715 lines
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715 lines
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#include "StarImage.hpp"
#include "StarItemDescriptor.hpp"
#include "StarWorldGeometry.hpp"
#include "StarGameTypes.hpp"
#include "StarRandom.hpp"
#include "StarSet.hpp"
#include "StarThread.hpp"
#include "StarLruCache.hpp"
namespace Star {
STAR_EXCEPTION(DungeonException, StarException);
class DungeonGeneratorWorldFacade {
virtual ~DungeonGeneratorWorldFacade() {}
// Hint that the given rectangular region is dungeon generated, and thus
// would not receive the normal entity generation steps.
virtual void markRegion(RectI const& region) = 0;
// Mark the region as needing terrain to properly integrate with the dungeon
virtual void markTerrain(PolyF const& region) = 0;
// Mark the region as needing space to properly integrate with the dungeon
virtual void markSpace(PolyF const& region) = 0;
virtual void setForegroundMaterial(Vec2I const& position, MaterialId material, MaterialHue hueshift, MaterialColorVariant colorVariant) = 0;
virtual void setBackgroundMaterial(Vec2I const& position, MaterialId material, MaterialHue hueshift, MaterialColorVariant colorVariant) = 0;
virtual void setForegroundMod(Vec2I const& position, ModId mod, MaterialHue hueshift) = 0;
virtual void setBackgroundMod(Vec2I const& position, ModId mod, MaterialHue hueshift) = 0;
virtual void placeObject(Vec2I const& pos, String const& objectName, Star::Direction direction, Json const& parameters) = 0;
virtual void placeVehicle(Vec2F const& pos, String const& vehicleName, Json const& parameters) = 0;
virtual void placeSurfaceBiomeItems(Vec2I const& pos) = 0;
virtual void placeBiomeTree(Vec2I const& pos) = 0;
virtual void addDrop(Vec2F const& position, ItemDescriptor const& item) = 0;
virtual void spawnNpc(Vec2F const& position, Json const& parameters) = 0;
virtual void spawnStagehand(Vec2F const& position, Json const& definition) = 0;
virtual void setLiquid(Vec2I const& pos, LiquidStore const& liquid) = 0;
virtual void connectWireGroup(List<Vec2I> const& wireGroup) = 0;
virtual void setTileProtection(DungeonId dungeonId, bool isProtected) = 0;
virtual bool checkSolid(Vec2I const& position, TileLayer layer) = 0;
virtual bool checkOpen(Vec2I const& position, TileLayer layer) = 0;
virtual bool checkOceanLiquid(Vec2I const& position) = 0;
virtual DungeonId getDungeonIdAt(Vec2I const& position) = 0;
virtual void setDungeonIdAt(Vec2I const& position, DungeonId dungeonId) = 0;
virtual void clearTileEntities(RectI const& bounds, Set<Vec2I> const& positions, bool clearAnchoredObjects) = 0;
virtual WorldGeometry getWorldGeometry() const = 0;
virtual void setPlayerStart(Vec2F const& startPosition) = 0;
namespace Dungeon {
class DungeonGeneratorWriter {
DungeonGeneratorWriter(DungeonGeneratorWorldFacadePtr facade, Maybe<int> terrainMarkingSurfaceLevel, Maybe<int> terrainSurfaceSpaceExtends);
Vec2I wrapPosition(Vec2I const& pos) const;
void setMarkDungeonId(Maybe<DungeonId> markDungeonId = {});
void requestLiquid(Vec2I const& pos, LiquidStore const& liquid);
void setLiquid(Vec2I const& pos, LiquidStore const& liquid);
void setForegroundMaterial(Vec2I const& position, MaterialId material, MaterialHue hueshift, MaterialColorVariant colorVariant);
void setBackgroundMaterial(Vec2I const& position, MaterialId material, MaterialHue hueshift, MaterialColorVariant colorVariant);
void setForegroundMod(Vec2I const& position, ModId mod, MaterialHue hueshift);
void setBackgroundMod(Vec2I const& position, ModId mod, MaterialHue hueshift);
bool needsForegroundBiomeMod(Vec2I const& position);
