2023-06-20 14:33:09 +10:00
#include "StarJson.hpp"
#include "StarOrderedMap.hpp"
#include "StarRect.hpp"
#include "StarBiMap.hpp"
#include "StarThread.hpp"
#include "StarAssetSource.hpp"
2023-06-24 01:30:55 +10:00
#include "StarAssetPath.hpp"
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namespace Star {
STAR_EXCEPTION(AssetException, StarException);
// The contents of an assets .frames file, which can be associated with one or
// more images, and specifies named sub-rects of those images.
struct FramesSpecification {
// Get the target sub-rect of a given frame name (which can be an alias).
// Returns nothing if the frame name is not found.
Maybe<RectU> getRect(String const& frame) const;
// The full path to the .frames file from which this was loaded.
String framesFile;
// Named sub-frames
StringMap<RectU> frames;
// Aliases for named sub-frames, always points to a valid frame name in the
// 'frames' map.
StringMap<String> aliases;
// The assets system can load image, font, json, and data assets from a set of
// sources. Each source is either a directory on the filesystem or a single
// packed asset file.
// Assets is thread safe and performs TTL caching.
class Assets {
struct Settings {
// TTL for cached assets
float assetTimeToLive;
// Audio under this length will be automatically decompressed
float audioDecompressLimit;
// Number of background worker threads
unsigned workerPoolSize;
// If given, if an image is unable to load, will log the error and load
// this path instead
Maybe<String> missingImage;
// Same, but for audio
Maybe<String> missingAudio;
// When loading assets from a directory, will automatically ignore any
// files whose asset paths matching any of the given patterns.
StringList pathIgnore;
// Same, but only ignores the file for the purposes of calculating the
// digest.
StringList digestIgnore;
Assets(Settings settings, StringList assetSources);
// Returns a list of all the asset source paths used by Assets in load order.
StringList assetSources() const;
// Return metadata for the given loaded asset source path
JsonObject assetSourceMetadata(String const& sourcePath) const;
// An imperfect sha256 digest of the contents of all combined asset sources.
// Useful for detecting if there are mismatched assets between a client and
// server or if assets sources have changed from a previous load.
ByteArray digest() const;
// Is there an asset associated with the given path? Path must not contain
// sub-paths or directives.
bool assetExists(String const& path) const;
// The name of the asset source within which the path exists.
String assetSource(String const& path) const;
// Scans for all assets with the given suffix in any directory.
StringList scan(String const& suffix) const;
// Scans for all assets matching both prefix and suffix (prefix may be, for
// example, a directory)
StringList scan(String const& prefix, String const& suffix) const;
// Scans all assets for files with the given extension, which is specially
// indexed and much faster than a normal scan. Extension may contain leading
// '.' character or it may be omitted.
StringList scanExtension(String const& extension) const;
// Get json asset with an optional sub-path. The sub-path portion of the
// path refers to a key in the top-level object, and may use dot notation
// for deeper field access and [] notation for array access. Example:
// "/path/to/json:key1.key2.key3[4]".
Json json(String const& path) const;
// Either returns the json v, or, if v is a string type, returns the json
// pointed to by interpreting v as a string path.
Json fetchJson(Json const& v, String const& dir = "/") const;
// Load all the given jsons using background processing.
void queueJsons(StringList const& paths) const;
// Returns *either* an image asset or a sub-frame. Frame files are JSON
// descriptor files that reference a particular image and label separate
// sub-rects of the image. If the given path has a ':' sub-path, then the
// assets system will look for an associated .frames named either
// <full-path-minus-extension>.frames or default.frames, going up to assets
// root. May return the same ImageConstPtr for different paths if the paths
// are equivalent or they are aliases of other image paths.
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ImageConstPtr image(AssetPath const& path) const;
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// Load images using background processing
void queueImages(StringList const& paths) const;
// Return the given image *if* it is already loaded, otherwise queue it for
// loading.
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ImageConstPtr tryImage(AssetPath const& path) const;
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// Returns the best associated FramesSpecification for a given image path, if
// it exists. The given path must not contain sub-paths or directives, and
// this function may return nullptr if no frames file is associated with the
// given image path.
FramesSpecificationConstPtr imageFrames(String const& path) const;
// Returns a pointer to a shared audio asset;
AudioConstPtr audio(String const& path) const;
// Load audios using background processing
void queueAudios(StringList const& paths) const;
// Return the given audio *if* it is already loaded, otherwise queue it for
// loading.
AudioConstPtr tryAudio(String const& path) const;
// Returns pointer to shared font asset
FontConstPtr font(String const& path) const;
// Returns a bytes asset (Reads asset as an opaque binary blob)
ByteArrayConstPtr bytes(String const& path) const;
// Bypass asset caching and open an asset file directly.
