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247 lines
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#include "StarItemLuaBindings.hpp"
#include "StarJsonExtra.hpp"
#include "StarLuaGameConverters.hpp"
#include "StarCasting.hpp"
#include "StarItem.hpp"
#include "StarToolUserItem.hpp"
namespace Star {
LuaCallbacks LuaBindings::makeItemCallbacks(Item* item) {
LuaCallbacks callbacks;
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<String>("name", bind(ItemCallbacks::name, item));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<size_t>("count", bind(ItemCallbacks::count, item));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<size_t, size_t>("setCount", bind(ItemCallbacks::setCount, item, _1));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<size_t>("maxStack", bind(ItemCallbacks::maxStack, item));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<bool, Json, Maybe<bool>>("matches", bind(ItemCallbacks::matches, item, _1, _2));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<bool, size_t>("consume", bind(ItemCallbacks::consume, item, _1));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<bool>("empty", bind(ItemCallbacks::empty, item));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<Json>("descriptor", bind(ItemCallbacks::descriptor, item));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<String>("description", bind(ItemCallbacks::description, item));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<String>("friendlyName", bind(ItemCallbacks::friendlyName, item));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<int>("rarity", bind(ItemCallbacks::rarity, item));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<String>("rarityString", bind(ItemCallbacks::rarityString, item));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<size_t>("price", bind(ItemCallbacks::price, item));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<Json>("fuelAmount", bind(ItemCallbacks::fuelAmount, item));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<Json>("iconDrawables", bind(ItemCallbacks::iconDrawables, item));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<Json>("dropDrawables", bind(ItemCallbacks::dropDrawables, item));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<String>("largeImage", bind(ItemCallbacks::largeImage, item));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<String>("tooltipKind", bind(ItemCallbacks::tooltipKind, item));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<String>("category", bind(ItemCallbacks::category, item));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<String>("pickupSound", bind(ItemCallbacks::pickupSound, item));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<bool>("twoHanded", bind(ItemCallbacks::twoHanded, item));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<float>("timeToLive", bind(ItemCallbacks::timeToLive, item));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<Json>("learnBlueprintsOnPickup", bind(ItemCallbacks::learnBlueprintsOnPickup, item));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<bool, String>("hasItemTag", bind(ItemCallbacks::hasItemTag, item, _1));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<Json>("pickupQuestTemplates", bind(ItemCallbacks::pickupQuestTemplates, item));
return callbacks;
// Returns the name of the item. (Unique identifier)
// @return A string containing the name of the item as specified in its
// configuration
String LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::name(Item* item) {
return item->name();
// Returns the number of items in this stack
// @return An integer containing the number of items in this stack
size_t LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::count(Item* item) {
return item->count();
// Sets the number of items in the stack (up to maxStack)
// @param count The desired amount
// @return An integer containing the number of items that overflowed
size_t LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::setCount(Item* item, size_t count) {
return item->setCount(count);
// Returns the maximum number of items in this item's stack
// @return An integer containing the number of items in this item's maximum
// stack
size_t LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::maxStack(Item* item) {
return item->maxStack();
// Returns whether or not the serialized item descriptor passed logically
// matches this item
// Checks both name and parameters and uses the item's internal list of matching
// descriptors
// @see is
// @param descriptor A properly serialized item descriptor
// @return A bool true if matches, false if not.
bool LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::matches(Item* item, Json const& desc, Maybe<bool> exactMatch) {
ItemDescriptor itemDesc = ItemDescriptor(desc);
return item->matches(itemDesc, exactMatch.value(false));
// If the given number of this item is available, consumes that number and
// returns true, otherwise
// returns false.
// @param toConsume The number of items you'd like to consume from this stack
// @return true if items were successfully consumed, false otherwise
bool LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::consume(Item* item, size_t count) {
return item->consume(count);
// Returns the number of items in the stack is equal to 0
// @return true if stack is empty, false otherwise
bool LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::empty(Item* item) {
return item->empty();
// Returns the descriptor of this item
// @return a table containing a serialized item descriptor
Json LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::descriptor(Item* item) {
return item->descriptor().toJson();
// Returns the item description
// @return a string containing the item's description
String LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::description(Item* item) {
return item->description();
// Returns the friendly name of the item
// @return a string containing the friendly name of the item
String LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::friendlyName(Item* item) {
return item->friendlyName();
// Returns the rarity of the item as an integer
// Common = 0,
// Uncommon = 1,
// Rare = 2,
// Legendary = 3
// Essential = 4
// @return an integer representing the rarity of the item
int LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::rarity(Item* item) {
return (int)item->rarity();
// Returns the rarity of the item as a string
// @return a string representing the rarity of the item
String LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::rarityString(Item* item) {
return RarityNames.getRight(item->rarity());
// Returns the shop price of the item
// @return an integer representing the shop price of the item in pixels (before
// modifiers)
size_t LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::price(Item* item) {
return item->price();
// Returns the amount of fuel given for buring this item stack in an engine
// @return an integer representing the amount of fuel in the entire stack
unsigned LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::fuelAmount(Item* item) {
return item->instanceValue("fuelAmount", 0).toUInt();
// Returns the iconDrawables for this item serialized into json
// @return List of tables containing the serialized icon drawables for this
// item.
Json LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::iconDrawables(Item* item) {
return jsonFromList<Drawable>(item->iconDrawables(), [](Drawable const& drawable) { return drawable.toJson(); });
// Returns the dropDrawables for this item serialized into json
// @return List of tables containing the serialized drop drawables for this
// item.
Json LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::dropDrawables(Item* item) {
return jsonFromList<Drawable>(item->dropDrawables(), [](Drawable const& drawable) { return drawable.toJson(); });
// Returns the large image for this item as displayed on mouseover in the
// tooltip
// @return String containing a path to the largeImage for this item
String LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::largeImage(Item* item) {
return item->largeImage();
// Returns the inspection kind of this item (as defined in item config, defaults
// to empty string)
// @return String containing the inspection kind
String LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::tooltipKind(Item* item) {
return item->tooltipKind();
// Returns the category of this item (as defined in item config)
// @return String containing the category
String LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::category(Item* item) {
return item->category();
// Returns the pickup sound for the item
// @return string containing the path to the pickup sound for this item
String LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::pickupSound(Item* item) {
return item->pickupSound();
// Returns whether or not the item is two handed
// @return bool containing true if the item is twoHanded, false otherwise
bool LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::twoHanded(Item* item) {
return item->twoHanded();
// Returns the time to live for this item as an item drop
// @return float containing the time to live for this item
float LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::timeToLive(Item* item) {
return item->timeToLive();
// Returns a list of item descriptors representing recipes whose blueprints you
// learn when you pick
// this item up
// @return a list of tables containing serialize item descriptors
Json LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::learnBlueprintsOnPickup(Item* item) {
return jsonFromList<ItemDescriptor>(
item->learnBlueprintsOnPickup(), [](ItemDescriptor const& descriptor) { return descriptor.toJson(); });
// Returns whether or not this items has a specific item tag
// @param itemTag a string containing the tag value
// @return a bool representing whether or not this item contains that tag
bool LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::hasItemTag(Item* item, String const& itemTag) {
return item->hasItemTag(itemTag);
// Returns the pickup Quest Templates for this item
// @return a list of string containing the different quest templates triggered
// by this item on
// pickup
Json LuaBindings::ItemCallbacks::pickupQuestTemplates(Item* item) {
return item->pickupQuestTemplates().transformed(mem_fn(&QuestArcDescriptor::toJson));