bool needsBackgroundBiomeMod(Vec2I const& position);
void placeObject(Vec2I const& position, String const& objectType, Direction direction, Json const& parameters);
void placeVehicle(Vec2F const& pos, String const& vehicleName, Json const& parameters);
void placeSurfaceBiomeItems(Vec2I const& pos);
void placeBiomeTree(Vec2I const& pos);
void addDrop(Vec2F const& position, ItemDescriptor const& item);
void requestWire(Vec2I const& position, String const& wireGroup, bool partLocal);
void spawnNpc(Vec2F const& pos, Json const& definition);
void spawnStagehand(Vec2F const& pos, Json const& definition);
void setPlayerStart(Vec2F const& startPosition);
bool checkSolid(Vec2I position, TileLayer layer);
bool checkOpen(Vec2I position, TileLayer layer);
bool checkLiquid(Vec2I const& position);
bool otherDungeonPresent(Vec2I position);
void setDungeonId(Vec2I const& pos, DungeonId dungeonId);
void markPosition(Vec2F const& pos);
void markPosition(Vec2I const& pos);
void finishPart();
void clearTileEntities(RectI const& bounds, Set<Vec2I> const& positions, bool clearAnchoredObjects);
void flushLiquid();
void flush();
List<RectI> boundingBoxes() const;
void reset();
struct Material {
MaterialId material;
MaterialHue hueshift;
MaterialColorVariant colorVariant;
struct Mod {
ModId mod;
MaterialHue hueshift;
struct ObjectSettings {
ObjectSettings() : direction() {}
ObjectSettings(String const& objectName, Direction direction, Json const& parameters)
: objectName(objectName), direction(direction), parameters(parameters) {}
String objectName;
Direction direction;
Json parameters;
DungeonGeneratorWorldFacadePtr m_facade;
Maybe<int> m_terrainMarkingSurfaceLevel;
Maybe<int> m_terrainSurfaceSpaceExtends;
Map<Vec2I, LiquidStore> m_pendingLiquids;
Map<Vec2I, Material> m_foregroundMaterial;
Map<Vec2I, Material> m_backgroundMaterial;
Map<Vec2I, Mod> m_foregroundMod;
Map<Vec2I, Mod> m_backgroundMod;
Map<Vec2I, ObjectSettings> m_objects;
Map<Vec2F, pair<String, Json>> m_vehicles;
Set<Vec2I> m_biomeTrees;
Set<Vec2I> m_biomeItems;
Map<Vec2F, ItemDescriptor> m_drops;
Map<Vec2F, Json> m_npcs;
Map<Vec2F, Json> m_stagehands;
Map<Vec2I, DungeonId> m_dungeonIds;
Map<Vec2I, LiquidStore> m_liquids;
StringMap<Set<Vec2I>> m_globalWires;
List<Set<Vec2I>> m_localWires;
StringMap<Set<Vec2I>> m_openLocalWires;
Maybe<DungeonId> m_markDungeonId;
RectI m_currentBounds;
List<RectI> m_boundingBoxes;
class Rule {
static Maybe<RuleConstPtr> parse(Json const& rule);
static List<RuleConstPtr> readRules(Json const& rules);
virtual ~Rule() {}
virtual bool checkTileCanPlace(Vec2I position, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const;
virtual bool overdrawable() const;
virtual bool ignorePartMaximum() const;
virtual bool allowSpawnCount(int currentCount) const;
virtual bool doesNotConnectToPart(String const& name) const;
virtual bool checkPartCombinationsAllowed(StringMap<int> const& placementCounter) const;
virtual bool requiresOpen() const;
virtual bool requiresSolid() const;
virtual bool requiresLiquid() const;
Rule() {}
class WorldGenMustContainAirRule : public Rule {
WorldGenMustContainAirRule(TileLayer layer) : layer(layer) {}
virtual bool checkTileCanPlace(Vec2I position, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
virtual bool requiresOpen() const override {
return true;
TileLayer layer;
class WorldGenMustContainSolidRule : public Rule {
WorldGenMustContainSolidRule(TileLayer layer) : layer(layer) {}
virtual bool checkTileCanPlace(Vec2I position, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
virtual bool requiresSolid() const override {
return true;
TileLayer layer;
