173 lines
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173 lines
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The monster table contains bindings specific to monsters which are available in addition to their common tables.
#### `String` monster.type()
Returns the monster's configured monster type.
#### `String` monster.seed()
Returns a string representation of the monster's random seed.
#### `Json` monster.uniqueParameters()
Returns a table of the monster's unique (override) parameters.
#### `unsigned` monster.familyIndex()
Returns the monster's family index.
#### `float` monster.level()
Returns the monster's level.
#### `void` monster.setDamageOnTouch(`bool` enabled)
Enables or disables the monster's touch damage.
#### `void` monster.setDamageSources([`List<DamageSource>` damageSources])
Sets the monster's active damage sources (or clears them if unspecified).
#### `void` monster.setDamageParts(`StringSet` damageParts)
Sets the monster's active damage parts. Damage parts must be defined in the monster's configuration parameters. A damage part specifies a damage source and an animation part to anchor the damage source to. The anchor part's transformation will be applied to the damage source's damage poly, and if a vector, the damage source's knockback.
"animationDamageParts" : {
"beam" : {
"anchorPart" : "partName", // animation part to anchor the damage source to
"checkLineCollision" : false, // optional, if the damage source is a line, check for collision along the line
"bounces" : 0, // optional, if the damage source is a line and it checks for collision
"damageSource" : {
"line" : [ [0.0, 0.0], [5.0, 0.0] ],
"damage" : 10,
"damageSourceKind" : "default",
"teamType" : "enemy",
"teamNumber" : 2
monster.setDamageParts({"beam"}) -- sets the "beam" damage part active
#### `void` monster.setAggressive(`bool` aggressive)
Sets whether the monster is currently aggressive.
#### `void` monster.setDropPool(`Json` dropPool)
Sets the monster's drop pool, which determines the items that it will drop on death. This can be specified as the `String` name of a treasure pool, or as a `Map<String, String>` to specify different drop pools for different damage types. If specified as a map, the pool should contain a "default" entry for unhandled damage types.
#### `Vec2F` monster.toAbsolutePosition(`Vec2F` relativePosition)
Returns an absolute world position calculated from the given relative position.
#### `Vec2F` monster.mouthPosition()
Returns the world position of the monster's mouth.
#### `void` monster.flyTo(`Vec2F` position)
Causes the monster to controlFly toward the given world position.
#### `void` monster.setDeathParticleBurst([`String` particleEmitter)
Sets the name of the particle emitter (configured in the animation) to burst when the monster dies, or clears it if unspecified.
#### `void` monster.setDeathSound([`String` sound])
Sets the name of the sound (configured in the animation) to play when the monster dies, or clears it if unspecified.
#### `void` monster.setPhysicsForces(`List<PhysicsForceRegion>` forceRegions)
Sets a list of physics force regions that the monster will project, used for applying forces to other nearby entities. Set an empty list to clear the force regions.
#### `void` monster.setName(`String` name)
Sets the monster's name.
#### `void` monster.setDisplayNametag(`bool` enabled)
Sets whether the monster should display its nametag.
#### `bool` monster.say(`String` line, [`Map<String, String>` tags])
Causes the monster to say the line, optionally replacing any specified tags in the text. Returns `true` if anything is said (i.e. the line is not empty) and `false` otherwise.
#### `bool` monster.sayPortrait(`String` line, `String` portrait, [`Map<String, String>` tags])
Similar to monster.say, but uses a portrait chat bubble with the specified portrait image.
#### `void` monster.setDamageTeam(`DamageTeam` team)
Sets the monster's current damage team type and number.
#### `void` monster.setUniqueId([`String` uniqueId])
Sets the monster's unique entity id, or clears it if unspecified.
#### `void` monster.setDamageBar(`String` damageBarType)
Sets the type of damage bar that the monster should display. Valid options are "default", "none" and "special".
#### `void` monster.setInteractive(`bool` interactive)
Sets whether the monster is currently interactive.
#### `void` monster.setAnimationParameter(`String` key, `Json` value)
Sets a networked scripted animator parameter to be used in a client side rendering script using animationConfig.getParameter.