Sirrobzeroone 56d89df934 elepower lighting initial and elepower inventory update
Breaking Update:
~ elepower lighting added
  ~ light bulbs
  ~ flood lights
  ~ led panels
  ~ decorative shades
  ~ added to tome
~ improvements to dynamics inventory images
~ improvements to machine recipe storage
~ tome support for new recipes
~ additional elepower conduit types added with lighting and base
~ changes to compressing from 1 recipe slot to 2 slots (potential breaking change)
2021-08-08 20:39:20 +10:00

407 lines
12 KiB

-- ___ _ --
-- | __| |___ _ __ _____ __ _____ _ _ --
-- | _|| / -_) '_ \/ _ \ V V / -_) '_| --
-- |___|_\___| .__/\___/\_/\_/\___|_| --
-- _ _ |_| _ _ _ --
-- | | (_)__ _| |_| |_(_)_ _ __ _ --
-- | |__| / _` | ' \ _| | ' \/ _` | --
-- |____|_\__, |_||_\__|_|_||_\__, | --
-- |___/ |___/ --
-- Register Nodes --
-- Light Fill --
minetest.register_node("elepower_lighting:light_fill", {
description = "Light Fill",
drawtype = "airlike",
paramtype = "light",
--tiles = {"elepower_lighting_light_fill.png"}, -- debugging
sunlight_propagates = true,
walkable = false,
pointable = false,
diggable = true,
climbable = false,
buildable_to = true,
drop = "",
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
light_source = elepower_lighting.maxlight,
-- Conduit --
ele.register_conduit("elepower_lighting:conduit_iron_thin", {
description = "Conduit Decorative Cast Iron Thin",
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_conduit_iron_thin.png"},
use_texture_alpha = "clip",
ele_conductor_density = 1/8,
groups = {cracky = 2}
ele.register_conduit("elepower_lighting:conduit_iron_thick", {
description = "Conduit Decorative Cast Iron Thick",
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_conduit_iron_thick.png"},
use_texture_alpha = "clip",
ele_conductor_density = 2/8,
groups = {cracky = 2}
ele.register_conduit("elepower_lighting:conduit_steel_thin", {
description = "Conduit Decorative Steel Thin",
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_conduit_steel_thin.png"},
use_texture_alpha = "clip",
ele_conductor_density = 1/8,
groups = {cracky = 2}
ele.register_conduit("elepower_lighting:conduit_steel_thick", {
description = "Conduit Decorative Steel Thick",
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_conduit_steel_thick.png"},
use_texture_alpha = "clip",
ele_conductor_density = 2/8,
groups = {cracky = 2}
ele.register_conduit("elepower_lighting:conduit_gold_thin", {
description = "Conduit Decorative Gold Thin",
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_conduit_gold_thin.png"},
use_texture_alpha = "clip",
ele_conductor_density = 1/8,
groups = {cracky = 1}
ele.register_conduit("elepower_lighting:conduit_gold_thick", {
description = "Conduit Decorative Gold Thick",
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_conduit_gold_thick.png"},
use_texture_alpha = "clip",
ele_conductor_density = 2/8,
groups = {cracky = 1}
ele.register_conduit("elepower_lighting:conduit_wood_thin", {
description = "Conduit Decorative Wood Thin",
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_conduit_wood_thin.png"},
use_texture_alpha = "clip",
ele_conductor_density = 1/8,
groups = {choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2, flammable = 2}
ele.register_conduit("elepower_lighting:conduit_wood_thick", {
description = "Conduit Decorative Wood Thick",
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_conduit_wood_thick.png"},
use_texture_alpha = "clip",
ele_conductor_density = 2/8,
groups = {choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2, flammable = 2}
-- Lights --
ele.register_machine("elepower_lighting:bulb_incandescent", {
description = "Bulb Incandescent",
drawtype = "mesh",
mesh = "incandescent_light_bulb.obj",
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_incandescent_light_off.png"},
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {-0.25, -0.5, -0.25, 0.25, 0.1875, 0.25}
ele_active_node = true,
ele_active_nodedef = {
light_source = elepower_lighting.maxlight,
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_incandescent_light_on.png"}
use_texture_alpha = "clip",
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
groups = {cracky = 1, ele_user = 1, ele_lighting = 1},
ele_capacity = 32,
ele_usage = 4,
ele_inrush = 8,
ele_no_automatic_ports = true,