class WorldGenMustContainLiquidRule : public Rule {
WorldGenMustContainLiquidRule() {}
virtual bool checkTileCanPlace(Vec2I position, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
virtual bool requiresLiquid() const override {
return true;
class WorldGenMustNotContainLiquidRule : public Rule {
WorldGenMustNotContainLiquidRule() {}
virtual bool checkTileCanPlace(Vec2I position, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
class AllowOverdrawingRule : public Rule {
AllowOverdrawingRule() {}
virtual bool overdrawable() const override {
return true;
class IgnorePartMaximumRule : public Rule {
IgnorePartMaximumRule() {}
virtual bool ignorePartMaximum() const override {
return true;
class MaxSpawnCountRule : public Rule {
MaxSpawnCountRule(Json const& rule) {
m_maxCount = rule.toArray()[1].toArray()[0].toInt();
virtual bool allowSpawnCount(int currentCount) const override {
return currentCount < m_maxCount;
int m_maxCount;
class DoNotConnectToPartRule : public Rule {
DoNotConnectToPartRule(Json const& rule) {
for (auto entry : rule.toArray()[1].toArray())
virtual bool doesNotConnectToPart(String const& name) const override {
return m_partNames.contains(name);
StringSet m_partNames;
class DoNotCombineWithRule : public Rule {
DoNotCombineWithRule(Json const& rule) {
for (auto part : rule.toArray()[1].toArray())
virtual bool checkPartCombinationsAllowed(StringMap<int> const& placementCounter) const override {
for (auto part : m_parts) {
if (placementCounter.contains(part) && (placementCounter.get(part) > 0))
return false;
return true;
StringSet m_parts;
enum class Phase {
class Brush {
static BrushConstPtr parse(Json const& brush);
static List<BrushConstPtr> readBrushes(Json const& brushes);
virtual ~Brush() {}
virtual void paint(Vec2I position, Phase phase, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const = 0;
Brush() {}
class RandomBrush : public Brush {
RandomBrush(Json const& brush);
virtual void paint(Vec2I position, Phase phase, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
List<BrushConstPtr> m_brushes;
int64_t m_seed;
class ClearBrush : public Brush {
ClearBrush() {}
virtual void paint(Vec2I position, Phase phase, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
class FrontBrush : public Brush {
FrontBrush(String const& material, Maybe<String> mod, Maybe<float> hueshift, Maybe<float> modhueshift, Maybe<MaterialColorVariant> colorVariant);
virtual void paint(Vec2I position, Phase phase, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
String m_material;
MaterialHue m_materialHue;
MaterialColorVariant m_materialColorVariant;
Maybe<String> m_mod;
MaterialHue m_modHue;
class BackBrush : public Brush {
BackBrush(String const& material, Maybe<String> mod, Maybe<float> hueshift, Maybe<float> modhueshift, Maybe<MaterialColorVariant> colorVariant);
virtual void paint(Vec2I position, Phase phase, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
String m_material;
MaterialHue m_materialHue;
MaterialColorVariant m_materialColorVariant;
Maybe<String> m_mod;
MaterialHue m_modHue;
class ObjectBrush : public Brush {
ObjectBrush(String const& object, Star::Direction direction, Json const& parameters);
virtual void paint(Vec2I position, Phase phase, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
String m_object;
Star::Direction m_direction;
Json m_parameters;
class VehicleBrush : public Brush {
VehicleBrush(String const& vehicle, Json const& parameters);
virtual void paint(Vec2I position, Phase phase, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
String m_vehicle;
Json m_parameters;
class BiomeItemsBrush : public Brush {
