150 lines
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150 lines
4.0 KiB
#include "StarOrderedMap.hpp"
#include "StarBlockAllocator.hpp"
namespace Star {
template <typename OrderedMapType>
class LruCacheBase {
typedef typename OrderedMapType::key_type Key;
typedef typename OrderedMapType::mapped_type Value;
typedef function<Value(Key const&)> ProducerFunction;
LruCacheBase(size_t maxSize = 256);
// Max size cannot be zero, it will be clamped to at least 1 in order to hold
// the most recent element returned by get.
size_t maxSize() const;
void setMaxSize(size_t maxSize);
size_t currentSize() const;
List<Key> keys() const;
List<Value> values() const;
// If the value is in the cache, returns a pointer to it and marks it as
// accessed, otherwise returns nullptr.
Value* ptr(Key const& key);
// Put the given value into the cache.
void set(Key const& key, Value value);
// Removes the given value from the cache. If found and removed, returns
// true.
bool remove(Key const& key);
// Remove all key / value pairs matching a filter.
void removeWhere(function<bool(Key const&, Value&)> filter);
// If the value for the key is not found in the cache, produce it with the
// given producer. Producer shold take the key as an argument and return the
// value.
template <typename Producer>
Value& get(Key const& key, Producer producer);
// Clear all cached entries.
void clear();
OrderedMapType m_map;
size_t m_maxSize;
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Compare = std::less<Key>, typename Allocator = BlockAllocator<pair<Key const, Value>, 1024>>
using LruCache = LruCacheBase<OrderedMap<Key, Value, Compare, Allocator>>;
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Hash = Star::hash<Key>, typename Equals = std::equal_to<Key>, typename Allocator = BlockAllocator<pair<Key const, Value>, 1024>>
using HashLruCache = LruCacheBase<OrderedHashMap<Key, Value, Hash, Equals, Allocator>>;
template <typename OrderedMapType>
LruCacheBase<OrderedMapType>::LruCacheBase(size_t maxSize) {
template <typename OrderedMapType>
size_t LruCacheBase<OrderedMapType>::maxSize() const {
return m_maxSize;
template <typename OrderedMapType>
void LruCacheBase<OrderedMapType>::setMaxSize(size_t maxSize) {
m_maxSize = max<size_t>(maxSize, 1);
while (m_map.size() > m_maxSize)
template <typename OrderedMapType>
size_t LruCacheBase<OrderedMapType>::currentSize() const {
return m_map.size();
template <typename OrderedMapType>
auto LruCacheBase<OrderedMapType>::keys() const -> List<Key> {
return m_map.keys();
template <typename OrderedMapType>
auto LruCacheBase<OrderedMapType>::values() const -> List<Value> {
return m_map.values();
template <typename OrderedMapType>
auto LruCacheBase<OrderedMapType>::ptr(Key const& key) -> Value * {
auto i = m_map.find(key);
if (i == m_map.end())
return nullptr;
i = m_map.toBack(i);
return &i->second;
template <typename OrderedMapType>
void LruCacheBase<OrderedMapType>::set(Key const& key, Value value) {
auto i = m_map.find(key);
if (i == m_map.end()) {
m_map.add(key, move(value));
} else {
i->second = move(value);
template <typename OrderedMapType>
bool LruCacheBase<OrderedMapType>::remove(Key const& key) {
return m_map.remove(key);
template <typename OrderedMapType>
void LruCacheBase<OrderedMapType>::removeWhere(function<bool(Key const&, Value&)> filter) {
eraseWhere(m_map, [&filter](auto& p) {
return filter(p.first, p.second);
template <typename OrderedMapType>
template <typename Producer>
auto LruCacheBase<OrderedMapType>::get(Key const& key, Producer producer) -> Value & {
while (m_map.size() > m_maxSize - 1)
auto i = m_map.find(key);
if (i == m_map.end())
i = m_map.insert({key, producer(key)}).first;
i = m_map.toBack(i);
return i->second;
template <typename OrderedMapType>
void LruCacheBase<OrderedMapType>::clear() {