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264 lines
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# status
The `status` table relates to the status controller attached to an entity. It is available in:
* monsters
* npcs
* status effects
* companion system scripts
* quest scripts
* tech
* primary status scripts for: player, monster, npc
#### `Json` status.statusProperty(`String` name, `Json` default)
Returns the value assigned to the specified status property. If there is no value set, returns default.
#### `void` status.setStatusProperty(`String` name, `Json` value)
Sets a status property to the specified value.
#### `float` status.stat(`String` statName)
Returns the value for the specified stat. Defaults to 0.0 if the stat does not exist.
#### `bool` status.statPositive(`String` statName)
Returns whether the stat value is greater than 0.
#### `List<String>` status.resourceNames()
Returns a list of the names of all the configured resources;
#### `bool` status.isResource(`String` resourceName)
Returns whether the specified resource exists in this status controller.
#### `float` status.resource(`String` resourceName)
Returns the value of the specified resource.
#### `bool` status.resourcePositive(`String` resourceName)
Returns whether the value of the specified resource is greater than 0.
#### `void` status.setResource(`String` resourceName, `float` value)
Sets a resource to the specified value.
#### `void` status.modifyResource(`String` resourceName, `float` value)
Adds the specified value to a resource.
#### `float` status.giveResource(`String` resourceName, `float` value)
Adds the specified value to a resource. Returns any overflow.
#### `bool` status.consumeResource(`String` resourceName, `float` amount)
Tries to consume the specified amount from a resource. Returns whether the full amount was able to be consumes. Does not modify the resource if unable to consume the full amount.
#### `bool` status.overConsumeResource(`String` resourceName, `float` amount)
Tries to consume the specified amount from a resource. If unable to consume the full amount, will consume all the remaining amount. Returns whether it was able to consume any at all of the resource.
#### `bool` status.resourceLocked(`String` resourceName)
Returns whether the resource is currently locked.
#### `void` status.setResourceLocked(`String` resourceName, `bool` locked)
Sets a resource to be locked/unlocked. A locked resource cannot be consumed.
#### `void` status.resetResource(`String` resourceName)
Resets a resource to its base value.
#### `void` status.resetAllResources()
Resets all resources to their base values.
#### `float` status.resourceMax(`String` resourceName)
Returns the max value for the specified resource.
#### `float` status.resourcePercentage(`String` resourceName)
Returns the percentage of max that the resource is currently at. From 0.0 to 1.0.
#### `void` status.setResourcePercentage(`String` resourceName, `float` value)
Sets a resource to a percentage of the max value for the resource. From 0.0 to 1.0.
#### `void` status.modifyResourcePercentage(`String` resourceName, `float` value)
Adds a percentage of the max resource value to the current value of the resource.
#### `JsonArray` status.getPersistentEffects(`String` effectCategory)
Returns a list of the currently active persistent effects in the specified effect category.
#### `void` status.addPersistentEffect(`String` effectCategory, `Json` effect)
Adds a status effect to the specified effect category.
#### `void` status.addPersistentEffects(`String` effectCategory, `JsonArray` effects)
Adds a list of effects to the specified effect category.
#### `void` status.setPersistentEffects(`String` effectCategory, `JsonArray` effects)
Sets the list of effects of the specified effect category. Replaces the current list active effects.
#### `void` status.clearPersistentEffects(`String` effectCategory)
Clears any status effects from the specified effect category.
#### `void` status.clearAllPersistentEffects()
Clears all persistent status effects from all effect categories.
#### `void` status.addEphemeralEffect(`String` effectName, [`float` duration], [`EntityId` sourceEntity])
Adds the specified unique status effect. Optionally with a custom duration, and optionally with a source entity id accessible in the status effect.
#### `void` status.addEphemeralEffects(`JsonArray` effects, [`EntityId` sourceEntity])
Adds a list of unique status effects. Optionally with a source entity id.
Unique status effects can be specified either as a string, "myuniqueeffect", or as a table, {effect = "myuniqueeffect", duration = 5}. Remember that this function takes a `list` of these effect descriptors. This is a valid list of effects: { "myuniqueeffect", {effect = "myothereffect", duration = 5} }
#### `void` status.removeEphemeralEffect(`String` effectName)
Removes the specified unique status effect.
#### `void` status.clearEphemeralEffects()
Clears all ephemeral status effects.
#### `List<pair<DamageNotification>>`, `unsigned` status.damageTakenSince([`unsigned` since = 0]])
Returns two values:
* A list of damage notifications for the entity's damage taken since the specified heartbeat.
* The most recent heartbeat to be passed into the function again to get the damage notifications taken since this function call.
_,lastStep = status.damageTakenSince() -- Returns the full buffer of damage notifications, throw this away, we only want the current step
-- stuff
notifications,lastStep = status.damageTakenSince(lastStep) -- Get the damage notifications since the last call, and update the heartbeat
#### `List<pair<EntityId,DamageRequest>>`, `unsigned` status.inflictedHitsSince([`unsigned` since = 0]])
Returns two values:
* A list {{entityId, damageRequest}} for the entity's inflicted hits since the specified heartbeat.
* The most recent heartbeat to be passed into the function again to get the inflicted hits since this function call.
#### `List<DamageNotification>`, `unsigned` status.inflictedDamageSince([`unsigned` since = 0])
Returns two values:
* A list of damage notifications for damage inflicted by the entity.
* The most recent heartbeat to be passed into the function again to get the list of damage notifications since the last call.
#### `JsonArray` status.activeUniqueStatusEffectSummary()
Returns a list of two element tables describing all unique status effects currently active on the status controller. Each entry consists of the `String` name of the effect and a `float` between 0 and 1 indicating the remaining portion of that effect's duration.
#### `bool` status.uniqueStatusEffectActive(`String` effectName)
Returns `true` if the specified unique status effect is currently active and `false` otherwise.
#### `String` status.primaryDirectives()
Returns the primary set of image processing directives applied to the animation of the entity using this status controller.
#### `void` status.setPrimaryDirectives([`String` directives])
Sets the primary set of image processing directives that should be applied to the animation of the entity using this status controller.
#### `void` status.applySelfDamageRequest(`DamageRequest` damageRequest)
Directly applies the specified damage request to the entity using this status controller.