BiomeItemsBrush() {}
virtual void paint(Vec2I position, Phase phase, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
class BiomeTreeBrush : public Brush {
BiomeTreeBrush() {}
virtual void paint(Vec2I position, Phase phase, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
class ItemBrush : public Brush {
ItemBrush(ItemDescriptor const& item);
virtual void paint(Vec2I position, Phase phase, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
ItemDescriptor m_item;
class NpcBrush : public Brush {
NpcBrush(Json const& brush);
virtual void paint(Vec2I position, Phase phase, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
Json m_npc;
class StagehandBrush : public Brush {
StagehandBrush(Json const& definition);
virtual void paint(Vec2I position, Phase phase, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
Json m_definition;
class DungeonIdBrush : public Brush {
DungeonIdBrush(DungeonId dungeonId);
virtual void paint(Vec2I position, Phase phase, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
DungeonId m_dungeonId;
class SurfaceBrush : public Brush {
SurfaceBrush(Maybe<int> variant, Maybe<String> mod);
virtual void paint(Vec2I position, Phase phase, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
int m_variant;
Maybe<String> m_mod;
class SurfaceBackgroundBrush : public Brush {
SurfaceBackgroundBrush(Maybe<int> variant, Maybe<String> mod);
virtual void paint(Vec2I position, Phase phase, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
int m_variant;
Maybe<String> m_mod;
class LiquidBrush : public Brush {
LiquidBrush(String const& liquidName, float quantity, bool source);
virtual void paint(Vec2I position, Phase phase, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
String m_liquid;
float m_quantity;
bool m_source;
class WireBrush : public Brush {
WireBrush(String wireGroup, bool partLocal) : m_wireGroup(wireGroup), m_partLocal(partLocal) {}
virtual void paint(Vec2I position, Phase phase, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
String m_wireGroup;
bool m_partLocal;
class PlayerStartBrush : public Brush {
virtual void paint(Vec2I position, Phase phase, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
// InvalidBrush reports an error when it is painted. This brush is used on
// tiles
// that represent objects that have been removed from the game.
class InvalidBrush : public Brush {
InvalidBrush(Maybe<String> nameHint);
virtual void paint(Vec2I position, Phase phase, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const override;
Maybe<String> m_nameHint;
enum class Direction : uint8_t {
Left = 0,
Right = 1,
Up = 2,
Down = 3,
Unknown = 4,
Any = 5
extern EnumMap<Dungeon::Direction> const DungeonDirectionNames;
class Connector {
Connector(Part* part, String value, bool forwardOnly, Direction direction, Vec2I offset);
bool connectsTo(ConnectorConstPtr connector) const;
String value() const;
Vec2I positionAdjustment() const;
Part* part() const;
Vec2I offset() const;
String m_value;
bool m_forwardOnly;
Direction m_direction;
Vec2I m_offset;
Part* m_part;
typedef function<bool(Vec2I, Tile const&)> TileCallback;
class PartReader {
virtual ~PartReader() {}
virtual void readAsset(String const& asset) = 0;
// Returns the dimensions of the part
virtual Vec2U size() const = 0;
// Iterate over every tile in every layer of the part.
// The callback receives the position of the tile (within the part), and
// the tile at that position.
// The callback can return true to exit from the loop early.
virtual void forEachTile(TileCallback const& callback) const = 0;
// Calls the callback with only the tiles at the given position.
