Kai Blaschke 431a9c00a5
Fixed a huge amount of Clang warnings
On Linux and macOS, using Clang to compile OpenStarbound produces about 400 MB worth of warnings during the build, making the compiler output unreadable and slowing the build down considerably.

99% of the warnings were unqualified uses of std::move and std::forward, which are now all properly qualified.

Fixed a few other minor warnings about non-virtual destructors and some uses of std::move preventing copy elision on temporary objects.

Most remaining warnings are now unused parameters.
2024-02-19 16:55:19 +01:00

333 lines
11 KiB

#include "StarStatSet.hpp"
#include "StarMathCommon.hpp"
namespace Star {
void StatSet::addStat(String statName, float baseValue) {
if (!m_baseStats.insert(std::move(statName), baseValue).second)
throw StatusException::format("Added duplicate stat named '{}' in StatSet", statName);
void StatSet::removeStat(String const& statName) {
if (!m_baseStats.remove(statName))
throw StatusException::format("No such base stat '{}' in StatSet", statName);
StringList StatSet::baseStatNames() const {
return m_baseStats.keys();
bool StatSet::isBaseStat(String const& statName) const {
return m_baseStats.contains(statName);
float StatSet::statBaseValue(String const& statName) const {
if (auto s = m_baseStats.ptr(statName))
return *s;
throw StatusException::format("No such base stat '{}' in StatSet", statName);
void StatSet::setStatBaseValue(String const& statName, float value) {
if (auto s = m_baseStats.ptr(statName)) {
if (*s != value) {
*s = value;
} else {
throw StatusException::format("No such base stat '{}' in StatSet", statName);
StatModifierGroupId StatSet::addStatModifierGroup(List<StatModifier> modifiers) {
bool empty = modifiers.empty();
auto id = m_statModifierGroups.add(std::move(modifiers));
if (!empty)
return id;
List<StatModifierGroupId> StatSet::statModifierGroupIds() const {
return m_statModifierGroups.keys();
List<StatModifier> StatSet::statModifierGroup(StatModifierGroupId modifierGroupId) const {
return m_statModifierGroups.get(modifierGroupId);
void StatSet::addStatModifierGroup(StatModifierGroupId groupId, List<StatModifier> modifiers) {
bool empty = modifiers.empty();
m_statModifierGroups.add(groupId, std::move(modifiers));
if (!empty)
bool StatSet::setStatModifierGroup(StatModifierGroupId groupId, List<StatModifier> modifiers) {
auto& list = m_statModifierGroups.get(groupId);
if (list != modifiers) {
list = std::move(modifiers);
return true;
return false;
bool StatSet::removeStatModifierGroup(StatModifierGroupId modifierSetId) {
if (m_statModifierGroups.remove(modifierSetId)) {
return true;
return false;
void StatSet::clearStatModifiers() {
if (!m_statModifierGroups.empty()) {
StatModifierGroupMap const& StatSet::allStatModifierGroups() const {
return m_statModifierGroups;
void StatSet::setAllStatModifierGroups(StatModifierGroupMap map) {
if (m_statModifierGroups != map) {
m_statModifierGroups = std::move(map);
StringList StatSet::effectiveStatNames() const {
return m_effectiveStats.keys();
bool StatSet::isEffectiveStat(String const& statName) const {
return m_effectiveStats.contains(statName);
float StatSet::statEffectiveValue(String const& statName) const {
// All stat values will be added to m_effectiveStats regardless of whether a
// modifier is applied for it.
if (auto modified = m_effectiveStats.ptr(statName))
return modified->effectiveModifiedValue;
return 0.0f;
void StatSet::addResource(String resourceName, MVariant<String, float> max, MVariant<String, float> delta) {
auto pair = m_resources.insert({std::move(resourceName), Resource{std::move(max), std::move(delta), false, 0.0f, {}}});
if (!pair.second)
throw StatusException::format("Added duplicate resource named '{}' in StatSet", resourceName);
void StatSet::removeResource(String const& resourceName) {
if (!m_resources.remove(resourceName))
throw StatusException::format("No such resource named '{}' in StatSet", resourceName);
StringList StatSet::resourceNames() const {
return m_resources.keys();
MVariant<String, float> StatSet::resourceMax(String const& resourceName) const {
return getResource(resourceName).max;
MVariant<String, float> StatSet::resourceDelta(String const& resourceName) const {
return getResource(resourceName).delta;
bool StatSet::isResource(String const& resourceName) const {
return m_resources.contains(resourceName);
float StatSet::resourceValue(String const& resourceName) const {
if (auto r = m_resources.ptr(resourceName))
return r->value;
return 0.0f;
float StatSet::setResourceValue(String const& resourceName, float value) {
return getResource(resourceName).setValue(value);
float StatSet::modifyResourceValue(String const& resourceName, float amount) {
auto& resource = getResource(resourceName);
return resource.setValue(resource.value + amount);
float StatSet::giveResourceValue(String const& resourceName, float amount) {
if (auto r = m_resources.ptr(resourceName)) {
float previousValue = r->value;
r->setValue(r->value + amount);
return r->value - previousValue;
return 0;
bool StatSet::consumeResourceValue(String const& resourceName, float amount) {
return consumeResourceValue(resourceName, amount, false);
