230 lines
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230 lines
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#include "StarCelestialParameters.hpp"
#include "StarCelestialCoordinate.hpp"
#include "StarUuid.hpp"
#include "StarWarping.hpp"
#include "StarSkyParameters.hpp"
#include "StarNetElementFloatFields.hpp"
#include "StarNetElementSystem.hpp"
namespace Star {
struct CelestialOrbit {
static CelestialOrbit fromJson(Json const& json);
Json toJson() const;
CelestialCoordinate target;
int direction;
double enterTime;
Vec2F enterPosition;
void write(DataStream& ds) const;
void read(DataStream& ds);
bool operator==(CelestialOrbit const& rhs) const;
DataStream& operator>>(DataStream& ds, CelestialOrbit& orbit);
DataStream& operator<<(DataStream& ds, CelestialOrbit const& orbit);
// in transit, at a planet, orbiting a planet,, at a system object, or at a vector position
typedef MVariant<CelestialCoordinate, CelestialOrbit, Uuid, Vec2F> SystemLocation;
Json jsonFromSystemLocation(SystemLocation const& location);
SystemLocation jsonToSystemLocation(Json const& json);
struct SystemWorldConfig {
static SystemWorldConfig fromJson(Json const& config);
float starGravitationalConstant;
float planetGravitationalConstant;
Map<unsigned, float> planetSizes;
float emptyOrbitSize;
float unvisitablePlanetSize;
StringMap<float> floatingDungeonWorldSizes;
float starSize;
Vec2F planetaryOrbitPadding;
Vec2F satelliteOrbitPadding;
Vec2F arrivalRange;
float objectSpawnPadding;
float clientObjectSpawnPadding;
Vec2F objectSpawnInterval;
double objectSpawnCycle;
float minObjectOrbitTime;
float asteroidBeamDistance;
SkyParameters emptySkyParameters;
class SystemWorld {
SystemWorld(ClockConstPtr universeClock, CelestialDatabasePtr celestialDatabase);
SystemWorldConfig const& systemConfig() const;
double time() const;
Vec3I location() const;
List<CelestialCoordinate> planets() const;
uint64_t coordinateSeed(CelestialCoordinate const& coord, String const& seedMix) const;
float planetOrbitDistance(CelestialCoordinate const& coord) const;
// assumes circular orbit
float orbitInterval(float distance, bool isMoon) const;
Vec2F orbitPosition(CelestialOrbit const& orbit) const;
float clusterSize(CelestialCoordinate const& planet) const;
float planetSize(CelestialCoordinate const& planet) const;
Vec2F planetPosition(CelestialCoordinate const& planet) const;
Maybe<Vec2F> systemLocationPosition(SystemLocation const& position) const;
Vec2F randomArrivalPosition() const;
Maybe<WarpAction> objectWarpAction(Uuid const& uuid) const;
virtual List<SystemObjectPtr> objects() const = 0;
virtual SystemObjectPtr getObject(Uuid const& uuid) const = 0;
SystemObjectConfig systemObjectConfig(String const& name, Uuid const& uuid) const;
static Json systemObjectTypeConfig(String const& typeName);
Vec3I m_location;
CelestialDatabasePtr m_celestialDatabase;
ClockConstPtr m_universeClock;
SystemWorldConfig m_config;
struct SystemObjectConfig {
String name;
bool moving;
float speed;
float orbitDistance;
float lifeTime;
// permanent system objects may only have a solar orbit and can never be removed
bool permanent;
WarpAction warpAction;
Maybe<float> threatLevel;
SkyParameters skyParameters;
StringMap<String> generatedParameters;
JsonObject parameters;
class SystemObject {
SystemObject(SystemObjectConfig config, Uuid uuid, Vec2F const& position, JsonObject parameters = {});
SystemObject(SystemObjectConfig config, Uuid uuid, Vec2F const& position, double spawnTime, JsonObject parameters = {});
SystemObject(SystemWorld* system, Json const& diskStore);
void init();
Uuid uuid() const;
String name() const;
bool permanent() const;
Vec2F position() const;
WarpAction warpAction() const;
Maybe<float> threatLevel() const;
SkyParameters skyParameters() const;
JsonObject parameters() const;
bool shouldDestroy() const;
void enterOrbit(CelestialCoordinate const& target, Vec2F const& targetPosition, double time);
Maybe<CelestialCoordinate> orbitTarget() const;
Maybe<CelestialOrbit> orbit() const;
void clientUpdate(float dt);
void serverUpdate(SystemWorldServer* system, float dt);
pair<ByteArray, uint64_t> writeNetState(uint64_t fromVersion);
void readNetState(ByteArray data, float interpolationTime);
ByteArray netStore() const;
Json diskStore() const;
void setPosition(Vec2F const& position);
SystemObjectConfig m_config;
Uuid m_uuid;
double m_spawnTime;
JsonObject m_parameters;
Maybe<CelestialCoordinate> m_approach;
bool m_shouldDestroy;
NetElementTopGroup m_netGroup;
NetElementFloat m_xPosition;
NetElementFloat m_yPosition;
NetElementData<Maybe<CelestialOrbit>> m_orbit;
class SystemClientShip {
SystemClientShip(SystemWorld* world, Uuid uuid, float speed, SystemLocation const& position);
SystemClientShip(SystemWorld* world, Uuid uuid, SystemLocation const& position);
Uuid uuid() const;
Vec2F position() const;
SystemLocation systemLocation() const;
SystemLocation destination() const;
void setDestination(SystemLocation const& destination);
void setSpeed(float speed);
void startFlying();
bool flying() const;
// update is only called on master
void clientUpdate(float dt);
void serverUpdate(SystemWorld* system, float dt);
pair<ByteArray, uint64_t> writeNetState(uint64_t fromVersion);
void readNetState(ByteArray data, float interpolationTime);
ByteArray netStore() const;
struct ClientShipConfig {
float orbitDistance;
float departTime;
float spaceDepartTime;
void setPosition(Vec2F const& position);
Uuid m_uuid;
ClientShipConfig m_config;
float m_departTimer;
float m_speed;
Maybe<CelestialOrbit> m_orbit;
NetElementTopGroup m_netGroup;
NetElementData<SystemLocation> m_systemLocation;
NetElementData<SystemLocation> m_destination;
NetElementFloat m_xPosition;
NetElementFloat m_yPosition;