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#include "StarSpatialHash2D.hpp"
#include "StarEntity.hpp"
namespace Star {
STAR_EXCEPTION(EntityMapException, StarException);
// Class used by WorldServer and WorldClient to store entites organized in a
// spatial hash. Provides convenient ways of querying entities based on
// different selection criteria.
// Several of the methods in EntityMap take callbacks or filters that will be
// called while iterating over internal structures. They are all designed so
// that adding new entities is safe to do from the callback, but removing
// entities is never safe to do from any callback function.
class EntityMap {
static float const SpatialHashSectorSize;
static int const MaximumEntityBoundBox;
// beginIdSpace and endIdSpace is the *inclusive* range for new enittyIds.
EntityMap(Vec2U const& worldSize, EntityId beginIdSpace, EntityId endIdSpace);
// Get the next free id in the entity id space.
EntityId reserveEntityId();
// Add an entity to this EntityMap. The entity must already be initialized
// and have a unique EntityId returned by reserveEntityId.
void addEntity(EntityPtr entity);
EntityPtr removeEntity(EntityId entityId);
size_t size() const;
List<EntityId> entityIds() const;
// Iterates through the entity map optionally in the given order, updating
// the spatial information for each entity along the way.
void updateAllEntities(EntityCallback const& callback = {}, function<bool(EntityPtr const&, EntityPtr const&)> sortOrder = {});
// If the given unique entity is in this map, then return its entity id
EntityId uniqueEntityId(String const& uniqueId) const;
EntityPtr entity(EntityId entityId) const;
EntityPtr uniqueEntity(String const& uniqueId) const;
// Queries entities based on metaBoundBox
List<EntityPtr> entityQuery(RectF const& boundBox, EntityFilter const& filter = {}) const;
// A fuzzy query of the entities at this position, sorted by closeness.
List<EntityPtr> entitiesAt(Vec2F const& pos, EntityFilter const& filter = {}) const;
List<TileEntityPtr> entitiesAtTile(Vec2I const& pos, EntityFilterOf<TileEntity> const& filter = {}) const;
// Sort of a fuzzy line intersection test. Tests if a given line intersects
// the bounding box of any entities, and returns them.
List<EntityPtr> entityLineQuery(Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const& end, EntityFilter const& filter = {}) const;
// Callback versions of query functions.
void forEachEntity(RectF const& boundBox, EntityCallback const& callback) const;
void forEachEntityLine(Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const& end, EntityCallback const& callback) const;
// Returns tile-based entities that occupy the given tile position.
void forEachEntityAtTile(Vec2I const& pos, EntityCallbackOf<TileEntity> const& callback) const;
// Iterate through all the entities, optionally in the given sort order.
void forAllEntities(EntityCallback const& callback, function<bool(EntityPtr const&, EntityPtr const&)> sortOrder = {}) const;
// Stops searching when filter returns true, and returns the entity which
// caused it.
EntityPtr findEntity(RectF const& boundBox, EntityFilter const& filter) const;
EntityPtr findEntityLine(Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const& end, EntityFilter const& filter) const;
EntityPtr findEntityAtTile(Vec2I const& pos, EntityFilterOf<TileEntity> const& filter) const;
// Closest entity that satisfies the given selector, if given.
EntityPtr closestEntity(Vec2F const& center, float radius, EntityFilter const& filter = {}) const;
// Returns interactive entity that is near the given world position
InteractiveEntityPtr interactiveEntityNear(Vec2F const& pos, float maxRadius = 1.5f) const;
// Whether or not any tile entity occupies this tile
bool tileIsOccupied(Vec2I const& pos, bool includeEphemeral = false) const;
// Intersects any entity's collision area
bool spaceIsOccupied(RectF const& rect, bool includeEphemeral = false) const;
// Convenience template methods that filter based on dynamic cast and deal
// with pointers to a derived entity type.
template <typename EntityT>
shared_ptr<EntityT> get(EntityId entityId) const;
template <typename EntityT>
shared_ptr<EntityT> getUnique(String const& uniqueId) const;
template <typename EntityT>
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> query(RectF const& boundBox, EntityFilterOf<EntityT> const& filter = {}) const;
template <typename EntityT>
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> all(EntityFilterOf<EntityT> const& filter = {}) const;
template <typename EntityT>
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> lineQuery(Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const& end, EntityFilterOf<EntityT> const& filter = {}) const;
template <typename EntityT>
shared_ptr<EntityT> closest(Vec2F const& center, float radius, EntityFilterOf<EntityT> const& filter = {}) const;
template <typename EntityT>
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> atTile(Vec2I const& pos) const;
typedef SpatialHash2D<EntityId, float, EntityPtr> SpatialMap;
WorldGeometry m_geometry;
SpatialMap m_spatialMap;
BiHashMap<String, EntityId> m_uniqueMap;
EntityId m_nextId;
EntityId m_beginIdSpace;
EntityId m_endIdSpace;
List<SpatialMap::Entry const*> m_entrySortBuffer;
template <typename EntityT>
shared_ptr<EntityT> EntityMap::get(EntityId entityId) const {
return as<EntityT>(entity(entityId));
template <typename EntityT>
shared_ptr<EntityT> EntityMap::getUnique(String const& uniqueId) const {
return as<EntityT>(uniqueEntity(uniqueId));
template <typename EntityT>
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> EntityMap::query(RectF const& boundBox, EntityFilterOf<EntityT> const& filter) const {
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> entities;
for (auto const& entity : entityQuery(boundBox, entityTypeFilter(filter)))
return entities;
template <typename EntityT>
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> EntityMap::all(EntityFilterOf<EntityT> const& filter) const {
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> entities;
forAllEntities([&](EntityPtr const& entity) {
if (auto e = as<EntityT>(entity)) {
if (!filter || filter(e))
return entities;
template <typename EntityT>
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> EntityMap::lineQuery(Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const& end, EntityFilterOf<EntityT> const& filter) const {
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> entities;
for (auto const& entity : entityLineQuery(begin, end, entityTypeFilter(filter)))
return entities;
template <typename EntityT>
shared_ptr<EntityT> EntityMap::closest(Vec2F const& center, float radius, EntityFilterOf<EntityT> const& filter) const {
return as<EntityT>(closestEntity(center, radius, entityTypeFilter(filter)));
template <typename EntityT>
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> EntityMap::atTile(Vec2I const& pos) const {
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> list;
forEachEntityAtTile(pos, [&](TileEntityPtr const& entity) {
if (auto e = as<EntityT>(entity))
return false;
return list;