virtual void loadConfig(Json const& config) = 0;
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// The actual shaders used by this renderer will be in a default no effects
// state when constructed, but can be overridden here. This config will be
// specific to each type of renderer, so it will be necessary to key the
// configuration off of the renderId string. This should not be called every
// frame, because it will result in a recompile of the underlying shader set.
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virtual void loadEffectConfig(String const& name, Json const& effectConfig, StringMap<String> const& shaders) = 0;
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// The effect config will specify named parameters and textures which can be
// set here.
virtual void setEffectParameter(String const& parameterName, RenderEffectParameter const& parameter) = 0;
virtual void setEffectTexture(String const& textureName, Image const& image) = 0;
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virtual bool switchEffectConfig(String const& name) = 0;
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// Any further rendering will be scissored based on this rect, specified in
// pixels
virtual void setScissorRect(Maybe<RectI> const& scissorRect) = 0;
virtual TexturePtr createTexture(Image const& texture,
TextureAddressing addressing = TextureAddressing::Clamp,
TextureFiltering filtering = TextureFiltering::Nearest) = 0;
virtual void setSizeLimitEnabled(bool enabled) = 0;
virtual void setMultiTexturingEnabled(bool enabled) = 0;
virtual TextureGroupPtr createTextureGroup(TextureGroupSize size = TextureGroupSize::Medium, TextureFiltering filtering = TextureFiltering::Nearest) = 0;
virtual RenderBufferPtr createRenderBuffer() = 0;
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virtual List<RenderPrimitive>& immediatePrimitives() = 0;
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virtual void render(RenderPrimitive primitive) = 0;
virtual void renderBuffer(RenderBufferPtr const& renderBuffer, Mat3F const& transformation = Mat3F::identity()) = 0;
virtual void flush() = 0;