IODevicePtr openFile(String const& basePath) const;
// Clear all cached assets that are not queued, persistent, or broken.
void clearCache();
// Run a cleanup pass and remove any assets past their time to live.
void cleanup();
enum class AssetType {
enum class QueuePriority {
struct AssetId {
AssetType type;
AssetPath path;
bool operator==(AssetId const& assetId) const;
struct AssetIdHash {
size_t operator()(AssetId const& id) const;
struct AssetData {
virtual ~AssetData() = default;
// Should return true if this asset is shared and still in use, so freeing
// it from cache will not really free the resource, so it should persist in
// the cache.
virtual bool shouldPersist() const = 0;
double time = 0.0;
bool needsPostProcessing = false;
struct JsonData : AssetData {
bool shouldPersist() const override;
Json json;
// Image data for an image, sub-frame, or post-processed image.
struct ImageData : AssetData {
bool shouldPersist() const override;
ImageConstPtr image;
// *Optional* sub-frames data for this image, only will exist when the
// image is a top-level image and has an associated frames file.
FramesSpecificationConstPtr frames;
// If this image aliases another asset entry, this will be true and
// shouldPersist will never be true (to ensure that this alias and its
// target can be removed from the cache).
bool alias = false;
struct AudioData : AssetData {
bool shouldPersist() const override;
AudioConstPtr audio;
struct FontData : AssetData {
bool shouldPersist() const override;
FontConstPtr font;
struct BytesData : AssetData {
bool shouldPersist() const override;
ByteArrayConstPtr bytes;
struct AssetFileDescriptor {
// The mixed case original source name;
String sourceName;
// The source that has the primary asset copy
AssetSourcePtr source;
// List of source names and sources for patches to this file.
List<pair<String, AssetSourcePtr>> patchSources;
static FramesSpecification parseFramesSpecification(Json const& frameConfig, String path);
void queueAssets(List<AssetId> const& assetIds) const;
shared_ptr<AssetData> tryAsset(AssetId const& id) const;
shared_ptr<AssetData> getAsset(AssetId const& id) const;
void workerMain();
// All methods below assume that the asset mutex is locked when calling.
// Do some processing that might take a long time and should not hold the
// assets mutex during it. Unlocks the assets mutex while the function is in
// progress and re-locks it on return or before exception is thrown.
template <typename Function>
decltype(auto) unlockDuring(Function f) const;
// Returns the best frames specification for the given image path, if it exists.
FramesSpecificationConstPtr bestFramesSpecification(String const& basePath) const;
IODevicePtr open(String const& basePath) const;
ByteArray read(String const& basePath) const;
Json readJson(String const& basePath) const;
// Load / post process an asset and log any exception. Returns true if the
// work was performed (whether successful or not), false if the work is
// blocking on something.
bool doLoad(AssetId const& id) const;
bool doPost(AssetId const& id) const;
// Assets can recursively depend on other assets, so the main entry point for
// loading assets is in this separate method, and is safe for other loading
// methods to call recursively. If there is an error loading the asset, this
// method will throw. If, and only if, the asset is blocking on another busy
// asset, this method will return null.
shared_ptr<AssetData> loadAsset(AssetId const& id) const;
shared_ptr<AssetData> loadJson(AssetPath const& path) const;
shared_ptr<AssetData> loadImage(AssetPath const& path) const;
shared_ptr<AssetData> loadAudio(AssetPath const& path) const;
shared_ptr<AssetData> loadFont(AssetPath const& path) const;
shared_ptr<AssetData> loadBytes(AssetPath const& path) const;
shared_ptr<AssetData> postProcessAudio(shared_ptr<AssetData> const& original) const;
// Updates time on the given asset (with smearing).
void freshen(shared_ptr<AssetData> const& asset) const;
Settings m_settings;
mutable Mutex m_assetsMutex;
mutable ConditionVariable m_assetsQueued;
mutable OrderedHashMap<AssetId, QueuePriority, AssetIdHash> m_queue;
mutable ConditionVariable m_assetsDone;
mutable HashMap<AssetId, shared_ptr<AssetData>, AssetIdHash> m_assetsCache;
mutable StringMap<String> m_bestFramesFiles;
mutable StringMap<FramesSpecificationConstPtr> m_framesSpecifications;
// Paths of all used asset sources, in load order.
StringList m_assetSources;
// Maps an asset path to the loaded asset source and vice versa
BiMap<String, AssetSourcePtr> m_assetSourcePaths;
// Maps the source asset name to the source containing it
CaseInsensitiveStringMap<AssetFileDescriptor> m_files;
// Maps an extension to the files with that extension
CaseInsensitiveStringMap<StringList> m_filesByExtension;
ByteArray m_digest;
List<ThreadFunction<void>> m_workerThreads;
atomic<bool> m_stopThreads;