2023-06-20 14:33:09 +10:00

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The activeItemAnimation table contains bindings available to client-side animation scripts for active items.

Vec2F activeItemAnimation.ownerPosition()

Returns the current entity position of the item's owner.

Vec2F activeItemAnimation.ownerAimPosition()

Returns the current world aim position of the item's owner.

float activeItemAnimation.ownerArmAngle()

Returns the current angle of the arm holding the item.

int activeItemAnimation.ownerFacingDirection()

Returns the current facing direction of the item's owner. Will return 1 for right or -1 for left.

Vec2F activeItemAnimation.handPosition([Vec2F offset])

Takes an input position (defaults to [0, 0]) relative to the item and returns a position relative to the owner entity.

Vec2F activeItemAnimation.partPoint(String partName, String propertyName)

Returns a transformation of the specified Vec2F parameter configured on the specified animation part, relative to the owner's position.

PolyF activeItemAnimation.partPoly(String partName, String propertyName)

Returns a transformation of the specified PolyF parameter configured on the specified animation part, relative to the owner's position.