Kai Blaschke 431a9c00a5
Fixed a huge amount of Clang warnings
On Linux and macOS, using Clang to compile OpenStarbound produces about 400 MB worth of warnings during the build, making the compiler output unreadable and slowing the build down considerably.

99% of the warnings were unqualified uses of std::move and std::forward, which are now all properly qualified.

Fixed a few other minor warnings about non-virtual destructors and some uses of std::move preventing copy elision on temporary objects.

Most remaining warnings are now unused parameters.
2024-02-19 16:55:19 +01:00

306 lines
11 KiB

#include "StarAnimatedPartSet.hpp"
#include "StarMathCommon.hpp"
namespace Star {
AnimatedPartSet::AnimatedPartSet() {}
AnimatedPartSet::AnimatedPartSet(Json config) {
for (auto const& stateTypePair : config.get("stateTypes", JsonObject()).iterateObject()) {
auto const& stateTypeName = stateTypePair.first;
auto const& stateTypeConfig = stateTypePair.second;
StateType newStateType;
newStateType.priority = stateTypeConfig.getFloat("priority", 0.0f);
newStateType.enabled = stateTypeConfig.getBool("enabled", true);
newStateType.defaultState = stateTypeConfig.getString("default", "");
newStateType.stateTypeProperties = stateTypeConfig.getObject("properties", {});
for (auto const& statePair : stateTypeConfig.get("states", JsonObject()).iterateObject()) {
auto const& stateName = statePair.first;
auto const& stateConfig = statePair.second;
auto newState = make_shared<State>();
newState->frames = stateConfig.getInt("frames", 1);
newState->cycle = stateConfig.getFloat("cycle", 1.0f);
newState->animationMode = stringToAnimationMode(stateConfig.getString("mode", "end"));
newState->transitionState = stateConfig.getString("transition", "");
newState->stateProperties = stateConfig.getObject("properties", {});
newState->stateFrameProperties = stateConfig.getObject("frameProperties", {});
newStateType.states[stateName] = std::move(newState);
newStateType.activeState.stateTypeName = stateTypeName;
newStateType.activeStateDirty = true;
if (newStateType.defaultState.empty() && !newStateType.states.empty())
newStateType.defaultState = newStateType.states.firstKey();
m_stateTypes[stateTypeName] = std::move(newStateType);
// Sort state types by decreasing priority.
m_stateTypes.sort([](pair<String, StateType> const& a, pair<String, StateType> const& b) {
return b.second.priority < a.second.priority;
for (auto const& partPair : config.get("parts", JsonObject()).iterateObject()) {
auto const& partName = partPair.first;
auto const& partConfig = partPair.second;
Part newPart;
newPart.partProperties = partConfig.getObject("properties", {});
for (auto const& partStateTypePair : partConfig.get("partStates", JsonObject()).iterateObject()) {
auto const& stateTypeName = partStateTypePair.first;
for (auto const& partStatePair : partStateTypePair.second.toObject()) {
auto const& stateName = partStatePair.first;
auto const& stateConfig = partStatePair.second;
PartState partState = {stateConfig.getObject("properties", {}), stateConfig.getObject("frameProperties", {})};
newPart.partStates[stateTypeName][stateName] = std::move(partState);
newPart.activePart.partName = partPair.first;
newPart.activePartDirty = true;
m_parts[partName] = std::move(newPart);
for (auto const& pair : m_stateTypes)
setActiveState(pair.first, pair.second.defaultState, true);
StringList AnimatedPartSet::stateTypes() const {
return m_stateTypes.keys();
void AnimatedPartSet::setStateTypeEnabled(String const& stateTypeName, bool enabled) {
auto& stateType = m_stateTypes.get(stateTypeName);
if (stateType.enabled != enabled) {
stateType.enabled = enabled;
for (auto& pair : m_parts)
pair.second.activePartDirty = true;
void AnimatedPartSet::setEnabledStateTypes(StringList const& stateTypeNames) {
for (auto& pair : m_stateTypes)
pair.second.enabled = false;
for (auto const& stateTypeName : stateTypeNames)
m_stateTypes.get(stateTypeName).enabled = true;
for (auto& pair : m_parts)
pair.second.activePartDirty = true;
bool AnimatedPartSet::stateTypeEnabled(String const& stateTypeName) const {
return m_stateTypes.get(stateTypeName).enabled;
StringList AnimatedPartSet::states(String const& stateTypeName) const {
return m_stateTypes.get(stateTypeName).states.keys();
StringList AnimatedPartSet::parts() const {
return m_parts.keys();
bool AnimatedPartSet::setActiveState(String const& stateTypeName, String const& stateName, bool alwaysStart) {
auto& stateType = m_stateTypes.get(stateTypeName);
if (stateType.activeState.stateName != stateName || alwaysStart) {
stateType.activeState.stateName = stateName;
stateType.activeState.timer = 0.0f;
stateType.activeStatePointer = stateType.states.get(stateName).get();
stateType.activeStateDirty = true;
for (auto& pair : m_parts)
pair.second.activePartDirty = true;
return true;
} else {
return false;
void AnimatedPartSet::restartState(String const& stateTypeName) {
auto& stateType = m_stateTypes.get(stateTypeName);
stateType.activeState.timer = 0.0f;
stateType.activeStateDirty = true;
for (auto& pair : m_parts)
