2024-10-19 21:10:39 +05:00

14 KiB

The player table contains functions with privileged access to the player which run in a few contexts on the client such as scripted interface panes, quests, and player companions.

EntityId player.id()

Returns the player's entity id.

String player.uniqueId()

Returns the player's unique id.

String player.species()

Returns the player's species.

String player.gender()

Returns the player's gender.

String player.isAdmin()

Returns whether the player is admin.

Json player.getProperty(String name, Json default)

Returns the value assigned to the specified generic player property. If there is no value set, returns default.

void player.setProperty(String name, Json value)

Sets a generic player property to the specified value.

void player.addScannedObject(String name)

Adds the specified object to the player's scanned objects.

void player.removeScannedObject(String name)

Removes the specified object from the player's scanned objects.

void player.interact(String interactionType, Json config, [EntityId sourceEntityId])

Triggers an interact action on the player as if they had initiated an interaction and the result had returned the specified interaction type and configuration. Can be used to e.g. open GUI windows normally triggered by player interaction with entities.

Json player.shipUpgrades()

Returns a JSON object containing information about the player's current ship upgrades including "shipLevel", "maxFuel", "crewSize" and a list of "capabilities".

void player.upgradeShip(Json shipUpgrades)

Applies the specified ship upgrades to the player's ship.

void player.setUniverseFlag(String flagName)

Sets the specified universe flag on the player's current universe.

void player.giveBlueprint(ItemDecriptor item)

Teaches the player any recipes which can be used to craft the specified item.

void player.blueprintKnown(ItemDecriptor item)

Returns true if the player knows one or more recipes to create the specified item and false otherwise.

void player.makeTechAvailable(String tech)

Adds the specified tech to the player's list of available (unlockable) techs.

void player.makeTechUnavailable(String tech)

Removes the specified tech from player's list of available (unlockable) techs.

void player.enableTech(String tech)

Unlocks the specified tech, allowing it to be equipped through the tech GUI.

void player.equipTech(String tech)

Equips the specified tech.

void player.unequipTech(String tech)

Unequips the specified tech.

JsonArray player.availableTechs()

Returns a list of the techs currently available to the player.

JsonArray player.enabledTechs()

Returns a list of the techs currently unlocked by the player.

String player.equippedTech(String slot)

Returns the name of the tech the player has currently equipped in the specified slot, or nil if no tech is equipped in that slot.

unsigned player.currency(String currencyName)

Returns the player's current total reserves of the specified currency.

void player.addCurrency(String currencyName, unsigned amount)

Increases the player's reserve of the specified currency by the specified amount.

bool player.consumeCurrency(String currencyName, unsigned amount)

Attempts to consume the specified amount of the specified currency and returns true if successful and false otherwise.

void player.cleanupItems()

Triggers an immediate cleanup of the player's inventory, removing item stacks with 0 quantity. May rarely be required in special cases of making several sequential modifications to the player's inventory within a single tick.

void player.giveItem(ItemDescriptor item)

Adds the specified item to the player's inventory.

bool player.hasItem(ItemDescriptor item, [bool exactMatch])

Returns true if the player's inventory contains an item matching the specified descriptor and false otherwise. If exactMatch is true then parameters as well as item name must match.

unsigned player.hasCountOfItem(ItemDescriptor item, [bool exactMatch])

Returns the total number of items in the player's inventory matching the specified descriptor. If exactMatch is true then parameters as well as item name must match.

ItemDescriptor player.consumeItem(ItemDescriptor item, [bool consumePartial], [bool exactMatch])

Attempts to consume the specified item from the player's inventory and returns the item consumed if successful. If consumePartial is true, matching stacks totalling fewer items than the requested count may be consumed, otherwise the operation will only be performed if the full count can be consumed. If exactMatch is true then parameters as well as item name must match.

Map<String, unsigned> player.inventoryTags()

Returns a summary of all tags of all items in the player's inventory. Keys in the returned map are tag names and their corresponding values are the total count of items including that tag.

JsonArray player.itemsWithTag(String tag)

Returns a list of ItemDescriptors for all items in the player's inventory that include the specified tag.

void player.consumeTaggedItem(String tag, unsigned count)

Consumes items from the player's inventory that include the matching tag, up to the specified count of items.

bool player.hasItemWithParameter(String parameter, Json value)

Returns true if the player's inventory contains at least one item which has the specified parameter set to the specified value.

void player.consumeItemWithParameter(String parameter, Json value, unsigned count)

Consumes items from the player's inventory that have the specified parameter set to the specified value, upt to the specified count of items.

ItemDescriptor player.getItemWithParameter(String parameter, Json value)

Returns the first item in the player's inventory that has the specified parameter set to the specified value, or nil if no such item is found.

ItemDescriptor player.primaryHandItem()

Returns the player's currently equipped primary hand item, or nil if no item is equipped.

ItemDescriptor player.altHandItem()

Returns the player's currently equipped alt hand item, or nil if no item is equipped.

JsonArray player.primaryHandItemTags()

Returns a list of the tags on the currently equipped primary hand item, or nil if no item is equipped.

JsonArray player.altHandItemTags()

Returns a list of the tags on the currently equipped alt hand item, or nil if no item is equipped.

ItemDescriptor player.essentialItem(String slotName)

Returns the contents of the specified essential slot, or nil if the slot is empty. Essential slot names are "beamaxe", "wiretool", "painttool" and "inspectiontool".

void player.giveEssentialItem(String slotName, ItemDescriptor item)

Sets the contents of the specified essential slot to the specified item.

void player.removeEssentialItem(String slotName)

Removes the essential item in the specified slot.