on_timer = elepower_lighting.light_timer,
on_punch = elepower_lighting.light_punch,
on_construct = elepower_lighting.light_construct,
on_place = elepower_lighting.light_place
ele.register_machine(":elepower_dynamics:uv_bulb", {
description = "UV Bulb Incandescent",
drawtype = "mesh",
mesh = "incandescent_light_bulb.obj",
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_incandescent_uv_light_off.png"},
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {-0.25, -0.5, -0.25, 0.25, 0.1875, 0.25}
ele_active_node = true,
ele_active_nodedef = {
light_source = 7,
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_incandescent_uv_light_on.png"}
use_texture_alpha = "clip",
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
groups = {cracky = 1, ele_user = 1, ele_lighting = 1},
ele_capacity = 32,
ele_usage = 4,
ele_inrush = 8,
ele_no_automatic_ports = true,
on_timer = elepower_lighting.light_timer,
on_punch = elepower_lighting.light_punch,
on_construct = elepower_lighting.light_construct,
on_place = elepower_lighting.light_place
ele.register_machine("elepower_lighting:bulb_cf", {
description = "Bulb Compact Fluro",
drawtype = "mesh",
mesh = "cf_light_bulb.obj",
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_cf_light_off.png"},
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {-0.25, -0.5, -0.25, 0.25, 0.3125, 0.25}
ele_active_node = true,
ele_active_nodedef = {
light_source = elepower_lighting.maxlight,
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_cf_light_on.png"}
use_texture_alpha = "clip",
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
groups = {cracky = 1, ele_user = 1, ele_lighting = 1},
ele_capacity = 64,
ele_usage = 2,
ele_inrush = 16,
ele_no_automatic_ports = true,
on_timer = elepower_lighting.light_timer,
on_punch = elepower_lighting.light_punch,
on_construct = elepower_lighting.light_construct,
on_place = elepower_lighting.light_place
ele.register_machine("elepower_lighting:fluro_light_bank", {
description = "Fluro Light Bank",
drawtype = "mesh",
mesh = "fluro_light_bank.obj",
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_fluro_light_bank_off.png"},
inventory_image = "elepower_lighting_fluro_light_bank_inv.png",
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {-1, -0.5, -0.375, 1, -0.125, 0.375}
collision_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {-1, -0.5, -0.375, 1, -0.125, 0.375}
ele_active_node = true,
ele_active_nodedef = {
light_source = elepower_lighting.maxlight,
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_fluro_light_bank_on.png"}
use_texture_alpha = "clip",
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
groups = {cracky = 1, ele_user = 1, ele_lighting = 1},
ele_capacity = 64,
ele_usage = 3,
ele_inrush = 16,
ele_light_shape = "3x1",
ele_no_automatic_ports = true,
on_timer = elepower_lighting.light_timer,
on_punch = elepower_lighting.light_punch,
on_construct = elepower_lighting.light_construct,
on_place = elepower_lighting.light_place,
on_destruct = elepower_lighting.light_strip_cleanup
ele.register_machine("elepower_lighting:bulb_led", {
description = "Bulb Light-Emitting Diode",
drawtype = "mesh",
mesh = "incandescent_light_bulb.obj",
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_led_light_bulb_off.png"},
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {-0.25, -0.5, -0.25, 0.25, 0.3125, 0.25}
ele_active_node = true,
ele_active_nodedef = {
light_source = elepower_lighting.maxlight,
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_led_light_bulb_on.png"}
use_texture_alpha = "clip",
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
groups = {cracky = 1, ele_user = 1, ele_lighting = 1},
ele_capacity = 96,
ele_usage = 1,
ele_inrush = 16,
ele_no_automatic_ports = true,
on_timer = elepower_lighting.light_timer,
on_punch = elepower_lighting.light_punch,
on_construct = elepower_lighting.light_construct,
on_place = elepower_lighting.light_place
ele.register_machine("elepower_lighting:led_light_panel", {
description = "LED Light Panel",
drawtype = "mesh",
mesh = "led_light_panel_1x1.obj",
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_led_light_off.png"},
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-0.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 0.5000, -0.2500, 0.5000}
