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#ifndef STAR_TCP_HPP
#define STAR_TCP_HPP
#include "StarIODevice.hpp"
#include "StarSocket.hpp"
#include "StarThread.hpp"
namespace Star {
class TcpSocket : public Socket {
static TcpSocketPtr connectTo(HostAddressWithPort const& address);
static TcpSocketPtr listen(HostAddressWithPort const& address);
TcpSocketPtr accept();
// Must be called after connect. Sets TCP_NODELAY option.
void setNoDelay(bool noDelay);
size_t receive(char* data, size_t len);
size_t send(char const* data, size_t len);
HostAddressWithPort localAddress() const;
HostAddressWithPort remoteAddress() const;
TcpSocket(NetworkMode networkMode);
TcpSocket(NetworkMode networkMode, SocketImplPtr impl);
void connect(HostAddressWithPort const& address);
HostAddressWithPort m_remoteAddress;
// Simple class to listen for and open TcpSocket instances.
class TcpServer {
typedef function<void(TcpSocketPtr socket)> AcceptCallback;
TcpServer(HostAddressWithPort const& address);
// Listens to all interfaces.
TcpServer(uint16_t port);
void stop();
bool isListening() const;
// Blocks until next connection available for the given timeout. Throws
// ServerClosed if close() is called. Cannot be called if AcceptCallback is
// set.
TcpSocketPtr accept(unsigned timeout);
// Rather than calling and blocking on accept(), if an AcceptCallback is set
// here, it will be called whenever a new connection is available.
// Exceptions thrown from the callback function will be caught and logged,
// and will cause the server to close. The timeout here is the timeout that
// is passed to accept in the loop, the longer the timeout the slower it will
// shutdown on a call to close.
void setAcceptCallback(AcceptCallback callback, unsigned timeout = 20);
mutable Mutex m_mutex;
AcceptCallback m_callback;
ThreadFunction<void> m_callbackThread;
HostAddressWithPort m_hostAddress;
TcpSocketPtr m_listenSocket;