bool StatSet::overConsumeResourceValue(String const& resourceName, float amount) {
return consumeResourceValue(resourceName, amount, true);
bool StatSet::resourceLocked(String const& resourceName) const {
return getResource(resourceName).locked;
void StatSet::setResourceLocked(String const& resourceName, bool locked) {
getResource(resourceName).locked = locked;
Maybe<float> StatSet::resourceMaxValue(String const& resourceName) const {
return getResource(resourceName).maxValue;
Maybe<float> StatSet::resourcePercentage(String const& resourceName) const {
auto const& resource = getResource(resourceName);
if (!resource.maxValue)
return {};
return resource.value / *resource.maxValue;
float StatSet::setResourcePercentage(String const& resourceName, float resourcePercentage) {
auto& resource = getResource(resourceName);
if (!resource.maxValue)
throw StatusException::format("setResourcePersentage called on resource '{}' which has no maximum", resourceName);
return resource.setValue(resourcePercentage * *resource.maxValue);
float StatSet::modifyResourcePercentage(String const& resourceName, float resourcePercentage) {
auto& resource = getResource(resourceName);
if (!resource.maxValue)
throw StatusException::format(
"modifyResourcePercentage called on resource '{}' which has no maximum", resourceName);
return resource.setValue(resource.value + resourcePercentage * *resource.maxValue);
void StatSet::update(float dt) {
// We use two intermediate values for calculating the effective stat value.
// The baseModifiedValue represents the application of the base percentage
// modifiers and the value modifiers, which only depend on the baseValue.
// The effectiveModifiedValue is the application of all effective percentage
// modifiers successively on the baseModifiedValue, causing them to stack with
// each other in addition to base multipliers and value modifiers
// First, clear the modified values to get rid of temporary stats applied
// from modifiers that may no longer be there
// Then we do all the StatValueModifiers and StatBaseMultipliers and
// compute the baseModifiedValue
for (auto& p : m_baseStats) {
auto& stat = m_effectiveStats[p.first];
stat.baseValue = p.second;
stat.baseModifiedValue = stat.baseValue;
for (auto const& p : m_statModifierGroups) {
for (auto const& modifier : p.second) {
if (auto baseMultiplier = modifier.ptr<StatBaseMultiplier>()) {
auto& stat = m_effectiveStats[baseMultiplier->statName];
stat.baseModifiedValue += (baseMultiplier->baseMultiplier - 1.0f) * stat.baseValue;
} else if (auto valueModifier = modifier.ptr<StatValueModifier>()) {
auto& stat = m_effectiveStats[valueModifier->statName];
stat.baseModifiedValue += valueModifier->value;
// Then we do all the StatEffectiveMultipliers and compute the
// final effectiveModifiedValue
for (auto& p : m_effectiveStats)
p.second.effectiveModifiedValue = p.second.baseModifiedValue;
for (auto const& p : m_statModifierGroups) {
for (auto const& modifier : p.second) {
if (auto effectiveMultiplier = modifier.ptr<StatEffectiveMultiplier>()) {
auto& stat = m_effectiveStats[effectiveMultiplier->statName];
stat.effectiveModifiedValue *= effectiveMultiplier->effectiveMultiplier;
// Then update all the resources due to charging and percentage tracking,
// after updating the stats.
for (auto& p : m_resources) {
Maybe<float> newMaxValue;
if (p.second.max.is<String>())
newMaxValue = statEffectiveValue(p.second.max.get<String>());
else if (p.second.max.is<float>())
newMaxValue = p.second.max.get<float>();
// If the resource has a maximum value, rather than keeping the absolute
// value of the resource the same between updates, the resource value
// should instead track the percentage.
if (p.second.maxValue && newMaxValue && *p.second.maxValue > 0.0f)
p.second.value *= *newMaxValue / *p.second.maxValue;
p.second.maxValue = newMaxValue;
if (p.second.maxValue)
p.second.value = clamp(p.second.value, 0.0f, *p.second.maxValue);
if (dt != 0.0f) {
float delta = 0.0f;
if (p.second.delta.is<String>())
delta = statEffectiveValue(p.second.delta.get<String>());
else if (p.second.delta.is<float>())
delta = p.second.delta.get<float>();
p.second.setValue(p.second.value + delta * dt);
float StatSet::Resource::setValue(float v) {
if (maxValue)
value = clamp(v, 0.0f, *maxValue);
value = Star::max(v, 0.0f);
return value;
StatSet::Resource const& StatSet::getResource(String const& resourceName) const {
if (auto r = m_resources.ptr(resourceName))
return *r;
throw StatusException::format("No such resource '{}' in StatSet", resourceName);
StatSet::Resource& StatSet::getResource(String const& resourceName) {
if (auto r = m_resources.ptr(resourceName))
return *r;
throw StatusException::format("No such resource '{}' in StatSet", resourceName);
bool StatSet::consumeResourceValue(String const& resourceName, float amount, bool allowOverConsume) {
if (amount < 0.0f)
throw StatusException::format("StatSet, consumeResource called with negative amount '{}' {}", resourceName, amount);
if (auto r = m_resources.ptr(resourceName)) {
if (r->locked)
return false;
if (r->value >= amount) {
r->setValue(r->value - amount);
return true;
} else if (r->value > 0.0f && allowOverConsume) {
return true;
return false;