collision_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-0.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 0.5000, -0.2500, 0.5000}
ele_active_node = true,
ele_active_nodedef = {
light_source = elepower_lighting.maxlight,
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_led_light_on.png"}
use_texture_alpha = "clip",
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
groups = {cracky = 1, ele_user = 1, ele_lighting = 1},
ele_capacity = 96,
ele_usage = 1,
ele_inrush = 16,
ele_no_automatic_ports = true,
on_timer = elepower_lighting.light_timer,
on_punch = elepower_lighting.light_punch,
on_construct = elepower_lighting.light_construct,
on_place = elepower_lighting.light_place
ele.register_machine("elepower_lighting:led_light_panel_colored", {
description = 'LED Light Panel Colored',
drawtype = "mesh",
mesh = "led_light_panel_1x1.obj",
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_led_light_off.png"},
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-0.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 0.5000, -0.2500, 0.5000}
collision_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-0.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 0.5000, -0.2500, 0.5000}
ele_active_node = true,
ele_active_nodedef = {
paramtype2 = 'colorwallmounted',
palette = 'palette_32.png',
light_source = elepower_lighting.maxlight,
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_led_light_on.png"}
is_ground_content = false,
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
paramtype2 = 'wallmounted',
groups = {cracky = 1, ele_user = 1, ele_lighting = 1},
ele_capacity = 96,
ele_usage = 1,
ele_inrush = 16,
ele_no_automatic_ports = true,
on_timer = elepower_lighting.light_timer_colored,
on_punch = elepower_lighting.light_punch,
on_construct = elepower_lighting.light_construct,
on_receive_fields = elepower_lighting.color_on_recieve_fields
--on_place = elepower_lighting.light_place
ele.register_machine("elepower_lighting:led_1x3_light_panel", {
description = "LED 1x3 Light Panel",
drawtype = "mesh",
mesh = "led_light_panel_1x3.obj",
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_led_light_1x3_off.png"},
inventory_image = "elepower_lighting_led_light_1x3_inv.png",
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-1.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 1.5000, -0.2500, 0.5000}
collision_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-1.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 1.5000, -0.2500, 0.5000}
ele_active_node = true,
ele_active_nodedef = {
light_source = elepower_lighting.maxlight,
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_led_light_1x3_on.png"}
use_texture_alpha = "clip",
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
groups = {cracky = 1, ele_user = 1, ele_lighting = 1},
ele_capacity = 288,
ele_usage = 1,
ele_inrush = 16,
ele_light_shape = "3x1",
ele_no_automatic_ports = true,
on_timer = elepower_lighting.light_timer,
on_punch = elepower_lighting.light_punch,
on_construct = elepower_lighting.light_construct,
on_place = elepower_lighting.light_place,
on_destruct = elepower_lighting.light_strip_cleanup
ele.register_machine("elepower_lighting:led_2x3_light_panel", {
description = "LED 2x3 Light Panel",
drawtype = "mesh",
mesh = "led_light_panel_2x3.obj",
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_led_light_2x3_off.png"},
inventory_image = "elepower_lighting_led_light_2x3_inv.png",
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-1.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 1.5000, -0.2500, 1.5000}
collision_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-1.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 1.5000, -0.2500, 1.5000}
ele_active_node = true,
ele_active_nodedef = {
light_source = elepower_lighting.maxlight,
tiles = {"elepower_lighting_led_light_2x3_on.png"}
use_texture_alpha = "clip",
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
groups = {cracky = 1, ele_user = 1, ele_lighting = 1},
ele_capacity = 576,
ele_usage = 1,
ele_inrush = 16,
ele_light_shape = "3x2",
ele_no_automatic_ports = true,
on_timer = elepower_lighting.light_timer,
on_punch = elepower_lighting.light_punch,
on_construct = elepower_lighting.light_construct,
on_place = elepower_lighting.light_place,
on_destruct = elepower_lighting.light_strip_cleanup