2023-08-07 19:57:52 +00:00

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# Elepower
A new *powerful* modpack for [Minetest](http://minetest.net) 5.0.0+!
**I do not recommend using this modpack with technic, as this modpack aims to become an all new technology mod. However, compatibility might be added at a later date.**
**Depends on [fluid_lib](https://github.com/sirrobzeroone/fluid_lib)!**
**NB!** This repository follows the [fork by sirrobzeroone](https://github.com/sirrobzeroone/elepower) but not guaranteed to be 100% feature parity. Evert is the original developer of this mod and continues to work on it on and off again since August 2023.
## Features
### Universal Electric Power API
How is this any different from technic I hear you asking? Well, first of all, I have eliminated the concept of "tiers" in the **technic** sense, as all types of machines will now be accepting any conduit. Machines can be upgraded for speed and efficiency.
### Universal Fluid Transfer API
Exactly what it sounds like. Pipeworks failed to do this. Works with [melterns](https://gitlab.icynet.eu/evert/melterns)!
### Machinery
Machines for doubling your ore output and helping you create more powerful materials.
### Tools
Powered tools that you can simply recharge instead of crafting them again.
### Farming
Farming automation machines: automatic planting and harvesting of crops.
### Nuclear
Nuclear power. Both fission and fusion will (soon) be presented!