virtual void forEachTileAt(Vec2I pos, TileCallback const& callback) const = 0;
PartReader() {}
class Part {
Part(DungeonDefinition* dungeon, Json const& part, PartReaderPtr reader);
String const& name() const;
Vec2U size() const;
Vec2I anchorPoint() const;
float chance() const;
bool markDungeonId() const;
Maybe<float> minimumThreatLevel() const;
Maybe<float> maximumThreatLevel() const;
bool clearAnchoredObjects() const;
int placementLevelConstraint() const;
bool ignoresPartMaximum() const;
bool allowsPlacement(int currentPlacementCount) const;
List<ConnectorConstPtr> const& connections() const;
bool doesNotConnectTo(Part* part) const;
bool checkPartCombinationsAllowed(StringMap<int> const& placementCounts) const;
bool collidesWithPlaces(Vec2I pos, Set<Vec2I>& places) const;
bool canPlace(Vec2I pos, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const;
void place(Vec2I pos, Set<Vec2I> const& places, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const;
void forEachTile(TileCallback const& callback) const;
void placePhase(Vec2I pos, Phase phase, Set<Vec2I> const& places, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const;
bool tileUsesPlaces(Vec2I pos) const;
Direction pickByEdge(Vec2I position, Vec2U size) const;
Direction pickByNeighbours(Vec2I pos) const;
void scanConnectors();
void scanAnchor();
PartReaderConstPtr m_reader;
String m_name;
List<RuleConstPtr> m_rules;
DungeonDefinition* m_dungeon;
List<ConnectorConstPtr> m_connections;
Vec2I m_anchorPoint;
bool m_overrideAllowAlways;
Maybe<float> m_minimumThreatLevel;
Maybe<float> m_maximumThreatLevel;
bool m_clearAnchoredObjects;
Vec2U m_size;
float m_chance;
bool m_markDungeonId;
struct TileConnector {
String value;
bool forwardOnly;
Direction direction = Direction::Unknown;
struct Tile {
bool canPlace(Vec2I position, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const;
void place(Vec2I position, Phase phase, DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer) const;
bool usesPlaces() const;
bool modifiesPlaces() const;
bool collidesWithPlaces() const;
bool requiresOpen() const;
bool requiresSolid() const;
bool requiresLiquid() const;
List<BrushConstPtr> brushes;
List<RuleConstPtr> rules;
Maybe<TileConnector> connector;
class DungeonDefinition {
DungeonDefinition(JsonObject const& definition, String const& directory);
JsonObject metadata() const;
String directory() const;
String name() const;
String displayName() const;
bool isProtected() const;
Maybe<float> gravity() const;
Maybe<bool> breathable() const;
StringMap<Dungeon::PartConstPtr> const& parts() const;
List<String> const& anchors() const;
Maybe<Json> const& optTileset() const;
int maxParts() const;
int maxRadius() const;
int extendSurfaceFreeSpace() const;
JsonObject metaData() const;
JsonObject m_metadata;
String m_directory;
String m_name;
String m_displayName;
String m_species;
bool m_isProtected;
List<Dungeon::RuleConstPtr> m_rules;
StringMap<Dungeon::PartConstPtr> m_parts;
List<String> m_anchors;
Maybe<Json> m_tileset;
int m_maxRadius;
int m_maxParts;
int m_extendSurfaceFreeSpace;
Maybe<float> m_gravity;
Maybe<bool> m_breathable;
class DungeonDefinitions {
DungeonDefinitionConstPtr get(String const& name) const;
JsonObject getMetadata(String const& name) const;
static DungeonDefinitionPtr readDefinition(String const& path);
StringMap<String> m_paths;
mutable Mutex m_cacheMutex;
mutable HashLruCache<String, DungeonDefinitionPtr> m_definitionCache;
class DungeonGenerator {
DungeonGenerator(String const& dungeonName, uint64_t seed, float threatLevel, Maybe<DungeonId> dungeonId);
Maybe<pair<List<RectI>, Set<Vec2I>>> generate(DungeonGeneratorWorldFacadePtr facade, Vec2I position, bool markSurfaceAndTerrain, bool forcePlacement);
pair<List<RectI>, Set<Vec2I>> buildDungeon(Dungeon::PartConstPtr anchor, Vec2I pos, Dungeon::DungeonGeneratorWriter* writer, bool forcePlacement);
Dungeon::PartConstPtr pickAnchor();
List<Dungeon::ConnectorConstPtr> findConnectablePart(Dungeon::ConnectorConstPtr connector) const;
DungeonDefinitionConstPtr definition() const;
DungeonDefinitionConstPtr m_def;
RandomSource m_rand;
float m_threatLevel;
Maybe<DungeonId> m_dungeonId;