ItemDescriptor player.equippedItem(String slotName)

Returns the contents of the specified equipment slot, or nil if the slot is empty. Equipment slot names are "head", "chest", "legs", "back", "headCosmetic", "chestCosmetic", "legsCosmetic" and "backCosmetic".

void player.setEquippedItem(String slotName, Json item)

Sets the item in the specified equipment slot to the specified item.

ItemDescriptor player.swapSlotItem()

Returns the contents of the player's swap (cursor) slot, or nil if the slot is empty.

void player.setSwapSlotItem(Json item)

Sets the item in the player's swap (cursor) slot to the specified item.

bool player.canStartQuest(Json questDescriptor)

Returns true if the player meets all of the prerequisites to start the specified quest and false otherwise.

QuestId player.startQuest(Json questDescriptor, [String serverUuid], [String worldId])

Starts the specified quest, optionally using the specified server Uuid and world id, and returns the quest id of the started quest.

bool player.hasQuest(String questId)

Returns true if the player has a quest, in any state, with the specified quest id and false otherwise.

bool player.hasAcceptedQuest(String questId)

Returns true if the player has accepted a quest (which may be active, completed, or failed) with the specified quest id and false otherwise.

bool player.hasActiveQuest(String questId)

Returns true if the player has a currently active quest with the specified quest id and false otherwise.

bool player.hasCompletedQuest(String questId)

Returns true if the player has a completed quest with the specified quest id and false otherwise.

Maybe<WorldId> player.currentQuestWorld()

If the player's currently tracked quest has an associated world, returns the id of that world.

List<pair<WorldId, bool>> player.questWorlds()

Returns a list of world ids for worlds relevant to the player's current quests, along with a boolean indicating whether that quest is tracked.

Maybe<Json> player.currentQuestLocation()

If the player's currently tracked quest has an associated location (CelestialCoordinate, system orbit, UUID, or system position) returns that location.

List<pair<Json, bool>> player.questLocations()

Returns a list of locations for worlds relevant to the player's current quests, along with a boolean indicating whether that quest is tracked.

void player.enableMission(String missionName)

Adds the specified mission to the player's list of available missions.

void player.completeMission(String missionName)

Adds the specified mission to the player's list of completed missions.

void player.hasCompletedMission(String missionName)

Returns whether the player has completed the specified mission.

void player.radioMessage(Json messageConfig, [float delay])

Triggers the specified radio message for the player, either immediately or with the specified delay.

String player.worldId()

Returns a String representation of the world id of the player's current world.

String player.serverUuid()

Returns a String representation of the player's Uuid on the server.

String player.ownShipWorldId()

Returns a String representation of the world id of the player's ship world.

bool player.lounge(EntityId loungeableId, [unsigned anchorIndex])

Triggers the player to lounge in the specified loungeable entity at the specified lounge anchor index (default is 0).

bool player.isLounging()

Returns true if the player is currently occupying a loungeable entity and false otherwise.

EntityId player.loungingIn()

If the player is currently lounging, returns the entity id of what they are lounging in.

double player.playTime()

Returns the total played time for the player.

bool player.introComplete()

Returns true if the player is marked as having completed the intro instance and false otherwise.

void player.setIntroComplete(bool complete)

Sets whether the player is marked as having completed the intro instance.

void player.warp(String warpAction, [String animation], [bool deploy])

Immediately warps the player to the specified warp target, optionally using the specified warp animation and deployment.

bool player.canDeploy()

Returns whether the player has a deployable mech.

bool player.isDeployed()

Returns whether the player is currently deployed.

RpcPromise player.confirm(Json dialogConfig)

Displays a confirmation dialog to the player with the specified dialog configuration and returns an RpcPromise which can be used to retrieve the player's response to that dialog.

void player.playCinematic(Json cinematic, [bool unique])

Triggers the specified cinematic to be displayed for the player. If unique is true the cinematic will only be shown to that player once.

void player.recordEvent(String event, Json fields)

Triggers the specified event on the player with the specified fields. Used to record data e.g. for achievements.

bool player.worldHasOrbitBookmark(Json coordinate)

Returns whether the player has a bookmark for the specified celestial coordinate.

List<pair<Vec3I, Json>> player.orbitBookmarks()

Returns a list of orbit bookmarks with their system coordinates.

List<Json> player.systemBookmarks(Json systemCoordinate)

Returns a list of orbit bookmarks in the specified system.

bool player.addOrbitBookmark(Json systemCoordinate, Json bookmarkConfig)

Adds the specified bookmark to the player's bookmark list and returns true if the bookmark was successfully added (and was not already known) and false otherwise.

bool player.removeOrbitBookmark(Json systemCoordinate, Json bookmarkConfig)

Removes the specified bookmark from the player's bookmark list and returns true if the bookmark was successfully removed and false otherwise.

List<Json> player.teleportBookmarks()

Lists all of the player's teleport bookmarks.

bool player.addTeleportBookmark(Json bookmarkConfig)

Adds the specified bookmark to the player's bookmark list and returns true if the bookmark was successfully added (and was not already known) and false otherwise.

bool player.removeTeleportBoookmark(Json bookmarkConfig)

Removes the specified teleport bookmark.

bool player.isMapped(Json coordinate)

Returns whether the player has previously visited the specified coordinate.

Json player.mappedObjects(Json systemCoordinate)

Returns uuid, type, and orbits for all system objects in the specified system;

List<String> player.collectables(String collectionName)

Returns a list of names of the collectables the player has unlocked in the specified collection.

List<Json> player.teamMembers()

Returns an array, each entry being a table with name, uuid, entity, healthPercentage and energyPercentage