115 lines
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115 lines
3.6 KiB
#include "StarNetPacketSocket.hpp"
namespace Star {
STAR_EXCEPTION(UniverseConnectionException, StarException);
// Symmetric NetPacket based connection between the UniverseServer and the
// UniverseClient.
class UniverseConnection {
explicit UniverseConnection(PacketSocketUPtr packetSocket);
UniverseConnection(UniverseConnection&& rhs);
UniverseConnection& operator=(UniverseConnection&& rhs);
bool isOpen() const;
void close();
// Push packets onto the send queue.
void push(List<PacketPtr> packets);
void pushSingle(PacketPtr packet);
// Pull packets from the receive queue.
List<PacketPtr> pull();
PacketPtr pullSingle();
// Send all data that we can without blocking, returns true if any data was
// sent.
bool send();
// Block, trying to send the entire send queue before the given timeout.
// Returns true if the entire send queue was sent before the timeout, false
// otherwise.
bool sendAll(unsigned timeout);
// Receive all the data that we can without blocking, returns true if any
// data was received.
bool receive();
// Block, trying to read at least one packet into the receive queue before
// the timeout. Returns true once any packets are on the receive queue,
// false if the timeout was reached with no packets receivable.
bool receiveAny(unsigned timeout);
// Packet stats for the most recent one second window of activity incoming
// and outgoing. Will only return valid stats if the underlying PacketSocket
// implements stat collection.
Maybe<PacketStats> incomingStats() const;
Maybe<PacketStats> outgoingStats() const;
friend class UniverseConnectionServer;
UniverseConnection() = default;
mutable Mutex m_mutex;
PacketSocketUPtr m_packetSocket;
List<PacketPtr> m_sendQueue;
Deque<PacketPtr> m_receiveQueue;
// Manage a set of UniverseConnections cheaply and in an asynchronous way.
// Uses a single background thread to handle remote sending and receiving.
class UniverseConnectionServer {
// The packet receive callback is called asynchronously on every packet group
// received. It will be called such that it is safe to recursively call any
// method on the UniverseConnectionServer without deadlocking. The receive
// callback will not be called for any client until the previous callback for
// that client is complete.
typedef function<void(UniverseConnectionServer*, ConnectionId, List<PacketPtr>)> PacketReceiveCallback;
UniverseConnectionServer(PacketReceiveCallback packetReceiver);
bool hasConnection(ConnectionId clientId) const;
List<ConnectionId> allConnections() const;
bool connectionIsOpen(ConnectionId clientId) const;
int64_t lastActivityTime(ConnectionId clientId) const;
void addConnection(ConnectionId clientId, UniverseConnection connection);
UniverseConnection removeConnection(ConnectionId clientId);
List<UniverseConnection> removeAllConnections();
void sendPackets(ConnectionId clientId, List<PacketPtr> packets);
struct Connection {
Mutex mutex;
PacketSocketUPtr packetSocket;
List<PacketPtr> sendQueue;
Deque<PacketPtr> receiveQueue;
int64_t lastActivityTime;
PacketReceiveCallback const m_packetReceiver;
mutable RecursiveMutex m_connectionsMutex;
HashMap<ConnectionId, shared_ptr<Connection>> m_connections;
ThreadFunction<void> m_processingLoop;
atomic<bool> m_shutdown;