pair.second.activePartDirty = true;
AnimatedPartSet::ActiveStateInformation const& AnimatedPartSet::activeState(String const& stateTypeName) const {
auto& stateType = const_cast<StateType&>(m_stateTypes.get(stateTypeName));
return stateType.activeState;
AnimatedPartSet::ActivePartInformation const& AnimatedPartSet::activePart(String const& partName) const {
auto& part = const_cast<Part&>(m_parts.get(partName));
return part.activePart;
void AnimatedPartSet::forEachActiveState(function<void(String const&, ActiveStateInformation const&)> callback) const {
for (auto const& p : m_stateTypes) {
callback(p.first, p.second.activeState);
void AnimatedPartSet::forEachActivePart(function<void(String const&, ActivePartInformation const&)> callback) const {
for (auto const& p : m_parts) {
callback(p.first, p.second.activePart);
size_t AnimatedPartSet::activeStateIndex(String const& stateTypeName) const {
auto const& stateType = m_stateTypes.get(stateTypeName);
return *stateType.states.indexOf(stateType.activeState.stateName);
bool AnimatedPartSet::setActiveStateIndex(String const& stateTypeName, size_t stateIndex, bool alwaysStart) {
auto const& stateType = m_stateTypes.get(stateTypeName);
String const& stateName = stateType.states.keyAt(stateIndex);
return setActiveState(stateTypeName, stateName, alwaysStart);
void AnimatedPartSet::update(float dt) {
for (auto& pair : m_stateTypes) {
auto& stateType = pair.second;
auto const& state = *stateType.activeStatePointer;
stateType.activeState.timer += dt;
if (stateType.activeState.timer > state.cycle) {
if (state.animationMode == End) {
stateType.activeState.timer = state.cycle;
} else if (state.animationMode == Loop) {
stateType.activeState.timer = std::fmod(stateType.activeState.timer, state.cycle);
} else if (state.animationMode == Transition) {
stateType.activeState.stateName = state.transitionState;
stateType.activeState.timer = 0.0f;
stateType.activeStatePointer = stateType.states.get(state.transitionState).get();
stateType.activeStateDirty = true;
for (auto& pair : m_parts)
pair.second.activePartDirty = true;
void AnimatedPartSet::finishAnimations() {
for (auto& pair : m_stateTypes) {
auto& stateType = pair.second;
while (true) {
auto const& state = *stateType.activeStatePointer;
if (state.animationMode == End) {
stateType.activeState.timer = state.cycle;
} else if (state.animationMode == Transition) {
stateType.activeState.stateName = state.transitionState;
stateType.activeState.timer = 0.0f;
stateType.activeStatePointer = stateType.states.get(state.transitionState).get();
stateType.activeStateDirty = true;
for (auto& pair : m_parts)
pair.second.activePartDirty = true;
AnimatedPartSet::AnimationMode AnimatedPartSet::stringToAnimationMode(String const& string) {
if (string.equals("end", String::CaseInsensitive)) {
return End;
} else if (string.equals("loop", String::CaseInsensitive)) {
return Loop;
} else if (string.equals("transition", String::CaseInsensitive)) {
return Transition;
} else {
throw AnimatedPartSetException(strf("No such AnimationMode '{}'", string));
void AnimatedPartSet::freshenActiveState(StateType& stateType) {
if (stateType.activeStateDirty) {
auto const& state = *stateType.activeStatePointer;
auto& activeState = stateType.activeState;
activeState.frame = clamp<int>(activeState.timer / state.cycle * state.frames, 0, state.frames - 1);
activeState.properties = stateType.stateTypeProperties;
activeState.properties.merge(state.stateProperties, true);
for (auto const& pair : state.stateFrameProperties) {
if (activeState.frame < pair.second.size())
activeState.properties[pair.first] = pair.second.get(activeState.frame);
stateType.activeStateDirty = false;
void AnimatedPartSet::freshenActivePart(Part& part) {
if (part.activePartDirty) {
// First reset all the active part information assuming that no state type
// x state match exists.
auto& activePart = part.activePart;
activePart.activeState = {};
activePart.properties = part.partProperties;
// Then go through each of the state types and states and look for a part
// state match in order of priority.
for (auto& stateTypePair : m_stateTypes) {
auto const& stateTypeName = stateTypePair.first;
auto& stateType = stateTypePair.second;
// Skip disabled state types
if (!stateType.enabled)
auto partStateType = part.partStates.ptr(stateTypeName);
if (!partStateType)
auto const& stateName = stateType.activeState.stateName;
auto partState = partStateType->ptr(stateName);
if (!partState)
// If we have a partState match, then set the active state information.
activePart.activeState = stateType.activeState;
unsigned frame = stateType.activeState.frame;
// Then set the part state data, as well as any part state frame data if
// the current frame is within the list size.
activePart.properties.merge(partState->partStateProperties, true);
for (auto const& pair : partState->partStateFrameProperties) {
if (frame < pair.second.size())
activePart.properties[pair.first] = pair.second.get(frame);
// Each part can only have one state type x state match, so we are done.
part.activePartDirty = false;